
November 15, 2014

The Quotidian (15. 11. 14)

Quotidian: daily, usual, or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace.

A precious note from a precious Auntie.

Another precious note with names jumbled up and Austin's 
included by accident ~ I was so pleased that it was.

A recent gift ~ how I often look.

Evidence ~ she sometimes leaves a trail.

What happens when a friendly game of tug-of-war
takes place with the hand towel while it's on the rack ~ 
obviously, it didn't end well.

One sunny afternoon. 

And Emma, too.

Table pretties.

One package all ready to go!

It bloomed!  (Always surprising.)

Happy Weekend Y'all!
With Love, Camille


  1. Like your apron, and had to laugh a little at the hole in the wall, only because I've had a few of those in my house when my son's were times.

  2. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. I like that Snoopy wrap. A relaxing sunny afternoon is always welcome! Hope your having a wonderful week!

  3. Dear Camille,
    Yes we have experienced some spots in the walls like that too. :) Love your Snoopy paper. Your apron is beautiful!

  4. Dear Maryann ~ Hmm...yes, holes in the wall seem to be a rite of passage, wouldn't you agree? Hugs to you! :)

    Dear Patty ~ Isn't it amazing how Christmas does seem to suddenly sneak up upon us? I couldn't resist that box when I saw it on sale. It's a package ready to be shipped off to my sister and her family. Happy week to you! :)

    Dear Nikki ~ Thank you for your kind words. You are always a sweet encouragement. Hugs. :)

    With Love,

  5. love it! love the blooms and the smily faces in the sun! It's chilly and raining right now. Sigh but that's Oregon for you. I do need to go out so it's bundle up time. And what a time to wash my coat...I do have another one! LOL!

  6. Dear Becky ~ Thank you for your sweet words. Ah, creeps up on us unawares in this part of the world, doesn't it? Hugs to you! Camille


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