
July 7, 2010

REST ~ Reflections on the LORD's Day

Oh we have periods of rest.
There are holidays.
There are "days off".
But, the LORD instituted a DAY of REST.
It comes around one day in seven.

And of great BENEFIT.

Did you know that our bodies are designed this way?
It shouldn't be surprising.
God's WORD is clear.
It is for our GOOD and for HIS glory.

We are instructed to REST on the LORD's DAY.
In the Old Testament times it was called the Sabbath.
It was the seventh day of the week.
The LORD rose from the dead on the first day of the week.
And that is why (simply speaking) we rest on the first day.
The LORD's Day.

This day is set apart for worship.
For gathering with the LORD's people.
For works of benvolence.
For works of necessity.
And for REST.

This is not meant to be an exhaustive list.
It is just meant to make us think.
What are we using HIS day for?
Our own pleasures?
Or HIS glory?

"Come unto me, all ye that labour
and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me;
for I am meek and lowly in heart:
and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy,
and my burden is light."

Matthew 11:28-30
~ Holy Bible ~


  1. I loved the verse at the end ...well, I love the whole post..always do..but the verse is great. When I find the right photo..I'll add that Scripture to it :) :) :) Love and hugs, Heather :)

  2. So beautiful that we are made in the image of a God who rested (and was REFRESHED) on the 7th day. I just launched an online bible study series on my blog this week on rest so it's a true blessing to read everyone's persepective on resting in Him!

  3. Amen very good, yes we do have times of rest, times of fun etc there is a season and time for everything, I enjoyed this, thanks and lots of hugs, Barbara

  4. Thank you for sharing this. Wish I could do better at relaxing and not always running myself ragged for others. LOL But I guess that's what a Mom does.
    Have a great evening.


  5. Dear Heather ~ So glad it was a blessing. It is so important to take time to rest in HIM and reflect on wonderful that we have the LORD's Day especially set apart for these pursuits. :)

    Welcome Melissa ~ How wonderful that you are doing a Bible Study on this very topic...isn't our LORD so gracious to give us periods of rest and refreshing? How blessed we are! :)

    Dear Barbara ~ Thank you for your sweet is a blessing to me! :)

    Dear Jill ~ LOL...true! We tend to do that, don't we? May the LORD help us each to take the time to worship and glorify HIM in spite of all the busy-ness of the day! :)


  6. I love this post Camille! It truly is about glorifying Him. A great reminder and prompting to ask ourselves how we can glorify Him :)

    Have a blessed day Camille and thank you for your encouragement :)

  7. ThAnks for the beautiful reminder.

    Like all other things we do.. rest is for His glory.

  8. Dear Sharon ~ You are a blessing to me...thanks for stopping by in this busy time! How we need to remember that it really IS all about HIS glory! :) Have a wonderful weekend my friend!

    Welcome His Firefly...lovely to "meet" you. Oh you are so right...EVERYTHING is to be for HIS glory! :)


  9. Oh yes, yes, yes!!! Sundays are a day of rest! A wonderful, blissful day of rest. Oh day of rest and gladness! Thank you for your reminder here! For your encouragement! We are so blessed on those Sundays when we obey...and REST.

    Blessings to you!

  10. Dear J ~ I is a wonderful and precious day...may we always guard it! May the LORD bless you as you REST in HIM tomorrow!



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