
July 24, 2015

On the Topic of Books

My friend was over for a quick visit a few weeks back.
We got chatting about a number of things, as we mamas often do.
One of the topics involved book recommendations for her youngest two.
It's no secret that we love books around these here parts.

I informally promised a post on the topic of books. (Here it is!)
This list has been organised in order of age-appropriateness.
The following recommendations are for approximately ages eight to twelve.

Any novels by Enid Blyton are always a treat.
Our boys as well as Emma have enjoyed her writing extensively.
I've posted about some of her work here before ~ click here to see.

Another series of books involve a talking/witty pig named Freddy.
Again, these books have been enjoyed by all of our children.
Click here to read the post on those books.

Bobbsey Twins novels were a hit with Emma when she was younger.
These are wonderful beginner novels with stories that are age appropriate.
They are great for both boys and girls due to the fact that there are two boys
and two girls in this family of adventurers.

Pollyanna by Eleanor H. Porter ~ a wonderful read from my childhood days.
I remember squirrelling myself away one summer to read this in a quiet place.
The author does a lovely job of transporting her reader into another time and place.

Little House on the Prairie series of nine books by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
These classic books are written in an easy to read and quietly entertaining way.

Our boys all enjoyed the "Shadow" and "Scout" series of books by Piet Prins.
Even our non-readers were held captive by these stories.
Click here to read my previous post on them.

These next books listed are appropriate for approximately twelve and up.
However, I made Emma wait a little longer for the "Anne" titles which
involve marriage and mothering.  As always, it's important for you as the parent
to gauge the reading experiences of your children accordingly.
The following books may require parental involvement and discussion.

Anne of Green Gables series of eight books by Lucy Maude Montgomery.
Anne is a feisty orphan with red hair who wins the hearts of all those who meet her.

The Chronicles of Narnia is a set of seven books by C.S. Lewis.
These are classics that can be read aloud or enjoyed alone.
I remember wanting to create a world through words just like Mr. Lewis had done.
Enchanting and enthralling.  Of course, they have since been made into movies.
But, the books, they paint pictures in the imagination that the screen is unable to do.

All our children loved Little Pilgrim's Progress by Helen L. Taylor.
It's a faithful adaptation of the original classic by John Bunyan.
We've read it over and over again in our family.

Any more to add to this list?
Classics to recommend?  Favourites from your childhood?
Please do share.  We're all ears.

Happy Reading!
With Love, Camille

**I am not in any way compensated for my opinions.
It has always been my policy to recommend what we use and enjoy.


  1. Hello! It's been a days are still in full swing but now my little one is sleeping so I get to come visit with you for a bit.

    I always enjoy your recommendations.....such good ones too! Some we've read and loved and others are new to us so I will have to check them out. Thanks for sharing~


  2. always love new ideas for mentioned so many of the classics for children. Another two for the list are Little Woman and Good Wives by Lousia May Alcott and the Grandma's Attic Series & Orphan Train series by Arleta Richardson and lots of biographies too! :)

  3. The Little House on the Prairie books were a great read for our kids when they were younger. I read it aloud after lunch. I remember we were visiting family in PA one year. We got a lot of cold cuts for our trips, with a bro-in-law and we spied head cheese at one deli. Hey, look head cheese! The deli worker asked us about it and if we wanted to try a sample. No...we knew what was in it so we all laughed! Megan liked the Anne of Green Gables books and then the movies. So did I. Now we like Call the Midwife on PBS.

  4. I LOVE LOVE books!! Can't wait to get my stash out of storage! I really miss Valley Gospel, I loved visiting there. One site we really enjoy now is Inheritance Publications Our older boys enjoyed reading books from there and now we are starting to read them over again with the younger ones. Thankfully, there are still good books to read out there!! Thanks for the recommendations!

  5. Cinnamon ~ How quickly those baby days fly by!!! Enjoy every single minute with your newest little man my friend. Hugs to you! :)

    Charis ~ Thank you for adding to the list for me. I will have to look up the ones you mention. Emma has read Little Women....such a lovely book! :)

    Becky ~ I've seen the PBS series you mentioned at Costco...perhaps we should give it a go? Hugs to you. :)

    Esther ~ Yes, Valley Gospel Mission was a great resource for wonderful books at a great price! Getting your books out of storage will be a big celebration I am sure. Hugs! :)

    With love,

  6. We are slowly collecting just about all these books that you have mentioned. Josiah is especially into Hardy Boys right now and we are about to do the Prairie Primer again this year. I love the Lamplighter books. Wish they weren't so expensive though! Thanks for sharing your favorite book collections

  7. Jackie ~ What a blessing that you have readers in your family as are blessing them by building your library. Happy reading! Hugs, Camille


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