
December 3, 2009

Chocolate Crinkles

The finished cookies cooling on a rack...

Rolled in icing sugar and ready to pop into the oven!

A view from inside the oven...nearly done!

Chocolate Crinkles

~ From "Betty Crocker's Best of Baking" ~ 1997

2 cups granulated Sugar
1/2 cup Oil (I use olive)
4 oz unsweetened Chocolate squares ~ melted and cooled
2 tsp Vanilla
4 Eggs
2 cups Flour
2 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp Salt
Powdered Sugar ~ For rolling

Mix granulated sugar, oil, chocolate and vanilla together. Mix in eggs ~ one at a time. Stir in flour, baking powder, and salt. Cover and place in fridge for at least 3 hours or overnight.

Shape dough into 1 inch balls and roll in powdered sugar. Arrange balls two inches apart on parchment lined cookie sheet. Bake at 350* F for 10 to 12 minutes...until almost no indentation remains when lightly touched in the middle. They should not be overcooked as they become tough.



  1. Hi Camille~
    I have a recipe very similar to this and it is one of my favorite Christmas cookies! Very Brownie like and I love the way the powdered sugar looks on top! Sometimes I use regular sugar, too.
    Looks like you got a head start on baking ~ I need to get busy! ;~P

  2. Oh Camille,

    You just brought back a memory for me. I first made these in Home Ec in High School (let's see way back in the late 70's early 80's) :) Thanks for sharing! I am going to have to make these again soon :)

    Thanks for being so sweet and encouraging with your comments :)

    Have a Blessed day loving Him :)


  3. mmm...a Christmas favorite!


  4. I've always wanted to make these cookies - thanks for the recipe.

  5. Hi Camille!
    In response to your "name" can call me anything you like, just don't call me late for supper!
    No given name is Cynthia, nickname is Cindy. My last name is Young. So...'round these parts we have a lot of Hollanders, and LOTS of their last names begin with in DeHaan, or DeYoung. So, when I would tell someone my name....Cindy Young, they nearly always thought I was saying my name was Cyn DeYoung!!! And my sis always used to call me Cyn, so it just kinda stuck. Most folks just call me Cindy tho! (I should probably blog about that someday!!!)

  6. Lady Farmer ~ They do look pretty, I agree. Unfortunately, they are the only cookies I've baked so far, so I'm not as "ahead of the game" as it may appear! :)

    Sharon ~ You and I are from the same "era" wonder we "connect"! ;-)

    Nadine ~ I agree...mmmm!!

    Pam ~ I hope you enjoy them...they are very easy, but look so elegant!

    Cindy ~ If I did call you for would be late unless you planned WAY ahead! Too bad we live so far would be fun to meet! :) Thanks for your gracious response in regard to your name...I was wondering! I think it would be a great blog post...sounds like a real "history" is behind it all! :) Have a wonderful "snowed in" day!! SO cozy!!

    Blessings to you all!

  7. Hi Camille,
    I saw a photo of your cookies on the internet this week and happened to be on the Betty Crocker site. I made them this week for our family Christmas gathering today. I baked them in our gas oven for 10 minutes and they came out perfect.
    Anyways blessings to you as you seek to bless others. May Christ be worshipped each day in spirit and in truth. The amazing part is that He was born in such a heart as mine. What a King and Saviour!
    "in" Christ, and one day "with" Christ. ♥Susan

  8. Thanks Susan! I am thankful for your are a blessing to me. You are right..."in" Christ and one day together "with" Christ...amazing thought!


  9. I wanted to try these really bad at Christmas time, but the store was all out of powder sugar! Maybe I should try again on easter? :p

  10. Renee ~ I would go for Valentine's's sooner! :)

    Have a great day!

  11. I'm sooo glad I found this recipe. My neighbor made these for me and they were delicious! I really wanted to know what they were called and also the recipe but she is pregnant with twins and I didn't want to bother her :)

  12. Oh is lovely to hear from you!!! I am glad you found the recipe here...I do hope you like them as much as your neighbour's. :)

    Blessings to you!


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