
June 15, 2015

The Quotidian (15. 6. 15)

Quotidian: daily, usual, or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace. 

View from between the railings.

Ground level ~ enjoying the just-moments-before-permanently-installed fire pit.

Fire pit produce.

Hydrangea in early bloom.

Sweetie on the roof.

Young man and his not-working lawn mower ~ in the neighbour's yard.

Austin's roses and Emma's work.

Happy Monday Y'all!
With Love, Camille


  1. Such yummy treats! Mine never turn out so pretty, lol. Your roof looks amazing! I love these posts!

  2. oh how I love s'mores. I made one over a fire pit at a friend's house a few weeks ago. Roses are so pretty. I need to cut my back so more will bloom. Maybe this weekend! Take care and thanks for sharing everyday moments with your friends love ya!

  3. Love these posts!!! Hope your summer is going well.

  4. Fire pits are delightful things… the perfect place for family time and friendly fellowship. Always enjoy your pictures. Have a great week.

  5. Esther ~ I never thought of S'Mores as pretty...but, are they ever good! Thank you for your sweet always. Hugs! :)

    Becky ~ It's amazing to see how roses thrive under being cut back, isn't it? SO thankful for my little rose tree to think of Austin by. Hugs to you! :)

    Nikki ~ Thank you for your kind words my friend. Happy summer to you! :)

    Melissa ~ Mine, too. Ha! :)

    Pam ~ There's something so nice about a fire...summer or winter, don't you think? Thank you for your sweet encouragement. Happy summer to you! :)

    With Love,


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