
July 5, 2010


Last week my wonderful husband gave me
some time to regroup, plan and organize.

We homsechool.

I was able to get
while spending time in solitude.
Do not get me wrong ~
I do not despise my role as wife and mother.

On the

I am so THANKFUL for the opportunity to do
E.X.A.C.T.L.Y. what I am doing.
BUT ~ there are times in this journey when it is necessary
to accomplish H.U.G.E. amounts of work in solitude ~
it is a BLESSING to be given it.

Thank you Sweetheart for your commitment to our family!
AND thank you LORD, for the enabling YOU give to accomplish
the things you have called us to do!

-:- My Chair -:-

632. The boys waving "hello" as I return home ~
they who are out faithfully doing their jobs
(walking dogs, sweeping driveways, and delivering papers)

633. The way that the hockey game is "on" when my boys are out ~
and all goes quiet on the street when they come "in"

634. "Built-in" babysitting service ~ aka Austin

635. Dinner out with Howie...alone! ~
a real treat because we had *free* babysitting (see #634)
AND a gift card for a restaurant to use...more *free* stuff! :)

636. Beautiful night to enjoy together along the beach promenade
for above mentioned date

637. Wonderful husband who understands the commitment
we have made to homeschool together AND...

638. Who took the children away for three nights
(to Poppa and Grandma's basement) while I planned and planned
and organized and organized and researched and researched...
in PEACE and QUIET (actually, it was too quiet)! ;-)

639. Noise when they all came home!

640. Stories of their adventures with Daddy

641. White Spot (a BC tradition) dinner with the family ~
so I didn't have to cook upon their return.

642. Organizing the computer ~ ahhhhh

643. Researching courses ~ check!

644. SLP's ~ for three children DONE...yaay!!

645. "Answers in Genesis" online store
to order AMAZING materials from!

646. Fresh perspective that God's Word brings

647. How that God's Word is food for the soul

648. And HIS mercies are new every morning!

649. And HE continually gives me "fresh starts"

Many Blessings,


  1. Camille, So happy that you had the time to spend some time planning and organizing. I love that feeling too of getting so much done and of having invested time so well. And I have to tell you,........ your. chair! It looks like a fabulous place to curl up with a child and a favorite book!
    I appreciated your note on my "endless gifts" posts.... And yes, I have let that delightful (and in many ways, necessary) habit fall to the wayside. My thankfulness journal is out now so I can easily add to it throughout the day. Thanks for the encouragement, friend!


  2. Oh the joy, I have "a chair' too!

    Delighted to meet you. Hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit. This looks like a refreshing place to slip off my shoes and soak in thankfulness alongside you.


  3. How lovely of your husband to give you the opportunity for some time to accomplish some of the things you needed to get done but I know what you mean by too quiet Camille - when all the children have 'disappeared with dad' for a while the silence is almost scary and if I go to town by myself I'm always looking over my shoulder - it doesn't feel quite right! I love your chair- that is just the kind of comfy armchair to curl up in with a good book.

  4. Hi Camille,
    I hope that you had a wonderful weekend!
    Your husband was so sweet to give you time to plan and to organise.
    God bless you.

  5. Dear Susan ~ Thanks for your sweet comments! Oh the chair *is* a favourite spot...usually there is a child in it with me for family devotions in the evenings. I *love* it! I'm sorry to hear you have moved on from posting your thankfulness list...but I *do* understand! I really enjoyed those posts...I really did. :)

    Dear Sara ~ Of course you are welcome to's lovely to have you! May the LORD bless you on this journey of thankfulness. :)

    Dear Ann ~ Oh it was such a blessing, but I am glad they are all home! Thanks for the chair is definitely cozy and one for sharing. :)

    Dear Linda ~ It was a great blessing. I *love* getting organized! Thanks for your sweet visit. :)


  6. Wow, you're in planning mode already? I feel like we're just finishing around here... although, I must admit, I'm excited about September! Can that actually be true?:)
    I looove your chair, Camille. It's so inviting and I believe we have similar taste, considering other photos I've seen. I'm in the process of decorating three rooms for other people so I don't have much time for blogging these days. However, I must always take a peek into your blog for a bit of refreshment.

    Love, Heather

  7. Dear Camille, As usual I just LOVE reading your blessings :) I am so gald that you were able to have a little break and are refreshed now. What a sweetie your husband is :)

    I love that chair too, such a nice place to retreat to. Oh, and I really love the ohoto of you and your sweetie, you looks so cute!

    Have a blessed day Camille :)

  8. You are thankful for a lot :) :) I'm glad you were able to have time alone to get stuff done..

    Oh, just a random thought...I really like the photograph with the chair!!! So pretty!!!

    Hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  9. Dear Friend,
    As I read your words I completely understand how important those homeschool breaks can be. You are a precious mother and your children are blessed beyond measure. If I can ever be of any help to you please let me know. I have homeschooled six children and there are times when it seems I can't go on but then after a break and some fresh thougts the Lord always renews my strength.
    Your post always encourage me.

  10. Dear Sara, Ann and Linda ~ Somehow your comments got deleted! I have no idea what is going on with sorry! :( Maybe they will reappear again...sometimes they do. :)

    Dear Sharon ~ I missed you while you were busy, but do I ever understand! Thanks for your visit, you always are a blessing to me! :)

    Dear Donna ~ I just may take you up on that!! Thank you so much for your sweet encouragement and thoughtful comments is lovely to call you friend! :)

    With Love,

  11. Camille,
    So true, solitude is sooo good! Sometimes I long for that mountain top with just reference books, a thick blank notebook and a really good pen :-)


  12. Dear Cinnamon ~ Oh yes, a mountain top is nice, but a quiet house worked for me! ;-) Have a great weekend my friend!


  13. Dear Heather ~ Blogger was doing weird things to my comments and now I find that I didn't reply to sorry. Yes, I was in "planning mode" for a few days last week as Howie took the kids away for 3 nights. I was able to do alot, but there is more to be done. BUT, that can wait! Bring on Summer...not September!! I usually wait until the end of August to plan, but this year it was switched up a bit...I like it better. :) I agree...I think we do have similar taste in furniture from what I have seen of yours...thanks for the compliment. I have been super busy too, so I understand the lack of blogging and visiting. Thanks for taking time out to stop by here! :)

    Heather's Blog-O-Rama ~ So sorry I missed you too...funny couple of days with blogger! :) Thanks for your sweet encouragement...I appreciate it. Thanks also for your kind compliment...that chair has a story. :)



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