
April 20, 2015

The Quotidian (20. 4. 15)

Quotidian: daily, usual, or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace. 

A springtime read.

Planting trees.

Trying to figure out how to fix it.

My View.

Sister Love.

Sibling Love.

Parent Love.

Birthday Outing.

Pilot and Co-Pilot.

The City at Dusk.
(This is a bird's eye view of our recent cycling route.
Stanley Park can be seen in the distance ~
it's the dark patch of land at the top centre of the shot.)

Happy Monday Y'all!
With Love, Camille

*Flying photos courtesy of Calvin ~ Thank you my love.  xo
**A special thank you, J and C for the use of your plane ~
What a blessing it has been!  :)


  1. Your grass is soooo green. :) You always capture such beautiful moments with your family.

  2. I have been catching up on all your lovely post. I have been blessed with getting to keep one of my grandbabies as her mom is back at work, so I have fallen behind on visiting. Hope you have a wonderful week and I hope to drop back over soon.

  3. What a beautiful family you are. I love all the pictures; the ones from the plane are wonderful. Have a great week my friend.
    Love and blessings,

  4. Dear Nikki ~ Our grass is so green because we get so much rain! :) Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement. Hugs!

    Dear Katy ~ Awww...thank you SO much my friend! Hugs to you. :)

    Dear Patty ~ No worries about visiting or bless my heart...always. Enjoy those precious grandbabies!! :)

    Dear Pam ~ You are a sweet know that? Thank you for your kind always. Hugs! :)

    With Love,

  5. Love seeing these moments of your life! I can't believe Calvin is 18 already! Wow, does time fly.

  6. Love these pictures Camille!! I love your screensaver, I could look at it all day!!LOL Happy Birthday Calvin, what an amazing present to go flying and such gorgeous pictures! The picture of the guys fixing the lawn mower made me laugh, I see that a lot here. LOL It's a blessing though that they can work together to figure it!

  7. Dear Jackie ~ Yes, time really does fly!! I have watched your little people grow up over the years as's crazy how it seems to happen without us noticing until it's too late! :)

    Dear Esther ~ Thank you for your birthday wishes to Calvin. He was thrilled to be able to go flying...what a sweet blessing. That lawnmower? In the end it needed an *expert* opinion, but, they mostly fixed it. :)

    With Love,

  8. What beautiful pictures! The children are getting so big and look so much older while you and your husband looks quite young :-)

    How fun to go flying, a great birthday blessing and such a beautiful view!


  9. Dear Cinnamon ~ I know we are not looking young...but, I will keep you as my friend...okay? Hugs! With love, Camille

  10. Oh my goodness. Beautiful and scary to me at the same time. Not a fan of flying but the photo does make it look lovely :)

  11. Dear Heather ~ The photo does show off our city was the perfect time of day to capture this shot. You got the bird's eye view without any of the fear! Yippee! :) Love, Camille


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