
October 12, 2010

I'm Thrilled!

Tears over English lessons?
Difficulties getting through all those pages
and pages of workbook work?
Struggles and sad faces?

Look no further.
This may be just the solution you
are looking for.

These are WONDERFUL resources!
We have homeschooled our children for four years now.
But this is the first year I have used this set of books ~
and both Emma and I are LOVING them!


Primary and Intermediate Language Lessons
along with the teacher's guides are a
wonderful addition to any homeschool
that has little people in it!

I wish I had known about them sooner.
I am so glad I know about them now.
We are having fun!
Want to have fun too? :)


  1. Beautiful!

    I'm still here - just doing LIFE right now - teaching Bible study - which is my favorite thing to do in all the world!

    Blessings, Stephanie
    Praying for you and your family!

  2. I will peek into these. What grades are they for?

    Thank you for sharing what you enjoy. I love hearing what works for others.


  3. Hi Camille,
    We have used PLL for the last year and just moved onto Writing Tales for a change. But it was wonderfully simple, but direct, no twaddle! Great choice. We did much of it orally to begin with and eased into the writing a little more as time went on. So glad you've found something that simplify's the 'school' day. Blessings, Renelle

  4. Oh, how fun for her that the author's name is Emma :)
    We love the Pathways readers here and they have similar old-fashioned qualities.
    Have a great day, Camille!

    Love, Heather

  5. Very cool. I am filing this away for use next year, perhaps?! Thanks for sharing. These remind me of my mom's set of McGuffey Readers that I grew up on.

  6. Those look like an excellent resource...thank you for sharing!


  7. Dear Stephanie ~ Thank you so much for your prayers...that is a blessing to my heart! And yes, is important to really LIVE, isn't it? I'm glad to hear from you though...thanks for stopping by! :)

    Dear Cinnamon ~ The primary book is recommended for grades two and three and the intermediate book is for grades four through six. I have thoroughly enjoyed the format and Emma *loves* working through them with me. I hope you find them to be a blessing too! :)

    Dear Renelle ~ Thank you for your endorsement! I *love* how they make things simple and enjoyable for language arts...wonderful! :)

    Dear Heather ~ I'm glad you are enjoying the books you are using...I will have to check them out sometime too! Isn't it wonderful when you find something that makes it all "click"? :)

    Dear Jennifer ~ They don't look too exciting, but their content is lovely and well thought out! The first book is meant for a grade two/three child...I'm sure you would enjoy them! :)

    Dear Nadine ~ Thank you for your visit and encouragement! I think your children may be past them both, but they are a wonderful resource! :)

    Blessings to you each one!
    In His Love,

  8. Hi Camille,
    Hope your week is going good and I am keeping you and your family in prayer.
    Blessings and hugs

  9. Hello Camille,

    I love the information I receive from you taking time to share.. Amae is to young for the books. Andrew is the correct age..Will a boy enjoy them also..

    Thank you for praying..


  10. Dear Linda ~ Thank you so much for your prayers...they are truly a blessing! The LORD is so good to us, isn't HE? I trust your week is going well and you are enjoying the LORD's blessings too. :)

    Dear Virginia ~ I am so encouraged that you are blessed by the things I share...thank you for letting me know! :) I was praying for you all yesterday...the LORD has all things in HIS perfect wonderful to rest in that! As for the books, yes, I think a boy would enjoy them too. The lessons are set out simply and in ver "do-able" amounts. There is copy work and memorization to be done as well as dictation...I do hope you find them as useful as I have! There is a link to where you can purchase them from...just click on the name of them within the post.

    Blessings to you both!
    In His Love,

  11. Hope you had a wonderful weekend as well. Thank for your comment on my blog.

    We are still house hunting...fighting a horrible cold but I know that God is carrying us and sustaining us through this time. Thank you so much for praying for our family.

    Have a blessed weekend.

  12. Dear Treasures ~ May the LORD continue to lead and guide you according to HIS perfect plan. What a blessing to belong to HIM and know that HE owns the cattle on a thousand hills and the wealth in every mine! We really have nothing to worry about...HE will supply our every need.

    Blessings to you!
    In Him,


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