
December 6, 2014

Fresh Face

I pre-wrote this post in anticipation of this moment.
Lisa uploaded and tweaked this little portion of the web in my absence last night. 
She is hoping to make a few more adjustments in the coming days.  Just a few. 
I'm still planning to continue on with my home improvement hiatus.

Over five years ago, I hit publish in this space for the first time.
It surprised me that I even got to that place.
I never expected to ever venture into this world at all.
I had no idea what would happen or where it would take me.
But, I am thankful for it all.  And, I am thankful for you all!  :)

In those early days, I didn't know much about how it all worked.

Formatting and templates and backgrounds were all new to me.
It was a steep learning curve.  One which I navigated haltingly.
I found a template I loved and installed it.  It didn't love me back.
 Blogger didn't like it ~ it disappeared on me twice.
So, I reverted to the simple look that's been here for
the last number of months.  It was the best I could do.  It had to do.

The lack of savvy computer skills I possess

was fully exposed.

Enter Lisa and two of my men.

Lisa agreed to do a face-lift for me a little while back.
My men helped me source and tweak the images.
And, the rest is history.
Thank you to the three of you for the part you played in
this renovation ~ I couldn't have done it without you!

It's my pleasure to welcome you, my friends, to the fresh face of this space!

May the Lord use all we are and all we do for His glory alone.
May we be found following Him wherever He leads.
Until He calls us Home.

Hugs to you all!


**The Copper Anchor is Lisa's blog ~ she's the sweet friend

 who agreed to give my blog a fresh face.
Thank you so much, Lisa! xoxo

**P.S.  I'm still MIA due to this situation ~

not for too much longer, hopefully.  xo


  1. Your blog looks beautiful Camille!!!

  2. This is beautiful, Camille.
    Boy, can I relate to you with your lack of savvy computer skill as I am right there with you!
    If it were not for my dear and precious Stephanie, I would not even have a blog, let alone a beautiful header. :)
    She is just a phone call away for me in many a post and how thankful I am for that. Although, I'm not real sure she's as thankful! haha

    Have a beautiful and blessed week-end, my sweet friend.

    Much love to you, Debbie

  3. Camille, I love the new look here! So refreshing!

  4. Fabulous new look! So bright and cheery! Praying for you lots this holiday season, Camille:)

  5. I love the new look!!! Looks so good! I am where you were 5 years ago, lol. Maybe one day I'll figure it out or I'll get some great help too. :-) And I am soo enjoying the pics from your trip. Can't wait to see more!!

  6. bright new facelift on your blog. I've not redone mine, I'm cheap but it's good! Hugs!

  7. Love it!
    Blessings to you and the family!


  8. Dear Katy ~ Awww...thank you so much, my friend! :)

    Dear Debbie ~ You are fortunate to have Stephanie in your back pocket...she does a lovely job! Thank you for your sweet encouragement. :)

    Dear Dianna ~ Thank you for your kind words my friend. I'm glad you like it. :)

    Dear Terri ~ Your prayers mean so is definitely a blessing to know you! I'm praying for you, too. Hugs. :)

    Dear Esther ~ You are doing a great job my's wonderful that you have ventured into this world. Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement. Hugs to you! :)

    Dear Becky ~ Thank you for your kind words my friend. Hugs to you! :)

    Dear Nadine ~ Blessings to you and yours as well my friend! Hugs. :)

    With love,


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