
September 5, 2014

More Special than Ever

The Hundred Acre Wood is within walking distance of our home.
It's not really Winnie the Pooh's wood ~ we just named it that.
I suppose it all came about due to our children being little and well
versed in all things Winnie-the-Pooh ~ back in the day.

Our children have walked and cycled with us on its paths over the years.
Very often, we would take a little extra time to meander 
through the neighbouring cemetery along its borders.
We would read the grave markers and quietly ponder
those who were spoken of ~ the lives they represented.

We liked that little cemetery.  The children liked it, too.
We had no idea that one of our own would end
up being buried there.  No idea at all.
But, he is.  And now, it is more special than ever.

These photos are from today's walk ~ just the two of us.

Have a beautiful weekend!
With Love, Camille


  1. Beautiful photos...a beautiful place for a special love!

  2. Thanks for sharing lovely photos of a special place. Hugs and prayers. You have a good weekend as well, my friend!

  3. Dear Katy ~ Thank you so much. Your words always bless my heart. :)

    Dear Becky ~ How precious it is to remember that the Lord is with us in this journey of life. Thank you for your kind words my friend. :)

    With Love,

  4. I like the pictures. Very beautiful. Smiling about Winnie the Pooh's wood. Personally, I love the wind through the branches of the trees. Here's forest nearby. I always think of the story of David, God's breath in the mulberry trees.

    The son of my sister died of cancer when he was six. (years ago) We often go to the cemetery in the woods.

    Thanks for your comment. God bless you.

  5. Dear Rita ~ Thank you for's lovely to hear from you. So sorry to learn of your nephew...may the Lord continue to give His Great Grace!
    Many Hugs, Camille

  6. Beautiful pictures, so serene...God certainly has a way of bringing us comfort in so many ways. Love the picture of you and your husband...good to see your smile! Hope you and your family had a great weekend!

    Many blessings,

  7. Dear Jill ~ Thank you for your sweet words my friend. Hugs to you! Camille

  8. Teary again. What a special place. The most special ever. Love you, my friend.

  9. Dear Jennifer ~ Love you, too! Hugs, Camille


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