My name is Camille, and I am a sinner saved by grace.
The LORD Jesus Christ is everything.
Nothing else is worth living or dying for.
Eternity truly is what matters most.
I am a wife and mother who stands in need
of my Saviour each and every day. Every. Single. Day.
By God's grace, and in His strength, we home educate our children.
We are so grateful that the Lord called us to this wonderful lifestyle.
We are not perfect. We do not do things perfectly.
We are continually learning and growing and changing. And, that's okay.
In fact, it's necessary and right and good.
And, through it all, the Lord leads and guides and gives grace.
He forgives and gives His peace.
What more could we possibly want?

My family is a precious gift from our loving Heavenly Father.

~ Photo of our precious four in 2006 ~
Calvin is our resident photographer and entrepreneur.
He has always been energetic and a hard worker. He makes us smile.
Calvin enjoys cycling, hockey, and camping in the great outdoors.

Fraser is our professor. He studies languages and cultures
with a dedication and determination that amazes us.
He plays the piano and composes his own music.
Fraser also enjoys cycling, hockey, hiking and camping.

Please make yourself at home and feel free to join us on this journey.
It's sometimes messy, sometimes exciting, and very often routine.
May God be glorified through it all. He alone is worthy of all our praise.
With Love, Camille
Eternity truly is what matters most.
I am a wife and mother who stands in need
of my Saviour each and every day. Every. Single. Day.
By God's grace, and in His strength, we home educate our children.
We are so grateful that the Lord called us to this wonderful lifestyle.
We are not perfect. We do not do things perfectly.
We are continually learning and growing and changing. And, that's okay.
In fact, it's necessary and right and good.
And, through it all, the Lord leads and guides and gives grace.
He forgives and gives His peace.
What more could we possibly want?

My family is a precious gift from our loving Heavenly Father.
Each one is on loan from His hand. They belong to Him.
I have been learning this lesson more deeply in recent months.
May I never forget these Truths.
And, may it be that I live in the reality of them
more and more each day.
The LORD blessed me with a sweet husband, Howie ~ he is God's gift to me.
I have been learning this lesson more deeply in recent months.
May I never forget these Truths.
And, may it be that I live in the reality of them
more and more each day.
The LORD blessed me with a sweet husband, Howie ~ he is God's gift to me.
He is an entrepreneur and amazes me with his tenacity and perseverance.
He works hard and cares for us well. I am thankful.
Together, we have been blessed with four precious children.
He works hard and cares for us well. I am thankful.
Together, we have been blessed with four precious children.
~ Photo of our precious four in 2006 ~
Our oldest son, Austin, was taken Home to Heaven
after many years of good health and strength. His faith has now become sight.
Austin was artistic and had a dry sense of humour. He enjoyed playing
the violin and creating music with his younger brother, Fraser.
Austin's immediate plans were to attend school in order to pursue a career as an architect.
A serious heart condition, diagnosed only fourteen months prior to his death,
ended his earthly journey and ushered him into eternity on June 1, 2013.
He was eighteen. You can read more about his story by clicking here.
after many years of good health and strength. His faith has now become sight.
Austin was artistic and had a dry sense of humour. He enjoyed playing
the violin and creating music with his younger brother, Fraser.
Austin's immediate plans were to attend school in order to pursue a career as an architect.
A serious heart condition, diagnosed only fourteen months prior to his death,
ended his earthly journey and ushered him into eternity on June 1, 2013.
He was eighteen. You can read more about his story by clicking here.

Calvin is our resident photographer and entrepreneur.
He has always been energetic and a hard worker. He makes us smile.
Calvin enjoys cycling, hockey, and camping in the great outdoors.

Fraser is our professor. He studies languages and cultures
with a dedication and determination that amazes us.
He plays the piano and composes his own music.
Fraser also enjoys cycling, hockey, hiking and camping.

Emma is our princess. She is the baby of the family,
and came to us after our three boys. She brings joy to us all.
Emma loves to bake, play piano, and reads constantly.

Please make yourself at home and feel free to join us on this journey.
It's sometimes messy, sometimes exciting, and very often routine.
May God be glorified through it all. He alone is worthy of all our praise.
May God bless you as you visit with us here in our home on the web.
With Love, Camille