
July 18, 2016

The Quotidian (18. 7. 16)

Quotidian: daily, usual, or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace.

Yippee for Frog Tape!


Paint magnet.

Transplanted (with permission) ~ from a neighbour's property.

Rescued ~ from the same neighbour's
abandoned-and-soon-to-be-demolished back yard.

On display ~ warms my heart.

Calvin's photo in Howie's office ~ from their flight.


Summer reading for my girl.

Perfect spot.

Fresh in from tennis.

Bringing up the rear.

Forging his own path.

With three of my treasures ~ a family ride.

The two of us.

Made with love...for me.  :)

Happy Monday Y'all.
With Love, Camille


  1. Oh, those beautiful roses took my breath away....they are simply lovely! I so enjoyed your photos today, sweet friend.

    And a cake with candles...was it your birthday? If so, Happy Birthday to you, lovely lady!

    Love an dhugs!

  2. Good Morning, I love to paint and I will be trying that green frog tape! It is nice to see your life in motion! So glad your daughter is reading that book!!

  3. Happy Birthday!!!! Enjoyed all your lovely pictures.

  4. Happy Birthday! What a lovely cake made with love.
    Another enjoyable post viewing a look into your life.
    Your rescued roses are gorgeous, Camille, enjoy them.

    Much love to you~~

  5. Happy birthday Sweet Camille!!

  6. Stephanie ~ Thank you for the birthday was a lovely day. :) The roses were a's so sad that they will be torn up soon. Hugs to you!

    Roxy ~ Thank you for your kind words. And, frog tape is the BEST! Hugs. :)

    Patty ~ Thank you, sweet friend. Big hugs to you. :)

    Debbie ~ Thank you for your kind words and birthday wishes. The roses have faded...I was thinking I might have to see if I can cut some more before they are all gone. Big Hugs! :)

    Nikki ~ Thank you, sweet friend. Hugs! :)

    With Love,

  7. Happy belated birthday, I hope it was a lovely day. We will be doing some painting soon ourselves and the roses are gorgeous. Love these posts. Much love and hugs

  8. Happy Belated Birthday Blessings to you, Camille!! I love looking at all your photos - your painting project inspires me to get cracking on mine, except that it's mid-winter so not really the best time to be doing things like that. Roll on spring/summer!

    Big kiwi hugs to you, love Julia xo

  9. Love your pictures... as always. I can so relate to the paint on your hands!! I've missed you, my dear. I'm off to do some reading and catch up on your blog!! :-) XOXO

  10. Maryann ~ Thank you my friend. I am so glad you have begun your Quotidian journey. Happy Summer! Hugs to you. :)

    Julia ~ Thank you for your kind words and birthday wishes. Ah, yes...winter and painting...not a good mix, I agree. I put a coat of paint onto the windowsill today and it was dry to the touch within minutes it seemed! It was about 80 degrees in the house. Don't worry...your projects will be waiting for you when summer does arrive in your neck of the woods. :)

    Esther ~ I always love hearing from you! Thank you for stopping by to catch up. You are all doing an amazing job on your new home...yippee!! It will be good to get those hands cleaned up and you all moved in. Soon...very, very soon! :)

    With Love,

  11. Happy, happy -belated- birthday, Camille. I love your heart and wish I could come in and spend an afternoon with you :)

  12. Becky ~ Aww....I would LOVE that!! Maybe one day? Hugs! XO

  13. Do Canadians say "Ya'll?" haha! Love seeing life being lived~


  14. Cinnamon ~ No...haha...we say "Eh?"! But, my long-time southern blogging friend influenced me in that direction, and, I use it on these quotidian posts in honour of her. :) Hugs, Camille


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