
December 5, 2009

Advent in the Christian Home

Long ago we wondered if it was appropriate to 
celebrate advent in our home.

Was it a wise thing to embark upon?
Was it in any way superstitious or ungodly? 
I suppose it could be any or all of those things...
depending on how it is implemented.

In our home we seek to remember in a special way at 
Christmastime the wonderful provision of God to us as lost men ~ 
God's provision of The Saviour Who would save His people from their sins
We go beyond the manger to see the CROSS.

Jesus Christ came to seek and to save that which was lost.
The Bible tells us that all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags. 
We are incapable of doing good without the Lord Jesus Christ! 
He is our Righteousness...purchased with His blood 
that we might be made right with God.

If you are unsure of your own Salvation...
please read this article and prayerfully consider all that it says. 
May God graciously reveal the Truth to your heart.

Every family is unique and Advent celebrations can take on a variety of forms ~ 
But, the focus must be on the Lord Jesus Christ ~
After all...He is the reason for the celebration!

Many Blessings,


  1. We have an Advent Tree that takes us through a bible story every day from Dec 1st to Christmas Day. It is wonderful and the kids look forward to doing it every year. I hope to do a post on it soon.

  2. Hi Jackie! Is that the "Jesse Tree"? I have been hearing a lot about that one lately and am interested in looking into it further. What a blessing to know the REAL reason for CHRISTmas!


  3. I'm not sure. Maybe that is the official name. My sis made it for me and I love it. Each bible story points to Christ. It's awesome!

  4. How wonderful ~ Such a blessing to be able to reinforce these truths to our children throughout this season! And how special that it was made by your sister!! God is so good to us, isn't HE! :)

  5. Yes, it is very special. In fact, Stacie and I are going to have to make a bunch more because each of our kids are going to want to have one in their homes someday. I love that their favorite Christmas decoration is the one that is so Christ-centered.

  6. I'd be interested in making one...where did she get the information to do it??

  7. Camille,
    I know she made it at a mom's group a long time ago. I'm not sure if she has the pattern, but she might know where to get it. You could email her or ask her on her blog. Hope you're having a great day today!


  8. Thanks so much Jackie...I will have to ask her! :)


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