
July 20, 2015

The Quotidian (20. 7. 15)

Quotidian: daily, usual, or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace. 

Abundant supply.

Flowers from a friend ~ Thank you SO much!  :)

Flowers from the same friend's little girl ~ Thank you, Miss R!

Family portrait on my birthday.

Birthday outing ~ cycling around Stanley Park.
(We just did the Stanley Park seawall this time.)

Some of my treasures.

Sometimes it pays to be a lady ~ note the location of the boys.

Cake and candles.

Growing old together.  :)

An attempt at preserving their beauty.

Unfortunately, they have wilted since this photo was taken.
I've read up on how to achieve better results next time.

Summer's bounty ~ from a tree that normally gives us three or four a season!!
Click here to see it in full bloom from just a few months ago.

Two shirts and one pair of pants took 45 minutes.  :)

The old-new-again school room.

Happy Monday Y'all!
With Love, Camille


  1. Love all your organizing! Happy Birthday sweet friend! Blessings!!!

  2. Mmm blackberry season already? We are heading to Sonoma County in two days. Do not think it is blackberry season there yet (it's usually the first 2 weeks of Aug.)

    Thanks for sharing!


  3. Great photos!!! :) You have such a lovely home! And it looks like you had a fantastic birthday! I love that yours and my Madelyn's are only a day apart! :)

  4. Happy Birthday Camille. Well... belated now - but best of everything just the same.

    You are treasure. Sweet family, too!

    I did a Quotidian post, today - as well. I love the idea. :) Thanks for first introducing!!

  5. Happy Birthday. What day is your birthday? We have Quite a few July Birthdays in our family, and quite a few September birthdays. Your Blackberries, apples and Hydrangeas are beautiful; a feast for the eyes. I love the picture of you and your family... and you and your hubby; such a beautiful couple and beautiful family. Have a wonderful week.

  6. Happy Birthday my Friend!! Love, love these posts!! Your pic of Emma reading while the guys loaded the bikes made me laugh out loud! I just love to get a glimpse into your life, it is always interesting. Ah, I miss the abundance of blackberries! I remember the children snacking on them after church in the parking lot and going home with stained hands and faces and clothes!! Fun times! (except for the laundry, lol)

  7. Love the growing old photo---and the sentiments.

    And you're inspiring me to do something about the horrid state of my cupboards....

  8. I hope you had a lovely birthday, friend!

  9. Happy Birthday Camille, it looks like your family made t very special for you. Loved the photos of you and your family and you and your husband. There is something to be said about growing old together.
    Oh, and the photo of your daughter reading the book while the boys were loading the bikes was just too cute!!

  10. Happy Birthday Camille!!
    What a lovely celebration.
    Thanks for sharing all your special activities with us.
    Hugs and love.

  11. Nikki ~ Ah...organizing feels SO good, doesn't it? Thank you for your sweet encouragement and birthday wishes. :)

    Leanna ~ It's been crazy hot here and things are ripening way before their time! Blackberry season is usually the first two weeks of August here as well...but, not this year!! Have a lovely time away. :)

    Katy ~ I think it's great that your girl and I nearly share a birthday...what fun! Thank you for your kind words my friend. :)

    Bevy ~ Yippee for Quotidian posts!! There's something special about the *everyday* things of life...don't you think? Thank you for the birthday greetings and sweet words of encouragement. :)

    Pam ~ My actual birthday is July 14...does that coincide with any of your dates? Sadly, the hydrangea blooms all wilted and are now in the organics bin...hopefully the next batch will fare better! Thank you for your sweet bless my heart. :)

    Esther ~ Ah, yes....the blackberries at church!! I remember those days!!! What happy memories. Thank you for your birthday wishes my friend. Hope to see you soon! :)

    Jennifer Jo ~ I was inspired by my sister and the big purge she just did for her got me to thinking of my own need to purge. Thank you for stopping by. :)

    Melissa ~ It was lovely...thank you for hoping that it was! Have a wonderful day! :)

    Maryann ~ Yes, growing old together is a blessing...especially when the Lord is walking the path with you!! How good He is to His children! Hugs. :)

    Sandy ~ Thank you, sweet friend! Hugs and love to you all. :)

    With Love,

  12. I think these posts are my favorite....little snippets of life there in your home. Precious~

    Happy belated birthday. What a beautiful picture of you and your husband. Your family is so blessed with love ♥

    Good to sit and catch up with you~


  13. Cinnamon ~ SO lovely to hear from you, sweet friend! I know life is super busy at your home with your newest little one. It is such a blessing to have a full home and happy for you! With Love, Camille


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