
August 15, 2016

The Quotidian (15. 8. 16)

Quotidian: daily, usual, or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace.

Practicing without coercion.

Finishing up.
(See the beginnings here ~ 3rd photo down.)

What they were and what they are.

Living room in the kitchen ~ for carpet cleaning.

Cousin time.


Lone bloom.
(See what it was ~ 8th photo down on this post.)

Bride and Groom.

Another demolition.

The yard where Howie got these roses from.

Happy Monday Y'all!
With Love, Camille


  1. Oh I love these posts, Camille! I enjoyed all your photographs...they gave me such a lovely glimpse into your life of late...{{Smiles}}
    Blessings and love...

  2. I had to take a second look at where that beautiful flower came from. I looked once and didn't see it, then went back and counted the photos. What a transition!! Your cushions look great too, creative idea for giving something old new life. Hope it's a good week for you, hugs!

  3. Happy Monday to you too, Camille.
    What a fun post!

  4. 1. Love your daughter's dress. So classy.

    2. That cheesecake looks fabulous.


  5. The photo of your daughter playing the piano is pure elegance. Her fingers look so lovely and graceful on the keys :)

    I always enjoy these posts, sweet friend. Thank you for giving us a peek into your life. Love and hugs to you!

  6. Kelly-Anne ~ You are so sweet...thank you for your encouraging words, as always. Hugs! :)

    Maryann ~ I really didn't have much hope for that plant...but, it bloomed!! What a lovely surprise. Thank you for stopping by and for your kind friendship. Hugs to you! :)

    Carrie ~ Thank you, my friend. Happy Wednesday to you! :)

    Jennifer Jo ~ 1. Thank you! It was a thrift store find. :) 2. It's your recipe ~ xoxo

    Stephanie ~ Your sweet comments always are a blessing...thank you! Hugs. :)

    With Love,


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