
February 1, 2010

Abundant Blessings

Abundant blessings are all around us ~ thankful that the Lord gives ears to hear and eyes to see. Won't you join us? The gratitude community extends an open invitation to all who would desire to see the tracings of the hand of God in the ordinary and in the everyday things of life. If you do not have a blog, a private journal is a lovely place to record your journey of thankfulness.

"O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good: for His mercy endureth forever."
Psalm 107:1

236. Sibling friendships ~ and the bond grows stronger

237. Quiet moments and calm waters

238. Balmy January days

239. The morning exercise view ~ once again a "Calvin" picture!

240. Early morning fog ~ beautiful! (Calvin's photo)

241. Garbage pick up service!
242. Garbage men who do the collecting
243. Mail in the mailbox ~ even bills! :)
244. Mail lady faithfully doing her job
245. Excel Budget program designed especially for me by my smart hubby!
246. Crock pot ~ dinner ready when we are!
247. Sewing Machine ~ from my childhood and now my own ~ Thanks Mom!
248. Serger ~ From the early days of marriage ~ Thanks Sweetheart!
249. Opportunities to share Jesus Christ with others
250. Emma's sweet little girl voice
251. Christmas cards from dear ones far and near ~ just filing those away! :)
252. Cozy sweaters for cold winter days
253. The smell of coffee brewing
254. Chocolate ~ carefully!
255. Steel Cut Oats ~ a yummy way to start the day!
256. Maple syrup ~ a treat
257. Living in Canada
258. Living close to the Ocean
259. Living near extended family
260. Photographs of loved ones
261. Neighbours that care and keep watch!
262. Angels ~ commissioned by God to watch over us ~ Psalm 91:11
263. Youth Group for Austin
264. Finding long lost friends on Facebook
265. Facebook chat with my distant (in miles) sister

Many Blessings,


  1. Great photos, Camille!
    Love your blessings... gotta try them oats! :)

  2. Sibling friendships are a blessing. I pray my children will always remain close. I enjoyed your list, thanks for sharing.

  3. Wonderful blessings! I agree with the crock-pot...oh, and the chocolate ~ yum!
    Beautiful photos!


  4. Very funny about the hockey comment! My husband is excited to see that a bunch of Leafs were just suddenly traded! We'll see what happens now :)
    Went to a dinosaur homeschool workshop today and they were using Answers in Genesis for resources!

  5. Your pictures are wonderful!
    The Lord is so good isn't He?

    Blessings on your week,


  6. I just love to read all the blessings. It is such a wonderful reminder of how faithful God is to us and how much He deserves our constant thanks and praise.

  7. Camille,
    I've been considering doing this for a while now, as I read your list and one other. I don't have time today to "read up" on it, but I am planning to join in. I can't imagine the benefits to my heart.

  8. Heather ~ LOL! I knew you would take that Leafs/Canucks comment in good fun! AND...yes, you must try those oats! :)

    Jenny ~ Oh yes, we must look to the Lord to keep our children going down the right path...we want Him to have their hearts. :)

    Nadine ~ Where would we be without those "easy to do" recipes for "those" days?? The crock pot really does help in that department. AND's an addiction! :)

    Christa ~ I wish I could take credit for all the photos, but now I have a new photographer in the house and he seems to show some talent! I have "borrowed" a number of pictures already. AND yes, the Lord is infinitely good! :)

    Jackie ~ It truly is a blessing to take notice of the "little" things and it is so good for the "outlook" ~ to see HIS hand in all things! Are you going to join in?? (You could keep a private journal...just in a spiral bound notebook ~ add in cut outs from cast off magazines and journal away).

    J ~ It has been such a blessing to my heart to take notice of all the seemingly little things that God blesses us with daily. It is not difficult to do at all and can be as elaborate or as simple as you want to make it. Some people choose to do it completely online, some are only lists with no photos, and some are private journals as I mentioned above to Jackie. It is simple to "join" and there is no obligation to post weekly ~ I may miss some weeks, but it is available every Monday on Ann's blog. Join in when it works for you ~ it seems to me that you have tons on your plate at the present time! :)

    Blessings to you each one!

  9. Hello Camille,

    Than you for the sweet comments :)

    I LOVE your blessings. I have tosay that I absolutely LOVE when opportunity arises the share Christ with someone, nothing compares! Oh and Maple Syrup too ;)

    Have a blessed evening!

  10. Oh and Calvin's photo is just beautiful! :)


  11. Good morning Camille! Calvin sure has an eye! Gorgeous photos. What a multitude of blessings we have been given! It will take an eternity in heaven to give Him all the glory and praise He His due!!♥

  12. Sharon ~ I is very precious when we can share Christ with someone. AND ~ thanks for YOUR sweet comments...I appreciate you. :)

    Anonymous ~ It will take all of eternity to give HIM the praise HE is are so right! Thanks for leaving a comment ~ it encourages my heart.


  13. Hi Camille, thanks so much for visiting my blog and for your nice comments. You are truly blessed and your views are just beautiful!!

    Have a great day,

  14. Dear Jackie ~ We are ALL blessed...God is so good to us, isn't He? As my little girl recently said, "Mummy, you are blessed, even if you don't feel like you are ~ because of what the Lord Jesus has done for you!" Out of the mouths of babes! :)

    We don't actually have that view ~ it is our walking view...we drive 10 minutes to enjoy it! It happened to be a sunny day, so it was especially pretty. :)



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