
September 28, 2010

Easy Homemade Tomato Soup

Emma is learning to cook.
She loves to browse through recipe books...
especially her own!

"Christmas Fairy Cooking"
was the first cookbook she ever received.
She has thoroughly enjoyed kitchen-testing some of the
user-friendly recipes within it ~
with great results.

Now we have entered the zone of "real" cooking.
A sweet friend recently
gave her a "regular" cookbook.
She immediately began searching for something
to whip up in the kitchen.

One of the first things we tried was this recipe.
It's quick and easy!
Great for a last-minute lunch.
Just serve up with grilled cheese and you are set!

~ Easy Tomato Soup ~

Adapted from "Kids' Cookbook"
by James Mitchell

~ Ingredients ~

2 large onions, chopped
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
28 oz tin Diced Tomatoes
4 cups Vegetable Stock
1 tsp Black Pepper
1 Tbsp Sugar

~ Instructions ~

Fry onions in large pot with olive oil
until transparent.
Add remaining ingredients.
Bring to boil.
Reduce heat and simmer, partially covered,
for 15 to 20 minutes.
Use stick blender in the pot to blend until smooth ~
Or transfer to blender on the counter and blend till smooth.
Season to taste.

Serves 4 generously.



  1. Corey loves tomato soup, and I've been searching for a great tasting homemade one. Thanks so much for sharing this. It will be a nice treat for him while he is recovering. :)

  2. Looks yummy! So great she is excited about cooking! As you know I love to cook with my girls!

  3. Dear Trisha ~ Oh I do hope you like it! How sweet that you are doing special things for your Corey...I am sure he feels very loved! :)

    Dear Jill ~ Yes, you are a wonderful "hands on" Mom...crafts and all! Kitchen creativity is a lovely thing to encourage in our little ladies...isn't it? :)


  4. A favorite way to spend our time together.. Cooking and baking in the kitchen. Makes our home smell so good. We will try the tomatoe soup with grill cheese. Fun, healthy and easy.

    Enjoy this special time with Emma!!

    Have a blessed day,

  5. Thanks Virginia for your visit and sweet words! I hope you enjoy the soup! :)


  6. Thanks Jenn! This one is great 'cuz it's almost as easy as the canned stuff, and so much better for you! If you want to make it creamy you could add in some cream at the end of the cooking time...I haven't tried it, but the recipe said you could. :)


  7. Love it! Awesome recipe. I've got lots of tomatoes right now, so will be trying this soon I hope.

  8. I hope you like it Jackie ~ super easy and yummy too. :)



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