
October 11, 2010

Simply Thanks

On this Canadian Thanksgiving Day,
I give thanks ~

For things not simple ~

The children join in and we

855. For my Wonderful Saviour Who continually forgives

856. For children to train up and nurture for HIS glory

857. For a godly husband to walk the path of life with

858. For family to love

859. For friends

860. For shelter

861. For furniture

862. For food

863. For clothes

864. For transportation

865. For God's Word and how it changes my heart

866. For good sermons in abundance

867. For ears to hear

868. For eyes to see

869. For working arms and legs

870. For health and strength

871. For music

872. For quiet and peace

873. For rest

874. For patience extended

875. For grace and mercy

876. For joy in the midst of the trials of life

877. For HIS enduring promises and blessings that never fail!


  1. It's wonderful, isn't it, to develop eyes that really see the eternal in the everyday? Blessings to you.

  2. Have a Happy Canadian Thanksgiving :) :) :) First heard about your holiday when I was in Germany. Half the students living on my floor were from Canada, I was one of two Americans..and the rest were Germans. Anyway, it was fun to watch everyone get together to celebrate!!! Have a lovely day. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  3. A grateful person is a peaceful person. Heard that this weekend. I believe you must have a lot of peace in your life, Camille :) Happy Thanksgiving, Canadian Friend!

  4. Welcome Rhonda ~ It's lovely to "meet" you. Thank you for joining in with your thoughts here today. Oh yes, it really is a blessing to see the tracings of HIS hand in the midst of the everyday.

    Thanks for the greetings Heather @ Oregon! I find it interesting that you didn't know about our Thanksgiving until you were away in another country!! What a fun story. :)

    Thanks Jennifer! It was a lovely day. :)

    Oh Heather...there are days that I do not exude peacefulness, but the LORD is perfect peace and never leaves us! How precious THAT is!! Happy Thanksgiving to you too my Canadian friend...I trust you had a lovely time with family. :)

    Blessings to you each one!
    In Him,

  5. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving. Hope it was a good day and thanks for sharing your blessings. We have many things to be thankful for. One,especially today, was eating lunch with my friend I've not seen in 5 years. Alice has been a missionary in South Africa for 30 years and now home in USA. It is a blessing to be sisters in the Lord, no matter our age or location. Hugs, to you my dear! :0)

  6. Hi Camille,
    Happy Canadian Thanksgiving Day!! I hope your day was wonderful!
    So much to be thankful for!
    Blessings and hugs.

  7. Camille,

    As always, I love reading your thankful posts! And although I am a little late...Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! What a wonderful day when we as Christians will be rejoicing in heaven together and spending eternity thanking Him!!!

    In Christ,

  8. Thank you for stopping by's lovely to hear from you! How precious that you had a chance to reconnect with a friend from far away. Isn't it wonderful to have these dear Christian brothers and sisters in the LORD? HE knits us together in beautiful ways, doesn't HE? :)

    Thank you for your greetings Linda! It's always a blessing to hear from you. We had a lovely day together remembering God's faithfulness and thanking HIM for HIS blessings. You must be having a Thanksgiving Day soon as well...I don't know when it is, but enjoy! :)

    Oh YES Jackie! What a day THAT will be! Thank you for your sweet comments...they are greatly appreciated. :)

    Blessings to you each one!
    In His Love,

  9. Happy Thanksgiving Camille!
    My daughter came and told me that it was Canadian Thanksgiving. She even made a pumpkin pie. Her friend in Canada told her that they were planning on having pumpkin pie but couldn't find any pumpkins - so my daughter replied 'We'll eat it for you!' It was very good too.

  10. Thanks for your kind greetings Ann! How fun that your girl made Pumpkin Pie in honour of our Thanksgiving! I made this ~

    Have a lovely week!
    In His Love,

  11. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well...great resources you are sharing!
    This is my first time visiting your blog and I am so enjoying browsing some of your past posts. I am having a fun "double" giveaway. I hope you might pop on over and join....I would love to have you join in!

    Warmly, Carrie

  12. Thank you for your sweet comments and invitation Carrie...I am glad you stopped by. May the LORD bless you in your home and others through your blog...lovely to "meet" you! :)



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