
October 15, 2010

God is Our Refuge

How precious to REST in the fact
that the LORD is our refuge!

We are HIS.
HE is our kind Shepherd.
We have NOTHING to fear.

Continue to look to HIM
in all the storms of life.


HE really is with you.

~ Psalm 62:5-8 ~

"My soul, wait thou only upon God;
for my expectation is from him.

He only is my rock and my salvation:
he is my defense; I shall not be moved.

In God is my salvation and my glory:
the rock of my strength,
and my refuge, is in God.

Trust in him at all times; ye people,
pour out your heart before him:
God is a refuge for us."

~ Holy Bible ~

Isn't God's Word AMAZING??
If you belong to HIM,
these promises are for YOU!

Blessings to you all this weekend!
In His Love,


  1. Thank you for these beautiful passages today! I love that...Trust Rest...I need to do more of that for sure! It was a pleasure to come by and visit the other day and I am looking forward to returning often...thanks to for stopping by to see me and for your lovely comment! Have a wonderful weekend. :)

  2. I wanted to tell you how much i enjoyed reading your testimony about the journey with your young son. It was quite inspiring. I have signed up with some other lovely bloggers to be on your follow list. That way I can keep up with your posts. Blessings!

  3. Camille, thanks so much for alwasy pointing to the WAY. I love how trusting in Him means we can pour out our hearts before Him. He actually wants to hear all that? What a great and loving God!
    Have a good weekend.

    Love, Heather

  4. Hello Camille,
    I love the psalms!! We are reading a psalm a night and also in Hebrews. Psalms is one of my favorite books to journal.. My heart really loves to soak in David's words. They comfort, strengthen, and give me peace and courage.

    Thank you for sharing how the Lord is our rock, we truly can rest in him.. A wonderful promise..

    Have a blessed weekend,


  5. Thank you for this scripture. I surely need Him to be my refuge.

    We looked at 8 houses "AGAIN" and nothing. That makes almost 40...I'm trying desperately to just rest and trust.

    Thank you for your prayers.

  6. Camille,

    What a blessing to know He is our refuge...our hiding place. Love that imagery. It means so much to mean, especially when life seems so hard sometimes...I just remember that I can run to the loving arms of a Father.


  7. Dear Carrie ~ Thank you for your sweet is lovely that you stopped by. May the LORD bless you as you seek to follow HIM each day! :)

    Dear Heather ~ HE is wonderful and GREAT and so loving! HE is a perfect Father...I so agree!! May HE bless you this weekend my friend. :)

    Dear Cindy ~ We will be continuing to remember your family in prayer at this most difficult time. How precious that we can look to HIM for grace and strength in all that we have to bear in this life. Keep drawing all you need from HIM!

    Dear Virginia ~ Oh yes! The Psalms are so rich and full of encouragement! What a lovely thing you are doing with all that journalling...such precious treasures those books will be!! The LORD bless you this weekend! :)

    Dear Treasures ~ Such a wearying time for you all!! May the LORD guide you each step of the precious that HE promises to supply all our needs. What a time of trial this is for your family...we are continuing to pray! Blessings to you!

    Dear Jackie ~ Oh yes! Run to HIM...our only source of all we need and more!! Blessings to you as you seek to rest in HIM through your trials as well...we have you in our prayer basket as well. :)

    Blessings to you each one!
    In His Love,

  8. Hey Camille :)

    I have so much Blog catching up to do. Between my husbands unemployment and me working feverishly to finish book two, my Blog reading was halted. I missed your Blog. Thank you for this one... Resting in the Lord is something I am constantly working on. I have a human tendency to try to take matters into my own hands. I know it is only Him who can give me rest. To reukt be happy, we must always let God lead us. :)

    I started a new Blog... *hugs*

  9. Wonderful, comforting truths! Have a beautiful weekend, friend.

  10. Thank you for these very encouraging verses, today.

  11. Dear Kristy ~ It's lovely to hear from you again! No worries about the time away...I understand, really, I do! I will enjoy visiting you at your new blog-home soon...looking forward to reconnecting. :)

    Dear Trisha ~ Oh yes, comforting for sure...the LORD is so good to have given us HIS Word! Have a lovely weekend too! :)

    Dear Bevy ~ Thank you for stopping by is lovely to hear from you. May the LORD encourage you with HIS Word day by day! :)

    Blessings to you each one!
    In His Love,

  12. Amen, sister Camille! Thanks for the inspiration you give all of us...a breath of fresh air that we need! Hugs!

  13. Hi Camille,
    Thanks for sharing these scriptures. So comforting to know that we are in the Lord's arms always doesn't it?

    Rest in Him....Christa

  14. Hello Camille,
    God is truly an artist. Did you take the picture? I love it.

  15. Beautiful words of scripture...thank you for sharing Camille and for your encouraging email to me also!


  16. Dear Becky ~ Thank you for your sweet words! May the LORD truly be glorified in all that I say and do...HE is EVERYTHING! :)

    Dear Christa ~ Yes, oh yes!! A great comfort always. May the LORD graciously guide your family and give you HIS peace in the midst of the path you travel. :)

    Dear Virginia ~ Yes, I took the photo...only a couple of nights ago as the sun was setting...from our back deck. God's creation is AMAZING! I *love* the changes we see in the sky. :)

    Dear Nadine ~ Hang in there my friend...the LORD truly is IN all things and will be faithful to you...continue to rest in HIM. :)

    Blessings to each of you!
    In His Love,

  17. Just thought I'd let you know I was here and read around your blog a bit.

    Such a peaceful place this is, and I'm glad I stayed around a bit.


  18. Thanks for stopping by Lidj and for letting me know you were here. :) May the LORD bless HIS Word to your heart...blessings to you!

    In Him,


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