
December 11, 2014

London and Wales ~ Part Five

Howie's Dad (the children's Poppa) was taught
the art of sailing by his grandfather when he was a young boy.
  Cemaes Bay (pronounced Kemmess) on the Isle of Anglesey
in North Wales was where it all took place.

Naturally, we had to go.

It was approximately a two hour journey from Auntie Mary's 
home to Cemaes Bay.  However, it was well worth the trip ~ 
we were so thankful we made the effort to go.
On our way, there was another castle to see.
So, we stopped to see it ~ of course.

We had to cross a bridge to get over to the Island.
Once we were on the other side, we pulled over for our photographer.

See him at work?  Meanwhile, Emma posed for a photo with her own camera.

Calvin captured this image a little ways up from where we were in the shot above.
See the Menai Bridge in the distance?  It can be seen in the two previous photos as well.

On our way into the village of Beaumaris, this is what we saw ~
cute little row houses lining the beach.

See the castle at the end of the road?
Old and new exist side by side in these villages ~ I found it fascinating.

All accounted for except our photographer ~ we sure appreciated his work.

See the Tudor (black and white) house in the centre of the photo below?

Apparently, it is one of the oldest in Great Britain ~
see the sign stating that fact?  Howie and I posed in front of its front door.

Here's something just a little bit older ~ from the late 1200's.
Our three explored it by themselves while the adults opted out.

Beaumaris Castle is a beautiful example of castle workmanship.
However, we were happy to let the children explore it alone.
Auntie Mary and I had coffee together in a sweet little shop in the village
while Howie had a little time of quiet by himself.  Everyone was happy.

The spiral staircases were steep and dizzying ~ Emma didn't seem to mind.

Emma took photos of...

...Calvin taking photos.  :)

And, here he is...our photographer!

Fraser and Emma were his subjects some of the time.

I'm so thankful that he captures people as well as landscapes and architecture.

See the ocean beyond the walls and the land in the distance?  That's the mainland of Wales.
The Isle of Anglesey (which we were on) is also part of Wales.

This is the view from the castle looking back at the village of Beaumaris.
See the row houses in the middle left of the shot below?
They are the ones pictured fourth from the top of this post ~ from the other side.

 Calvin hopped a fence to get this shot....

...and this one.

We are just above Cemaes Bay in the photo below.
It was a blustery day ~ very fitting for the location.

This is the very same boat launch that the children's Poppa went sailing from as a boy.

Howie and Fraser at the bottom of the launch.

And, that's all for now...but, there is still more to come.
Thank you for joining with me in the remembering of it all.

Many Blessings, Camille

*Posts in this series ~ IntroductionPart OnePart TwoPart Three
Part FourPart FivePart SixPart SevenFinal Installment

**Photos in this post courtesy of my two photographers ~ Calvin and Emma.  
Oh, yes...and Fraser took one with Emma's camera as well.
Thank you my loves.  xoxoxo


  1. Wow!! What a beautiful trip!!! I will probably never see those places in person, so thank you so much for sharing your journey with us! It's so funny to see the cars on the other side of the street to drive! :)

  2. Oh Camille... What a beautiful site in the way of photos to begin my day with! This was just beautiful! I can see why you were thankful for taking the drive to see this, and yet another gorgeous castle.
    The Lord certainly blessed you and your family on this spectacular vacation.
    I look forward to more later on. For now, enjoy the pleasures of this precious season as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
    Merry Christmas to you and your dear family.
    Much love, Debbie

  3. First of all, I love the new look of your blog - it's so pretty and refreshing, dear friend.

    And the pictures of your trip are simply charming! I love seeing the smiles on your faces as each one of you enjoy your time together.

    Hugs to you!

  4. I'm repeatedly amazed by your kids' photography skills.

    Also, love the blog lift!

  5. What an amazing adventure you've been on as a family! Blessed by your photography kids too. Love ancient castles.

  6. Merry Christmas to you and your sweet family.

    I so enjoyed getting a look at your trip. So happy you all had such an amazing vacation.

  7. Dear Katy ~ It's even more funny to BE on the wrong side of the road while sitting on the wrong side of the car as a passenger...aaack! Thank you for joining with me in the remembering. :)

    Dear Debbie ~ Thank you for visiting my friend and for your kind words. May the Lord bless you and yours with a wonderful Christmas. Hugs. :)

    Dear Stephanie ~ Thank you for your sweet encouragement about the blog look...and, for entering into the memories of our trip with us. Hugs to you! :)

    Dear Jennifer Jo ~ Thank you and thank you! Hugs to you. :)

    Dear Anonymous ~ Thank you for your kind words to my children and for rejoicing with us in the blessing of this trip. :)

    Dear Carrie ~ Thank you for your sweet encouragement my friend. Hugs to you! :)

    With love,

  8. Thanks for sharing the photos of your trip. It is so pretty over there. We were in Wales once. Love the castles but not sure if I'd like to live in one, so cold and damp. Heavy clothes to keep one warm. I liked the photo of the sheep in front of the castle. Calvin does a good job! Keep it up!

  9. The photos are stunning, I have several favorites, the landscapes are beautiful but I appreciate people in photos as well. I love your children taking photos of each other taking photos, my husband and I do that as well, silly really, but fun.

  10. Dear Becky ~ I agree with would have been cold and damp in those castles! However, from the size of the fireplaces, I would venture to guess that once a fire was blazing it would warm things up quite nicely. Thank you for your sweet encouragement to my Calvin. :)

    Dear Maryann ~ I like the different perspectives they captured when they took photos of each other. I agree with you...getting people into the photos is important. Hugs to you. :)

    With Love,


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