
February 5, 2010

Scripture Memorization

This topic is near and dear to my heart as it is so vital to "hide God's Word in our hearts". We ALL need to do this ~ not just the children! I appreciate what Stephanie had to say on her blog regarding this subject. Memorizing Scripture as a Family is one of her posts that I plan to refer back to.

Susan at "Joyful Mom of Many" also referred to this article and it seems to be a great resource to use.

And Ann Voskamp at "Holy Experience" recently wrote this article on the topic as well.

It matters not which method you choose to implement ~ just begin!
Let's all work on this together!

"Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee."
Psalm 119:11


  1. What a good reminder. We've been *trying* to use Charlotte Mason's technique but don't remember to do it at every meal. It does seem to be working, though, and it's nice for our whole family to work on it together:-).

  2. Hi Camille!
    Just wanted to stop by and let you know that I received my letter today announcing my subscription (curtesy of a friend! ;~} )to Answers Magazine. I am so excited! Thank you so much for this blessing! Gentleman Farmer and I went to listen to Dr. Tom Hoyle, a creation scientist, who was speaking at our church's AWANA group. After the program, we purchased a book and also an Answers dvd. I am so looking forward to the magazine and plan to add it to our church library when we are finished reading them.
    Again, thank you and...

  3. Good Morning Camille!

    A wonderful post! We certainly need to build up our arsenal so we can be ready in season and out. It is such a blessing to store up those treasures and what better way than together as a family :)Thank you for the encouragement.

    Blessings to you!

  4. Hooray for this post! For the first time ever, we are memorizing scripture as a family. We're working on memorizing Philippians - our goal is to memorize it by the end of the year. We're almost done with the first twelve verses of chapter one. It's SO COOL to hear the kids work through it. We have to prompt them here and there, but oh, the thought of them leaving our nest one day with scripture hidden in their hearts from years of memorization is a most comforting and encouraging thought! And I can't even describe the encouragement of my husband joining in as well! It's been a tremendous blessing to us already! Thanks for the encouragement!

    Also, I got a letter from Answers letting me know I'd be receiving the mag! I am so excited! Thank you for allowing God to lead your heart in that area. I appreciate you and am thankful for your example.

  5. Thy Hand ~ Thanks for providing the link to the Charlotte Mason method. How wonderful that you are training up your children with the Word of God! Such blessings!

    Lady Farmer ~ I am so glad you are looking forward to will be a blessing to you and your church family I am sure! :)

    Sharon ~ How blessed we are to have the Word of God in our own language in our own homes! May God give us the enabling to hide much of it for future use ~ you are right...we must fortify ourselves for those "in season" and "out of season" times. They surely will come.

    J ~ Hooray that you are doing this together already! God is so wonderful to give us HIS WORD to be a blessing and a benefit to us and our children. How precious that they are learning chunks of Scripture at such a young age ~ they will never forget what they learn in childhood! I am so glad you are looking forward to the magazine...I trust it will be a wonderful resource for you and your family.

    With Love,

  6. Thanks again, Camille for wonderful reminders! Since Psalm 103 I haven't worked on much.

  7. Heather ~ I am reminding/encouraging myself too! :)


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