
January 11, 2010


Continuing on in the journey of thankfulness ~ Grateful to God for His bountiful gifts. Joining in once again with the "Gratitude Community" in numbering the mercies He bestows. All is Grace!

"Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting; and His truth endureth to all generations."
Psalm 100:4-5

141. Summer's gold ~ this past September

142. Pink and blue of the sunset...moments later they vanished into night
~ photo taken last week

143. The opportunity to "catch" this sunset!

144. Mummy and Emma moments
~ taken in Banff spring 2009

145. Picnics

146. A picnic spot at the Banff Springs Hotel
~ No we did not stay there! :)

147. Adventurous spirit!

148. Safety during said adventurous moment! :)

149. Amazing photo by firstborn
~ It took a few shots to get this one!

150. Mountaintop experiences ~ literally!

151. Children who have caught the "bug" and are doing a thankfulness journal!
152. Quiet shoreline ~ waves gently lapping
153. Horizon on the sea
154. Flash of pink running at the edge of the shore
155. Three young men jogging together ~ Austin, Calvin and Fraser
156. Happy faces greeting us along the promenade
157. Blogging friends
158. Great post-Christmas deals
159. Gifts stashed away for Christmas 2010!
160. Betsy's quick fix ~ free of charge! (Our van)
161. Oxford Hill
162. Empty Chocolate Boxes (no more temptation!)
163. Orthodontic Appliance for Emma
164. Braces for Austin's teeth
165. Funds to pay for Ortho treatment (see above)
166. Mild winters
167. Calm days
168. Dreams
169. Empty laundry hampers
170. Full laundry hampers ~ indication that there are precious people inhabiting this home
171. Working appliances
172. Hum of the washing machine
173. Doors loudly closing ~ little men live here
174. Velcro un-zipping...children who can do for themselves
175. Emails from Austin
176. Task lighting to illuminate my kitchen sink
177. Mountain view from kitchen windows
178. Snow capped mountains pink in the morning light
179. Furnace that faithfully circulates warm air through our home
180. Order restored
181. New schedules created
182. Time to spend with my children ~ they soon will be grown!
183. Little girl that lovingly cares for her dolls
184. Reading aloud to Emma on her bed at night...right now it's "Mary Poppins"
185. Memories

Many Blessings,


  1. Lovely Camille! The gratefulness is a good kind of contagious, isn't it? You have a view of the mountains from your home? !!!! How wonderful! I appreciate your posts, friend!

  2. So glad you stopped by Susan! Your comment warmed my heart today ~ I'm thankful we are friends. :) Yes, on a clear day you can see mountains in the FAR distance...I always look for them...through the trees and wires to BEYOND! :)


  3. Beautiful list full of life with children. I too join you with empty/full laundry baskets!

  4. What a wonderful list of things in your life to be grateful for!

  5. Jenny ~ seems contradictory doesn't it? But it is the life of a Mum, don't you think? :)

    Jenn ~ We all have so much to thank our dear Lord for, don't we? :)


  6. Woohoo...It was so nice to see your face... a face to put the all the stories too :) To me, that's like a little gift in itself ...How did you like Banff? It's on our "to see" list...Did you and Emma go to High Tea at the Fairmont? #162 empty chocolate boxes...I have 1 box of mint frango's from Christmas I have yet to open...I'm afraid to open it...because I know I will eat the entire box :)

  7. Mavis ~ You even make me smile here! ;-)

    We LOVED have never been??? Oh dear is a MUST do for people in this area of the continent. While you are there you must go up the gondola to the sightseeing area. That's where we took many amazing being on top of the world! It was so worth the $$.

    We were also able to see Lake Louise ~ it is worth it to take the old road (I believe it is highway 1A) one direction from (or to) Banff ~ you see amazing wildlife! We even saw bears!!

    One thing we did not do and wished we had time for, was to see the Columbia Ice Fields (you can walk on a glacier there). Apparently it is the largest glacier outside of the Poles!

    When you do go try to take in all the main is a bit farther to go up to the ice fields, but worth it. (I went as a teen with my family).

    Oh...I totally understand the fear of opening that chocolate box...I really have an issue with self control around chocolate! I can leave an open bag of chips alone without too much trouble, but the chocolates ~ they call to me!

    Have a great day!

  8. How beautiful Camille! There are so many things to truly be grateful for that are many times overlooked. Thanks for sharing your heart and how awesome the Lord is! Oh, your firstborn's photo is fantastic!

    Blessings to you!

  9. Sharon ~ You are so right...we so often overlook SO many blessings from our loving Heavenly Father, don't we? Oh...Austin's picture of the squirrel was truly amazing ~ even he was amazed! I wish I could have taken credit for it. :)


  10. Camille, I love your cotton candy in the sky photo and the one of the chipmunk overlooking the world! Your comment about the east and west on my post is very inspiring. Thankyou for that reminder! How wonderful.

  11. Heather ~ You are does look like cotton candy in the sky! I didn't think of that before you said it ~ thanks! :)

    Oh...isn't our God GREAT!! HE chose that analogy and not the North/South one on purpose...I love the richness of HIS Word!


  12. Stacie ~ You've made me smile...thanks for your sweet comment! :)

    May God bless you today!

  13. Camille, your family is so precious. You are so pretty! You just radiate the peace you send my way.

  14. Michelle ~ It truly is ALL of HIM...such Grace HE gives! I am so unworthy, but Jesus Christ is EVERYTHING!



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