
January 13, 2010

Homemade Refried Beans

These are the beans after the soaking stage...ready to be cooked with the onions. try them...they are so much better than anything you can get out of a tin! :)

I got this recipe from my friend Terri's blog. They are absolutely yummy! 
I altered it to allow for the proper soaking time. Pinto beans (which is the type you need) 
require about 12 hours to soak. Cover the beans with simmering water and let stand 
(away from the heat) for about 4 hours. Pour off that water and repeat.
After about four more hours repeat again. At this point you would once again drain
the water and add fresh ~ then you add in the onions and continue 
from the part in the recipe after the starred note from me...
the cooking stage. If this is not clear, please ask!


2 cups water
8 ounces dried pinto beans (about 1 1/4 cup)
1 medium onion, chopped (about 1/2 cup)
1/4 cup butter
3/4 tsp. salt
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese

Mix water, beans and onion in 2-quart saucepan. 
Cover and heat to boiling; boil 2 minutes. Remove from heat. 
Let stand 1 hour. **This is the original recipe with the shorter soak time...
if you use the longer soaking instructions given above you would
add the onions after your last soaking time with fresh water and begin here.**

Add just enough water to cover the beans. Heat to boiling; reduce heat. 
Cover and boil gently, stirring occasionally, until beans are very tender, 
about 1-1/2 hours ~ Add water during cooking if necessary.
Mash beans ~ I use a hand blender.
Stir in butter and salt until completely absorbed. Stir in cheese until melted.

Serve with whole wheat tortillas that have been warmed 
under the broiler and add extra shredded cheese, 
diced peppers of all colors, cilantro, etc. Yummy!

**I usually double this recipe to have extras ~ 
keep in mind that I feed the equivalent of six adults in our home!

**Another tip ~ You can make up a batch and divide 

into portions to freeze for future use ~ I've had success freezing this recipe.


Many Blessings, Camille


  1. Oh, I am going to have to try this! :) Sounds too good!

  2. Mmmm! I love refried beans! I am going to try this, too! Thanks for sharing the recipe, Camille!

  3. Oh Camille, that sounds yummy! I love using refried beans and this sounds perfect. Thanks for sharing :)

    I've missed you!

    Have a blessed day in Jesus!

  4. This could not have come at a better time...I've been looking up refried bean recipes and they all call for fat... but YOURS has butter...which is totally different... I'll think I'll try it this weekend :)

  5. J ~ They ARE yummy...hope you enjoy them!

    Lady Farmer ~ You are welcome...I hope you like them as much as we do!

    Sharon ~ I've missed you too ~ I trust you had a lovely time away! One thing I didn't mention is that they freeze well you could make them up and freeze in the portions that work for you.

    Mavis ~ That's funny...I actually thought of you when I posted this since you've just discovered how wonderful dried beans can be! :)


  6. Umm! Sounds yummy and healthy. Right up my alley!

  7. Yaay Jackie! We really like them...I'm glad you are willing to try. :)

  8. Camille,

    These look great. Thanks for posting. I have been looking for a healthy refried bean recipe!


  9. I copied the recipe. My daughter loves refried beans and tortilla chips for snack. Thanks!


  10. Jackie ~ I hope you find them to be tasty...we think they are and the kids love them...enjoy!

    Manuela ~ Super easy and nourishing too...yum yum! :)


  11. Hi Camille, I have a delish way of making refried beans too. I usually make a ridiculous amount of them for our family. I mean a huge stockpot full of them. I then divide them into 6-8 cup portions in freezer bags. so much better for you than canned, and when you do a huge batch you really do have them just about at your fingertips.

    I pop them out of the bag into a 9x 13 and put in the oven to thaw/heat!

    BTW, could you pray for us, some nasty virus is making its way through our household, horrible headache/tummy issues. Do you know how long it can take to get through everyone??? Too long, praying for healing ;-)

  12. WOW Michelle ~ A whole stock pot full! Well...that certainly is the way to go to have leftovers! AND they are so yummy and good for you.

    I will be praying for your family ~ May the Lord give the Grace and strength needed day by day!



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