
September 21, 2010

Favourite Devotional Books

There are a few special books that I cherish.
Other than the Bible, of course ~
It's the MOST important book I own!

But, there are a few devotional books that are
wonderful to dig into for
an added dose of spiritual encouragement.

A long-time favourite of ours is
Spurgeon's "Morning and Evening".
It really is a TREASURE!
I cannot speak too highly of it.
We feel as though Spurgeon has pastored us over the years...
so encouraging!

We recently were told about "365 Days With Calvin",
which is edited by Joel R. Beeke.
We find it to be a refreshing addition to our collection of
spiritually encouraging books.

Jerry Bridges' "Holiness Day by Day"
was one we were given just a little over a year ago.
It has been a blessing to us both since then.
Such practical insights are found within it.

The first two are based in the KJV of the Bible.
Jerry Bridges' book is not,
but do not dismiss it because of that...
it is still most definitely worthy of a read!

I tend to look up the verses in my own
copy of God's Word and read the context of the verses
referred to in the devotional for that day.
Of course, we always want to focus on the Word of God ~
these types of books are just helps and encouragements along the way.

May the LORD help us each day to spend time in
HIS Word and prayer ~
HE is Worthy!



  1. Sounds like a wonderful collection....In too love Spurgeon (morning and evening) devotions.


  2. Hello Camille,
    I am soaking in "My Utmost For His Highest", by Oswald Chambers. After I have journaled my way through I will use Charles Spurgean.

    I love to journal my prayers on paper and always am interested in ways to enhance and grow my prayer life.

    Blessings My Friend,

  3. Thanks for sharing these. Have a great night.

  4. Amen, my friend! He alone is worthy!

  5. Dear Treasures ~ If I had to pick only one, it would have to be Spurgeon...such a blessing to have, isn't it? :)

    Dear Virginia ~ What a lovely idea to journal your prayers and also your thoughts on the devotional you are reading. I like that! I'm sure you will enjoy Spurgeon very much...we have always been blessed by his writings ~ such wonderful encouragement!

    Dear Patty ~ I am sure you will be blessed by reading any of these devotionals...they really are so full of wonderful truths! :)

    Dear Raeann ~ Yes...HE alone!! :)

    Blessings to each of you!
    In His Love,

  6. Hi Camille
    I've been looking for a devotional so this post is timely for me, thankyou, I'll start my book search now. I've been to visit you quite a bit and love your blog and content. Will keep in touch. Blessings, Renelle

  7. Welcome Renelle! I am so glad you left a's lovely to "meet" you! If you are only going to buy ONE devotional at this time, I would recommend beginning with Spurgeon's "Morning and Evening". They are all wonderful...maybe put the ones you don't get right now on your "wish list" for later. :)


  8. Thanks for the recommendations, Camille. My son has a leather copy of Spurgeon's book, and he's been very blessed by it. The Calvin book looks great, and I'll be adding it to my VERY long Amazon wish list. :)

  9. Dear Trisha ~ I am so glad you have Spurgeon in your home...such a treasure! AND yes, that Calvin book is a blessing too! How wonderful to have a list at Amazon...maybe for Christmas? :)

    Blessings to you!

  10. Hello Camille,
    I did make it to our church libray after service today. They had books written by Spurgeon. The Joy of the Lord is the one I am reading today. I love it..
    They did not have the devotional morning and evening. I will order from Amazon.. Thank you for sharing..

    Have a blessed Sunday,

  11. Dear Virginia ~ I am so glad you are planning to order a copy of Spurgeon's "Morning and Evening"...if you click on the link provided within this post you will find the price is cheaper than Amazon. I don't get compensated...just thought you'd like to know. Click on the title of the book and it will take you to the ordering page. :)

    Blessings to you!
    In His Love,

  12. Thank you Camille,
    You made it so easy. I am looking forward to journaling from his devotional.. I have been with Oswald Chambers for so long and I am excited to enjoy Spurgeon's writings.. He reminds me a lot of My Utmost for His Hightest.

    Will be here soon!

    For Him,

  13. Oh I am sure you will enjoy your journey through with C.H. Spurgeon Virginia...we surely have! :)



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