
March 11, 2015


Our Emma is thirteen.  Thirteen!

Her actual birthday was on Sunday.
The festivities were enjoyed over the span of a few days.

She had her cake and opened gifts on Sunday evening.

Precious memories.

Never a dull moment with these three.  :)

 Emma loves to, on Monday evening we obliged her.

Actually, Howie and the boys did.  I read and took photos and exchanged
texts with my sister.  I got all the updates about the slides and diving boards
and wave pool as various members of my family passed by.
It was a good arrangement all around.

On Tuesday, we went to get Emma's ears pierced. 
This was a much-anticipated and patiently waited for occasion.  
But, when the moment finally arrived, it wasn't without some apprehension.

Thankfully, both sides were done at once.

A little relieved, I think.

We ended our outing with a little treat.  :)

Precious Emma ~ We are so thankful that the Lord chose to put
you into our family.  What a blessing you are to us all.
May you follow Him with all of your heart for all of your days.
He is faithful and will always lead you well.  He is so very, very good.

With all our Love, 
Daddy and Mummy


  1. Happy 13th Birthday to sweet Emma! Thank you for sharing her celebrations with us, Camille.

    xo Dianna

  2. Wishing your Emma a Happy Birthday, it looks like she had a really nice celebration. She looked like she did quite well with getting her ears pierced....swimming looked fun but I think I would have skipped the slides as's much more fun watching isn't it?
    Blessings to you

  3. Happy Birthday Emma!!!! God bless you. Your pierced ears look nice.

  4. Happy Birthday, Emma!
    Molly is not far behind you and loves swimming too--and Camille, I'd rather be doing what you did at the pool :)

    Glad to be back to blogging and visiting here. Great to catch up with my fellow Canadian. xo

  5. Happy 13th Birthday to Emma. It has been fun to watch her grow. So glad you have her in your lives. God bless all of you and hugs as well!!

  6. What a beautiful child. Such a clear, open face. I want to give her a hug.

  7. Dear Dianna ~ Thank you for your kind words and well-wishes to our Emma. Hugs to you! :)

    Dear Maryann ~ I am in good company, it seems...thanks for your support! Hugs. :)

    Dear Angela ~ Thank you for being a sweet encouragement to Emma. Hugs to you! :)

    Dear Heather ~ It's lovely to hear from you my friend! Happy (almost) birthday to your Molly. I'm glad you would sit out with me at the pool...sound like fun. Hugs. :)

    Dear Becky ~ Thank you for your kind words to our Emma. Hugs to you! :)

    Dear Jennifer Jo ~ Come on over...hugs all around! Thank you for your sweet words. :)

    With Love,

  8. Happy Birthday Emma!!! Loved the pictures of you with your brothers.

  9. Happy Birthday to your beautiful girl.

  10. Happy Birthday, Emma!!
    What a great celebration you had.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs to you!

  11. Happy Birthday sweet Emma!! May the Lord bless you and make this a beautiful year for you :) Wish we could have been there to celebrate with all of you!! xoxo

  12. Happy Birthday Emma!!! :)

    My Madelyn is 13 (she turns *gulp* 14 this summer)! :)

  13. Dear Nikki ~ Thank you my friend. Hugs to you! :)

    Dear Carrie ~ Aww...thank you for your kind words. Hugs. :)

    Dear Sandy ~ Emma smiled and chuckled at your sweet words my friend...thank you! :)

    Dear Lisa ~ You made my girl smile...thank you, sweet friend. We are counting on a visit...soon! Hugs all around. :)

    Dear Katy ~ Crazy how they grow up right before our eyes...isn't it? Thank you for your kind words to our girl. Hugs. :)

    With love,

  14. I'm catching up on my blog reading now. Happy belated Birthday to Emma! May "13" be a wonderful time for her!

    Two things struck me as I read this. First, her brothers obviously adore her! And second, that cake looks yummy! Care to share the recipe?

  15. Dear Melissa ~ She is definitely a loved young lady...however, they are true siblings in every sense of the word...Ha! I know you got the answer to your second question...I hope you do make it...super easy! Hugs to you. :) Love, Camille

  16. did I miss this post? I must have "gone awol" that day lol! Emma looks so beautiful and look at those handsome young men of yours! Happy Birthday to Emma :o) xoxo

  17. Dear Julia ~ Thank you, my friend! And, all things are allowed to go AWOL!! Trust you are feeling better each day. Much love, Camille


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