
January 29, 2010

When Mummy's Not Looking...

Calvin and Emma got up to a little mischief...

Calvin ~ the photographer...

And his subject ~ Emma, the flying girl!

A little excitement took place in the living room ~
with no apparent damage to the furniture or the child.

Never. A. Dull. Moment.


  1. Too funny!
    Love your furniture! :)

  2. HMMMM! Looks like something that would take place at our house!

  3. I love finding surprises on my camera. I think it's fun they wanted to document their their activities:-).

  4. Yep, I know about these things happening. Now that my kids are in their teen years, they share about all their "fun" things they did when
    they were younger, if you know what I mean. I think if we had a camera set up in our house, we would have captured someone leaping through the air as well. :0)

    Aren't children just a blessing from the Lord?

    have a wonderful weekend my friend,


  5. Great pictures!! How fun to have a fun momma!

    We have 7-8 inches of snow! Now that is fun also!

    Blessings, Linda

  6. I love your chair and 1/2!
    And how much fun is that....jumping on the furniture and getting your picture taken???

  7. Good photos of the flying girl and no bumps, bruises, just memories on a memory card for momma to see!! What fun!!! Hugs to all!

  8. Heather ~ It is funny when it's over...initially I wasn't too impressed with them. Thanks for the compliment! :)

    Jenn ~ It wasn't supposed to take place here. :)

    Thy Hand ~ It actually is Calvin's camera...he got our old one for Christmas. :)

    Christa ~ You are so right...children really are a great blessing from the Lord! It is important to take a step back at those moments and remind oneself of it! :)

    Linda ~ Snow is FUN and my kids have missed out this's been a mild winter. AND ~ it really is their Daddy that is so much fun...I have to learn to join in more in their childish adventures. :)

    Cindy ~ I'm glad you like the was a "find". Oh yes ~ they really had a great time...and it wouldn't have taken place had I known what they were up to. :)

    Becky ~ It was a blessing that there were no tell-tale marks on anyone. Once I found the pics on the camera and realized what had transpired, I told them not to do it again, and then I put it on this blog. One day I'm sure we will look back fondly on "those days" ~ good to keep perpective. :)


  9. Maybe they are training for the long jump? Summer Olympics 2012?

  10. Hello from Texas! I came over here from Building a Heritage of Faithfulness. Thank you for sharing your family. We homeschool too, and I like reading about your homemaking as well.

  11. Mavis ~ LOL! I hope if they decide to train for anything of that nature that they will do it outdoors! :)

    Lois ~ Welcome! I am so glad you stopped by! It's nice to meet other homeschool Mums...come visit anytime. :)


  12. I don't know how many times I've caught my kids doing this, urrgghh! So glad my kids aren't the only ones.

    Seriously, how do you get away with white carpet?

  13. LOL Jackie! The carpet is actually beige and we don't wear shoes in the house...and this is the living room ~ supposedly nothing too damaging goes on here! ;-)


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