
June 30, 2010

Where to Find Perfect Peace

~ Isaiah 26:3-4 ~

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,
whose mind is stayed on thee:
because he trusteth in thee.

Trust ye in the LORD forever:
for in the LORD JEHOVAH
is everlasting strength.

Holy Bible

And in light of this finding of peace,
I will be taking a blogging break throughout the weekend.
May each one of you, kind friends,
find true and lasting peace IN the only ONE Who can give it.

Many Blessings,


  1. Praying for you as you break from the routine. May we all keep seeking and finding peace in Him.

  2. I stumbled upon your lovely blog today and was so blessed by it! The scripture you posted (Isaiah 26:3-4) is such a wonderful scripture....Thank you for sharing!

    I'm following along with you now and hope you'll stop by my place for a visit sometime......I love meeting new bloggin' Sisters in the Lord!

    Sweet Blessings!

  3. Have a beautiful and peaceful weekend, my friend!

  4. I love this. Truth and direction straight from His Word, plus a delightful flower that I can ALMOST smell.

  5. This is a verse that has been over my sink for the last 4 years - directing me [from memory] to hold on to that perfect peace that only comes through TRUST of the Lord Jesus Christ!

    I memorized it in the KJV because I love the words 'stayed on Thee'.

    Yellow roses are my favorite specially with a pink trim! Wow! They are magnificent!

  6. Dear Camille,
    Wishing you a very peaceful and beautiful weekend as you celebrate Canada day. I actually knew it was Canada day on July 1st because yesterday my 12 year old Abigail came and told me!
    A few weeks ago my older daughter was contacted by a lady in Canada via who is related to my great grandmother. I believe her great grandmother is my g. grandmother's sister. She sent all of her family tree through. There were quite a number of siblings so I can only imagine how many relations I have in your beautiful country which we will visit one day. I must tell the children there is a water park in your city - they just love water slides and loved their visit to 'WetnWild' on the Gold Coast of Australia. They are building a new water theme park in our city at the same complex where we go ice skating on the weekends. There is so much to do in the region where we live. At the moment it is whale watching season.
    Thank you for your kind comments at my blog today. I too will be away from the computer this weekend with the wedding we are all attending. It is being held in a place which is actually called 'The Promised Land'. A green valley and crystal clear running waters. Rather than a formal reception they are having a picnic lunch. The setting is spectacular and I will be taking my camera!

  7. Hi Camille,
    Thanks for stopping by to visit me at my place! I thought I'd come visit you at yours this evening. I love the photo in this post and the verse is one God has been putting on my heart the last couple of weeks. Perfect peace...only in him!

    Looking forward to visiting with you more now that I know you are here! :) Have a fantastic blogging break this weekend!

    Saying a prayer for you,

  8. Beautiful...thank you for sharing!


  9. Hi CAmille...

    Lovely post again..and always pointing towards God and His Word :) :) :) The photo of the rose is really nice. I was trying to get close up shots of flowers today..and for some reason my camera was wanting to focus in on the one in the background...and well, it just wasn't working the way I would have liked...but the photos still came out lovely.

    Enjoy your blogging break :) :) :) That's a smart idea!!! I should try something similar!!!

    Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  10. Beautiful rose, beautiful scripture. Blessings and peace to you and yours.

  11. Enjoy your peaceful weekend! I am so emjoying not being a slave to this machine. Many blessings, Camille!

  12. Yes amen, perfect peace, his peace, hugs and blessings, Barbara

  13. Dear Camille,

    One of my favorite verses! I always cling to this when not so pleasant things pop up. Thanks for always sharing your heart with us and encouraging us in Jesus. Have a wonderful Independence Day! God bless America!


  14. I've been experiencing such freedom these last couple of months when I decided to blog only when I have time. I'm not going to push it anymore. I miss everyone, but I know I have to put my family first, and right now we are just so busy with the remodel, garden, soccer and I try to keep homeschooling at least a little during the summer.

    This post has been such an encouragement to me, just as you always are.

    Love you dear Sister in Christ!


  15. Hi Camille,
    Beatiful post and I love the rose photo!
    Enjoy your weekend.

  16. Dear Lisa ~ Thank you *SO* much! Prayers are always a wonderful gift to give! Yes, may the LORD help us all to seek HIM first! :)

    Welcome Jackie ~ It's lovely to "meet" you! How precious God's WORD is...such a treasure! Thanks for the invitation to your blog...I stopped by today to visit you! :)

    Dear Raeann ~ THANK YOU *SO* much! :)

    Dear JoAnn ~ I LOVE God's Word! It's so rich and full of wonderful things! Lovely to have you stop by. :)

    Dear Stephanie ~ YES! "Stayed on Thee"...perfect! :)

    Dear Ann ~ Oh how fun for the kids that you are getting a big water park built! We have a very little one nearby...really just sprayers for shooting water all over the place...GREAT on a HOT day! I stopped by and saw your post on that lovely pretty it all looked! Wonderful! :)

    Welcome Pam ~ Thanks so much for your encouraging words AND for praying! THAT is so precious! :)

    Dear Nadine ~ Thank you for stopping's always encouraging when you do! :) I tried to leave you a couple of comments on your blog today, but it said there was an error with blogger...but I wanted you to know that I did stop by! :)

    Dear Heather ~ Oh yes, we all need blogging breaks from time to time! Sorry to hear you were struggling to get the shots you wnated with your camera...what a blessing they are digital now and we can take them over and over and over again! ;-)

    Dear Patty ~ Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement! The LORD bless you too! :)

    Dear Stacie ~ Oh yes...freedom and liberty...*SO* important! We must realize who's in control of what! ;-)

    Dear Barbara ~ Oh how wonderful that we can find it IN HIM!! :)

    Dear Sharon ~ You are always so precious that we can fellowship in the LORD and around HIS Word. It is wonderful! :)

    Dear Jackie ~ I appreciate you! Oh it is important to keep it all in perspective, that is for sure!! May the LORD give us each the wisdom and discipline to follow HIM in this as well! :)

    Dear Linda ~ Thank you so much! I enjoy your's fun to think I have a friend in England visiting. We have British roots and in fact, my husband's parents had their first two children in England before emigrating to Canada. :)

    Blessings to you all!
    It is lovely to visit with each one of you!
    In His Love,


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