
January 19, 2010

Adjustments ~ Following HIM

The freshness of the New Year seems to have faded. But it is never too late to assess how and why we do things the way we do. I came across two wonderful articles (linked below) as 2010 began and they both made an impression on me. I hope to go back and spend a little more time thinking through the content ~ prayerfully considering the changes HE is asking me to make.

Ann Voskamp penned this encouraging "New Year" article ~ please take the time to read and digest...such a lovely way to help in the quest of "refocusing"!

And I love what Mary Grace had to say at Books and Bairns on the subject of priorities ~ this one really "hit home".

A disciplined life is one we are called to as Chistians ~ yet, it is so easy to get "off track". Any time of the year is a good time to re-evaluate ~ not just in January! May the Lord help us each to follow HIM with all our hearts.
**Mayne Island Lighthouse ~ by Camille 2009**

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