
January 18, 2010

Bountiful Blessings

Monday arrives and another installment of the "Thankfulness Journal" is offered. May the Lord help us all to be more aware of His Bountiful Blessings!

"Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits,
even the God of our salvation..."
Psalm 68:19a

186. Unlimited access to the Throne of Grace through the Lord Jesus Christ ~ Amazing thought!

187. Artistic Dad ~ Who put pencil to paper to create these praying hands while a young Bible School student in 1964

188. Opportunity to exercise as a family ~ at the beach no less!

189. The best husband in the world! (Calvin took this picture and really "captured" his Dad ~ love it).

190. Red Olympic Gloves! (I have a pair too...thanks Mom!)

191. Love in our home and lives...

192. Tea lights and their pretty holders

193. Calvin who brings joy (and "spice") to our lives!

194. Washable felts! :)

195. Children spontaneously doing piano duets

196. Super Glue! :)
197. One on one time with the children
198. Spurgeon's "Morning and Evening"
199. Small warm hand tucked in mine ~ won't last forever!
200. Whipping wind and sting of rain on face ~ ability to feel
201. Boisterous Shoreline ~ Waves crashing
202. Blustery Day!
203. Seagulls soaring overhead ~ God's design in creation
204. Distant Auntie brought near by a phone call
205. Phone ringing ~ familiar voice on the line
206. Birth announcements
207. Crazy Squirrel running the lines today ~ his antics made me laugh
208. My little cookie making girl ~ determined to "do it all herself"!
209. Emma cheerfully asking if she could do dishes for her regular chores
210. Thankful that today's hockey injury wasn't much worse ~ elbow will heal

Many Blessings,


  1. Beautiful blessings from God! God is good!


  2. Why is it that little boys like drawing moustaches on their faces? My son use to do the same thing with my eyeliner pencil :)

  3. Bountiful Blessings, indeed, Camille! And what awesome art by your Dad! ;~P

  4. What a beautiful picture your dad drew. I enjoyed my visit here today. Blessings...

  5. The pictures are wonderful! We have so much to be thankful for when we have the Lord don't we?
    Have a blessed week my friend,


  6. Nadine ~ You are so right...God is Wonderful!! :)

    Mavis ~ LOL...I am just so glad it was the washable felt he used and not the "sharpie"! And I told him what your boy did and warned him that my make-up is off limits! :)

    Lady Farmer ~ Thank you! I suppose I always took forgranted my Dad's artistic abilities...until I was grown up. He kindly gave us this picture a few years back ~ it's the original and we are so happy to have it in our home. :)

    Jenny ~ Thanks for stopping by! Your blog is such a lovely place to visit...I would love to comment there, but do understand what you are seeking to accomplish. Have a lovely day!

    Christa ~ Absolutely! We have SO much to be thankful for when we have the Lord! In fact ~ to quote my Emma, "Mummy, you are blessed ~ even if you don't feel blessed, you are ~ because of the Lord!" Out of the mouths of babes...

    May the Lord bless you all today!


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