
March 17, 2015

Fresh Perspective

As parents, we sometimes can get panicky over the bigger things of life.
One of those being what our children will do for a living when they become adults.
As home-educating parents, it may sometimes seem like it's all up to us.

And that, my friends, is a daunting thought.
It can almost become a paralyzing one, actually.

But, we must get our heads (and hearts) above the clouds
in order to see clearly and breathe easily.  Refocus.
The Lord is so good to us, isn't He?  He leads and guides and directs.
He is faithful to orchestrate everything in our lives for His purposes.

Why would this not be the case for our children?
If they belong to Him, He will lead them, too.

I stumbled across (is there really such a thing for a Christian?)
a wonderful, insightful, encouraging and steadying blog post on vocations.
Click here to read it.  I am sure you will find your heart to be blessed if you do.
Don't we all benefit from a little fresh perspective once in awhile?

God's Word is a sure foundation on which to build our lives.
It's a precious thing to remind ourselves of what our real purpose is,
and Who it is we are to glorify in the process of living it out.
The following are some of the verses I have found to be a blessing
as I contemplate these things.

"Whether therefore, ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do,
do all to the glory of God."  I Corinthians 10:31

"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might;..." Ecclesiastes 9:10

"And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God and the Father by him."  Colossians 3:17

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally,
and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him."  James 1:5

May the Lord truly give us daily His grace and strength
to live our lives for His glory.  Now and forever.
May we be found following Him wherever He leads.
We have nothing to fear.  Everything to hope. Because He is good.
And, He always does all things well.

With Love, Camille


  1. I wished I had read this post ten years ago. I certainly had troubled thoughts over our youngest. He is now 21 years old, working and still finding his path. He enjoys and does good work doing woodworking. He is very creative and motivated when he is doing what he likes. Otherwise, not so much. He has a "regular" daily job in retail right now but I do not believe this is his life calling. Oh, for God's grace and leading that he will find God's purpose and direction for him.

  2. Truly a wonderful post you linked to Camille. I used to read Anna's blog but it disappeared from my reading list some years ago. Rediscovering it was just wonderful and I also found her posts on the weddings they have hosted at their home for friends and young couples on limited budgets. Not only was it inspiring for me at the moment as we plan our son's wedding but it has sparked some ideas off for me with this little business we have started and confirmed a direction to take that I have been seeking the Lord about. Oh yes, allowing the Lord to lead our children is so important. I feel the pressure now that one son has studied at University and gained his degree and has an excellent job for the others to do likewise. As gaining a degree is seen as a measure of success by the world but the thing was he was just pursuing his passion which was programming and developing software, something which I allowed him to devote a large portion of his time to. I never taught him (as I know zilch about programming!) only facilitated and encouraged. The others have totally different interests and they have surprised me so much. Never thought I would raise a farm girl after moving off the farm but the apron I thought she would wear for a baking business was hung up and swapped for check shirts and jeans. I wonder what the others will do? The twins told me they are going to be bakers and have their own catering business so I am just letting them bake which is almost every day. Even if that is not what they end up doing it's a skill that will always be useful to them. Not long now until the farm girl is with you again. So excited for her. Isn't it amazing that a dream she had to travel and see other countries is being realized and you are playing a role in that! God orchestrates everything.

  3. Oh it is so true. I graduated my last child last year and after just a year of trade school he has taken a full time job with a good income. I stressed so much over this and they are all on their own and doing well. Most importantly ~ they all love God.
    I am now trying to enjoy the journey for the new stresses in life. After 23 years of homeschooling I am wondering what God has for me. LOL
    You are an encouragement to me!

  4. Even though I don't home school, I struggle with feeling that I have to be in control of my daughter's future. I'm learning, by God's grace, to let go...but it is a painfully slow process. She will be applying to colleges in the Fall and will soon leave the nest. I know her future is in God's hands and He will work it out for His glory and her good, but, honestly, based upon my actions, I can see I have a hard time truly believing that. Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief!

  5. Dear Patty ~ What a blessing he has you for a Mama! How wonderful to know that our Great God does care for our children...even more than we do!! Hugs to you. :)

    Dear Ann ~ Yes, my is amazing to see what the Lord does!! Thank you for letting your farm girl come to us...we are looking forward to our visit with her. It is interesting to see how the Lord leads and directs each of our children, isn't it? Hugs to you! :)

    Dear Carrie ~ I am sure all your children are so thankful that you devoted your life to them for those many years of home education. What a blessing it is to my heart to read your story of success here. Thank you for sharing your insights. Hugs. :)

    Dear Melissa ~ I am so glad you were encouraged here my friend. Yes, whatever way in which we educate our children, it is always a weight on our hearts to see what they will do next. How gracious our loving Heavenly Father is to us!! Hang in are doing the right things by trusting Him. Hugs! :)

    With love,

  6. Thanks for the post. It is hard to see your children grow up and wonder how their adult lives will be. My son is doing good now that he has a steady job. No college for him, though but they are doing well (he is married and has two children). Our daughter went into the Navy 8 years ago, but got hurt in boot's been a process of getting her test to go and she will finally have it. Prayers for the test to go well for her. Hopefully it will get her a full time, better paying job once she gets her degree. We trust in the Lord for our adult children daily as they are still precious to us! Hugs!

  7. Dear Becky ~ What a blessing to know that the Lord truly does care for our children even more than we do. And, they do not stop being our children even once they are grown! Hugs to you! With love, Camille


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