Studying the recipe book...just like Mummy! :)
Mixing the cookie dough by hand ~ of course!
It's starting to crack ~ what should we do?
(Maybe use less flour next time) ;-)
Rolling and getting ready to use the cookie cutters...
It seems this is where the documentation ended...
I suppose we got taken up with the baking and the eating ~
which was a worthwhile pursuit! :)
SO much fun to have kids in the kitchen! More work, yes, but lots of fun and many precious memories made.
So sweet. What kind were they? Makes me want cookies now!
Yes, I think our families would get along.
Perhaps we should take a flight out someday :) Wouldn't that be amazing? Friends who met blogging?
SO SWEET! And fun! I am loving that cookbook! What precious memories you are making.
Cindy ~ You are SO right...more work, but definitely more least for the kids! ;-)
Heather ~ The cookies were just a basic rolled cookie...nothing spectacular...just that she did it ALL herself. :) THAT was the most important thing! AND make a trip out here...let me know when you are coming!! We would enjoy visiting with you all.
J ~ Isn't the cookbook cute? It is her very own...given by an Auntie at Christmas ~ Emma has made about four things from it already. The fun thing about it is the recipes are SO small that they are "do-able" even when time is short. :)
I very rarely make playdough for my younger children because we prefer to use the collection of cutters to make real cookie dough. Why pretend to make things when you can make the real thing and you get to eat it! Makes a big mess of the kitchen bench but so does playdough. I always save a few scraps of dough for the girls to model with too!
Ann ~ Oh I know exactly what you mean about play dough! And I agree with you...why make a mess with something that you can't eat?? MUCH more fun to eat what you make! :)
Such a talented, cute little baker you have!
Thanks Traci! We are so glad God put her in our family! :)
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