
February 3, 2010

Idaho Tacos

I got this idea from FB ~ It's not really a recipe, 
it's just a combo of ingredients that work together wonderfully well! 
It is SO easy to make and gets rave reviews at my table. 
It can be adapted for those hot summer days by just cooking up
the baked potatoes on the BBQ ~ 
wrapped them up in tin foil and baked until done. 

That way, your house will stay cool, and you will have a hearty meal 
to feed those that are hungry for more than a salad! :)
Idaho Tacos

Baked potatoes ~ one per person

Scramble fried beef (or whatever meat you choose) 
with taco seasoning mix ~ I like to try to avoid the taco seasoning mix, 
so I seasoned the meat with cumin, chili powder, salt, garlic powder, 
onion powder and cayene pepper ~ to taste

Shredded cheese


Sour cream

Chopped green onions

Chopped tomatoes

Diced Avocado

Cut baked potatoes into slices on the plates,
sprinkle shredded cheese on top, then the beef and all the toppings ~ Voila!

Enjoy!! :)

Many Blessings, 


  1. Nummy, that would be so easy to make. We grow our own potatoes and have the other ingredients always on hand. I want will try it.

    Hope all is well with you. Just got back from visiting my dad and momma. He is looking so much better. Makes my heart rest. Love coming over here to your blog.

    Love you bunches, Linda

  2. Oh yummy! We love potatoes and all the other goodies you put together. I think we may try this.
    Thank you for sharing this delicious recipe.
    What is the weather like in Canada this week?

    Country blessings to you my friend,


  3. This looks really good! I think I know what we're having for dinner tonight...thanks for the great idea!


  4. I LOVE baked potatoes any which way they're fixed...plain with just a bit of salt and pepper or dolled up like yours with all the delicious fixin's!

  5. Linda ~ So lovely of you to stop always bring a smile to my face! Your parents are so blessed to have you...I'm so glad your Dad is doing better.

    Christa ~ We actually are enjoying mild weather and today we have even seen the sun! (Rare at this time of year in this part of Canada ~ so exciting when it happens)! I hope you enjoy this is so tasty and easy as anything to do!

    Jackie ~ I hope you enjoy it! :)

    Cindy ~ Are you cooking more these days? I have been thinking of you...don't overdo it! But, if you do venture into the kitchen this will be on the table in a flash! Enjoy!


  6. This is a new idea. Look terrific and I like your idea about bbqing the potatoes on the grill in the summer. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Dear Jackie ~ I hope you enjoy it! And the idea came from someone else ~ it was a summer food ideas thing, so originally was meant for a hot day! :)


  8. Camille,

    Thank you for sharing this recipe! It looks delicious and quick and easy to prepare :) I have almost all of the ingredients so I think I will try the recipe this weekend :)

    Oh, I sent you an e-mail, just in case it goes to your spam folder :)

    Have a great evening in the Lord!

  9. Dear Sharon ~ I do hope you and your husband enjoy it...I've even served it to company. :)

    Have a lovely evening!

  10. Who doesn't love a giant baked potato for dinner? Yumm a licious!

  11. I love your made up words Mavis! Yumm a licious is pretty accurate and descriptive! :)

    Have a great weekend!

  12. Thanks for this idea, Camille. We are really wanting to limit the grains we add back in after our elimination diet, and corn is the last in anyway. We love mexican and seems 'impossible' to live without our beloved organic tortilla chips, says one child LOL This might do the trick! Thanks

  13. WooHoo! I hope it works Michelle! Have a lovely weekend.



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