
February 23, 2015

The Quotidian (23. 2. 15)

Quotidian: daily, usual, or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace.

Surprise!  One for each of us...boys included.

Blurry, but my favourite.

Digging in.

Austin's Rose ~ beginning to bud.

Spring is springing.

First of the season.

A little giddy over the sunlight.

Artificial next to the real.

Opening up the hangar.

Prepping for a flight which didn't end up happening due to the gusting winds.

Aspiring pilots.

Happy Monday!
With love, Camille

**We have kind friends who graciously loan us their plane.  It's not ours.
Thank you, J and C for being willing to share with us.  You bless our hearts.


  1. Oh my...we have several inches of snow in our yard and cold temps...and you are hanging out sheets and watching roses bud! I think I'm moving to Canada. :)


  2. Our rose bush is budding as well. It is amazing how this warm late winter weather is. But it's gonna be cooler later in the week. Have a blessed week!

  3. Our mild winter has turned much colder in the past week. Anything that was starting to bud has gone back into hibernation. That's okay with me. We usually don't get much winter here.

  4. We thought winter was over a couple of weeks ago but boy were we wrong. Snow and ice has been in our forecast with more on the way. The positive of all this cold weather is, it has kept inside cooking...all kinds of goodies, that is a positive right? Love the Valentine gifts...very creative....Blessings to you

  5. So beautiful! Can't wait to see signs of Spring here soon! Flying...awesome....but I would be watching my the ground, lol. My cousin has a small plane he flies but can't convince me to go up in it. It's hard enough to get me on a regular sized plane, lol. Take care.


  6. Dear Jennifer Jo ~ My hubby is a private pilot. We don't have our own plane...however, so, it's a treat to go flying. :)

    Dear Dianna ~ Not all of Canada is as balmy as we have it here....just keep that in mind when you do move. :)

    Dear Becky ~ Yes, we need to enjoy it while it lasts! :)

    Dear Melissa ~ I always feel sorry for the plants when that happens to them! Enjoy your last little taste of winter my friend. I think we are about to have some of it here as well. :)

    Dear Maryann ~ up treats is always a blessing! It looks like you do a good job of it...judging by the photos on your blog recently. :)

    Dear Jill ~ Little planes are quite a lot different than the big ones...I agree. I hope you get spring there soon. :)

    Many Blessings,

  7. I love to see what you have blossoming, and the plans you have to go flying; it looks wonderful, and makes a person feel the hope of spring. we went to the beach Sunday after Church. it was wonderful, but by Monday, it was overcast and cold again. LOL Have a greet week Camille.

  8. Dear Pam ~ Yes, the hope of Spring is an amazing thing! What a blessing that you live so near the beach these days! God is so very good to us, isn't He? With love, Camille


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