
April 24, 2015

Let's Talk Food

So much of my life seems to revolve around food.
My sister and I text back and forth frequently.
She asks what I am doing.  I ask what she's up to.
Very often we chat about food.

Our texts generally follow a simple pattern.
What you up to?  Grocery shopping.  Cooking.
Cleaning.  Schooling.  Costco run. Typical stuff.  Life.

I've shared my month long meal plan in this space twice ~ here and here.
What were the results?  I am not sure.  It's tricky.
Perhaps I am going about this all wrong.

One thing is certain.  I like having a month long plan
at my fingertips to call upon at a moment's notice.
I like having staples in the house to put all those meals together.
But, the budget.  Did having a plan make it stretch further?

The jury's still out on that one.

In recent days, I have been flying by the seat of my pants.
A few days at a time is all I can muster in the food planning department.
Sometimes, we have eggs and toast and steamed veggies for dinner.
I seem to be an all or nothing girl when it comes to meal planning.

So, what have we been eating around here?

Roast chicken dinner, and then homemade soup the next day.
Chickpea and Pasta soup ~ actually so yummy I made it twice in large batches.
Roast beef dinner with popovers. (SO much beef in the freezer!)
Tex Mex Chicken soup with store bought rotisserie chicken for the meat.
Chicken wraps.  Salmon loaf.  Salmon fillet baked with maple syrup sauce.
African Dish and good old Mac and Cheese ~ comfort food at its finest.

What's next?  Shepherd's Pie, Refried beans with rice and veggies,
and a big pot of Chili ~ recipe to follow (some day...soon, hopefully).
Update ~ Chili recipe may be found here.  :)
Oh, and black beans with rice topped with avocado, tomatoes, etc...
And, there you have it.  A plan of sorts.

What about you?  Any food news to share?
What's your favourite go-to meal?  I'm all ears.

Happy Weekend!
With Love, Camille


  1. We love creamy cheeseburger soup here, it takes some prep time, but it's a big hit! I will have to post the recipe on my blog soon. Thanks for more dinner recipe ideas. Love how you and your sister text like that :-) Have a wonderful weekend!


  2. I have JUST gotten back to planning out my month menu. I have three repeat dinner meals(Tacos on Tue., Pizza on Fri., and Popcorn, Cheese & Fruit on Sun.) every week so I only have to plan 4 each week. I have a category I fill for those so it's pretty simple. Some days though it's all about the energy to make it after a full day. Somehow with God's grace we get it accomplished. Blessings Friend, Muffy

  3. Dear Jill ~ Mmmm...that sounds yummy. Yes, please post it! Happy weekend to you. :)

    Dear Muffy ~ How lovely it is to hear from you!! I am conscious of the time of year this is for you. I am praying for you all today...Hugs!

    With love,

  4. Oh I'm a soup girl so your chicken meal used as left over for soup is my thing.
    Beans are another favorite with rice and jalapenos.
    Sadly my husband doesn't care for either of those, so we do not have them often.
    We eat a lot of stir fry veggies with mostly chicken, home made pizza, grilled Turkey burgers and Mexican dishes.

    I saw on your text worth your sister there was Yorkshire pudding, yum. My dear mother in law made the best! I've made it many times, but nothing like hers.

    I trust you are enjoying your week end.
    Sweet blessings to you, Debbie

  5. I always enjoy reading what others eat and prepare at home. Helps broaden my menu as I tend to get stuck in a rut. So thank you for sharing!

    Nearly all our meals consist of meat for the guys and some of the girls. The rest of us could live off of yogurt, fruit & m & m's - haha~

    This week we're using the grill more as our stove is broken and it's good grillin' weather. Some crock pot meals too: Skinny Chicken Taco Chili, Sausage and Homemade Baked Beans, Tacos, Burritos, Sandwiches.

    I make our weekly menu nearly every week. I only shop at two stores based on their sales. I find it helps me not spend more if I budget and plan. Of course you can plan a menu with higher priced foods/produce and not save any money too.

    Tonights meal fed 10 people with leftovers and cost me less than $16. We had mashed potatoes, cantaloupe, BBQ chicken and green beans. YUM!

    How fun to text with your sister daily. Love that!


  6. I love your texting with your sister. I have a friend that when we are on the phone we often ask each other what we are making, and it seems to help get the creative cooking juices flowing, just to hear what someone else is making for dinner helps me get out of a rut that I sometimes get into.

    I love all of your dinner ideas. The African Dish sounds really good. Steve's mom used to do a curry type dish that was similar… all the toppings, and then a curry sauce on top. I would love to try yours. The barbecue sauce sounds really good. I have a terrible love for macaroni and cheese and comfort foods; I wish I wasn't like that. I would like to say that I love salads and vegetables, but really I like vegetables that are in sauces and pastries. So I have been trying again to get myself back to healthier habits, and even back to the THM eating. While our adopted kids were home, they didn't like anything creamy or cheesy, so I went without for many years; I think this last year, I have been having my "catch up" on that longed for comfort food, and now its time to be satisfied.. haha. Oh well, didn't mean to write so much… I think food must make me chatty. Have a great week
    Love and blessings,

  7. Dear Debbie ~ Grilling out and stir fries are always a big hit around here. I must get those onto the plan...thanks for sharing your ideas! And, aren't Yorkshire puddings just the best? Hugs to you! :)

    Dear Cinnamon ~ Ooohh...a broken stove? Now that is challenging! M & M's to the rescue! ;-) Your meal ideas sound wonderful....homemade baked beans....I need to do them again. My crew likes them. Yippee for feeding a crowd wonderful food for cheap! You are a blessing to your family my friend. Hugs! :)

    Dear Pam ~ I hear you on the dinner making rut thing...I get into it, too. :) I enjoyed reading about what you eat and your ideas...thank you for leaving me a chatty's exactly what I was hoping for with this post. Mmmm...comfort food is a weakness of mine, too. Veggies and fruit are a good idea to add into the mix...and, yes...THM is calling to me as well. Hugs to you. :)

    With Love,

  8. Dear Camille, I also am lifting you and yours in prayer. I think Seth and Austin have probably met and enjoy sitting with Jesus ALL the time. Love, Muffy.

  9. Dear Muffy ~ How precious it is to belong to the Family of our Great God! What a wonderful future we have because of HIM!! Please email me privately (if you'd like to) at so that we can visit via that means. Hugs, Camille

  10. Hannah and I have so far made it to planning that we are going to set aside one of our tea times to hasn't happened yet... But hopefully soon! Thawed the freezer Saturday and actually planned a few meals and left out the meat to make them and the stomach bug hit! Lol? Never a dull moment :). Little guy just fell asleep so I better end my commenting spree and go check fevers.

  11. Dear Joleena ~ Ooohhh...never fun! So sorry you had a nasty bug run through your family! Trust you are all better now. Hugs! Camille


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