
September 19, 2010

Grandpa Can Cook!

Not long ago my Dad invited
Emma and her Mummy (that's me)
to have dinner at his house.

He would COOK!

AND it. was. good.

We had a lovely visit.
We ended our time together
looking through some old photos
and sharing stories of the past ~
the long past.

Family history.

My Dad agreed to let me take those old photos home.
I took notes so that they could be properly labeled.
How precious these things are.
They mean more than gems or jewels.
These are the real treasures.

Thank you Dad!

Continuing this Monday to give thanks
to the ONE Who gives all things!

Really, the numbering of blessings is one of the
most wonderful of practices that I have begun.

Would you care to join us?
We are either thankful or unthankful ~
there is no neutral ground.

Would you be one of those who will take up the challenge to
continually give thanks?

It is a life-altering discipline.
And SUCH a blessing ~ try it and see!

796. A Dad who gives of himself

797. These precious days and moments

798. Good food prepared for me ~
A real treat! :)

799. Family history to learn about
and a Dad who still remembers the stories

800. The photos that are now mine!
I've wanted them for years! :)

801. Moments to hide in our hearts as memories

802. Joy on the face of the little girl
as she looks into the face of her Grandpa

803. Joy on the Grandpa's face as he looks into
the face of the little girl

804. That my Dad lives only a few minutes' drive away

805. That we can even ride bikes to his house!

806. Thankful that he loves the same Saviour we do

807. The prayers of a father for his children
and for their children too

808. Time together ~ we don't know for how long

809. Thankful that our times are in HIS hands,
and we have NOTHING to fear if we are truly HIS!

810. Thankful that HE gives the desire to share HIS grace with others ~
might we all be faithful to lovingly point the way

Many Blessings,


  1. What beautiful memories you are making.

    Have a wonderful week.

  2. Oh what a Godly heritage your children have been blessed with Camille. And how wonderful that he is just around the corner and that he cooks for you and wants to spend time with his grandchildren in a day and age when many grandparents are 'escaping' from their families going touring or spending their days at the golf club. What sweet memories these must be, no wonder you are so happy to have those cherished photos. I wish I had more photos of my parents and grandparents - they are in a biscuit tin in a cupboard somewhere in my mum's house in England... I know I will receive them one day but I need the names, places and dates. I think it is just lovely that your dad shares the stories too.

  3. Oh, what a special connection to your Dad. You are blessed! I love how you say we're either thankful or we're not. I've caught myself feeling lousy at times and being gently reminded about gratitude. I had convinced myself I WAS grateful, just miserable. Hmmm, not really possible, is it? We can't truly be soaking up His blessings and seeing Him everywhere and still have a heart of selfishness.

    Thanks for another reminder :)
    Love, Heather

  4. Thank you Treasures ~ May the LORD bless you with a lovely week too! :)

    Yes, Ann ~ These are the *real* things and we choose thanks! God is so good to us, isn't HE? I do hope you get those photos labeled! :)

    Oh Heather ~ I agree! We cannot be truly living a life of gratefulness and still immerse ourselves in selfishness! I struggle too...but God is so gracious to lead us into HIS Truth, isn't HE? :)

    Blessings to each of you my friends!

    In His Love,

  5. Camille,

    So glad your Dad sees the value of having just his "girls" over for a special time!

    I just saw your picture over at Holy Experience! It's at the bottom of today's post where she lists those who have joined the Gratitude Community.


  6. Thanks for stopping by Teresa! It was special to have had that time with my Dad...a treat! :)

    Blessings to you!
    In Him,

  7. Camille, reading your post my eyes filled with tears ... I remembered my father.

  8. What a special time for you and your daughter to spend with your dad. Definitely something to be thankful for!

  9. What precious moments. Sounds like a lovely time. The food looks good too.
    Have a great day!

  10. Dear Lila Rosana ~ So sorry I made you cry! :( May the LORD give you daily HIS grace...HE is faithful.

    Dear Jenn ~ Yes, it was a special time...thanks for your visit today. :)

    Dear Patty ~ was good! He surprised me with his abilities. :)

    Blessings to you all!
    In Him,

  11. Counting along with you ... As always a joy to splash in thankfulness all around.


  12. Aw! Old family photos...I have so many too since my mom passed away and there's something serene about looking through them!

    And just to think, maybe one day years from now, your daughter will find that photo of you and her granddad and stare into her mama's beautiful smile and be warmed all inside and comforted that the love of Christ reigns in your family. I love that we have photos to leave our children!

    Sweet thanks are here - they are a blessing to read!

    Blessings on you,

  13. Dear Sara ~ Oh yes, sharing thankfulness is a blessing! Thanks for stopping by! :)

    Dear Tami ~ I so enjoy hearing from you my friend! The LORD is so good, isn't HE? Life really is all about HIM...thank you for your sweet encouragement here! :)



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