
December 28, 2016

Christmas Quotidian (28. 12. 16)

Quotidian: daily, usual, or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace.

Calvin and Emma enjoying a fire.

Mantel decorations.

Emma, Calvin, and Fraser with Grandpa on his birthday.
(I didn't have the proper candles (again), so, 2 less than 9 plus 8 = 78)

Dad with two of his three kids.

Howie's parents.

Poppa and Grandma with their baby.

Surrounded by love.

Adjusted Christmas Eve on the 26th.

Christmas Eve dinner-by-the-fire-feast.

It's a tradition ~ we like to watch an old classic film by the fire.
(This year's pick was "It's a Wonderful Life" with Jimmy Stewart.)

She was surprised.  A trilogy to read.

Christmas Dinner (on the 27th) with Grandma
(my Mom) and Uncle Nathan.

With Love,


  1. Oh Camille,this was surely one of my favorite of your quotation posts.
    Thank you for sharing the beauty of your home and family and it is beautiful.
    The delight on your dear Emma's face is priceless. Such joy!
    May the New Year bring you even closer to our Precious Lord as you continue to walk faithfully with Him.
    It has been a joy following along with you this past year and I look forward to this New Year ahead.

    Good bless you, sweet lady~~

  2. Hope you had a wonderful and blessed Christmas dear Camille. Precious family photos. I pray all is well with you and your family.. Thinking of you always and keeping you in prayer.
    Much love,

  3. Sandi ~ Thank you so much! We love it when a fire is burning and the lights are definitely makes it more cosy. Merry Christmas to you! :)

    Debbie ~ Thank you for your kind words my friend. You are a sweet encouragement to my heart. I captured that look on Emma's face quite by accident....I just clicked as she reacted. What a fun surprise. Merry Christmas to you! :)

    Linda ~ You are a sweet blessing to me my friend....thank you for your prayers and for your kind words. Merry Christmas to you across the miles. :)

    With Love,

  4. What a lovely post. Your decorations are beautiful. And your house so cozy.

  5. Chelle ~ Awww....thank you my friend. Your home is always so cosy and, that is a sweet compliment coming from you. Big Hugs! Camille xo

  6. What a fun Christmas time for you and your family. The photos are so lovely and your home looks so inviting!I wish we were closer so we could visit. One of these days I'm gonna head your way for getaway!

  7. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year!
    I watch It's a Wonderful Life every year and it always makes me cry.
    LOVE the Golden Gate bridge.

    Have a wonderful year!


  8. Becky ~ You are most welcome to come for a visit....that would be fun. :) Thank you for your kind are a sweet blessing to my heart. Big Hugs! :)

    Leanna ~ Merry Christmas to you as well...and Happy New Year! I cried this year when we watched it,'s one of my all-time favourites. May the Lord bless you in the coming days. Big Hugs to you! :)

    With Love,


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