
September 15, 2014

Happy Lunching!

It's Monday ~ but, y'all know that already.  Okay ~ let's talk lunch.
Is it just me, or does lunch time sneak up on you, too?
Without fail, it seems to catch me off guard more often than not.

I have been making dinner plans for a month at a time.
Breakfast is easy ~ frequently, it will be a variation on oatmeal, or eggs with toast.
But, lunch ~ it can be a little trickier.  I like having a few ideas up my sleeve.
We home educate, so there are hungry people to feed all day long.
There are no bag lunches to prepare, but, lunch is required nonetheless.

Enter leftovers ~ love 'em.  And, simple meals ~ love 'em, too.
This is one of those simple ideas.  Oh yum!

It's flexible and easy as anything.
A big hit all around.  Woohoo!

What are your favourites for lunch?
Please share ~ fresh ideas are always a good thing.
Yes, a very good thing.  Especially on a Monday.  :)

Happy Lunching!
With Love, Camille


  1. Lunch is definitely the most unplanned portion of our meals. We usually have left overs; sometimes sandwiches, salads or soups. I love your Pasta Primavara; it looks beautiful. When the kids were all home, I used to make a lot of pasta for lunch; we all loved it, and it was a good way to feed a group of us without too much work or expense.

  2. I clicked on the link...all of that yummy vegetable goodness mixed in with pasta...what is not to love? :)

    I also wanted to mention that I like the family picture in your right sidebar. xo

  3. This looks absolutely delicious! I will have to check out the recipe :)

    Lunches here usually consist of leftovers or pasta-type dishes. Nothing too exciting :)

    Have a beautiful week, my friend! Hugs

  4. Dear Pam ~ Ah, yes...inexpensively fill up all those tummies! I had to smile when I thought how that must have been for you in days gone by. :)

    Dear Dianna ~ Thank you for your sweet words my friend. :)

    Dear Stephanie ~ Hmmm...not very exciting is how I would describe it, too. However, this dish IS exciting...we had it yesterday for our lunch. :)

    Many Blessings,


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