This post contains photos of Austin
as a baby just after his surgery.
(Just in case there are little eyes that may see your screen)
Our first baby was born healthy and strong.
At 8 lbs 13 oz, he was robust.
All was well.
He would thrive.
Or so it appeared.
All was not well.
He did not thrive.
All things were not as they at first appeared.
He did not gain weight.
I was nursing.
Maybe if I fed him more?
Regular visits to the doctor confirmed...
he would not gain.
He was six weeks old.
Yet another doctor's visit.
This time she sent us for chest x-ray as I was
worried about his cry
(he had tracheomalacia),
but she thought it was nothing.
THAT turned out to be the least of our worries.
The x-ray showed a heart abnormality.
Further testing showed he had a very large VSD.
In layman's terms...a hole in the heart.
Practically no septum between the lower two chambers.
He would need open heart surgery.

We sought the LORD in prayer.
We asked for others to pray.
We even called for the elders to pray over
our little boy.
We had faith that he may be healed.
Every hospital visit and tests revealed
that he had not been healed.
BUT...the LORD sustained him.
It was expected that he would require surgery
by the time he was about 3 or 4 months old.
AGAIN...the LORD sustained him.
The surgery was not necessary
until a week after his first birthday.
We had to literally sign his life away.
The forms we signed said things like ~
we would not hold the surgeon accountable for a
brain damage, other complications,
even death.

Oh those days were
BUT...the LORD sustained us!
HE carried us through.
The provisions to us at that time were many.
The prayers of God's people literally carried us through.
How could I hand my baby over to the nurse I did not know?
Watch her carry him through the doors?
Knowing what was to come next?
Our precious son's little chest was to be cut open.
His sternum bone was to be severed.
His little heart was to be stopped so work could be done.
He woul have to be "jump started" when surgery was over.
He was to face all this without us by his side.
But God was with him ~
God was with us.
I cannot exactly explain how.
And we KNEW it!
The strength was there.
The ability to go on was there.
And our boy was made whole.
The LORD used means,
but HE did the knitting together.
HE did the healing.

Do you face a trial that you know you cannot bear alone?
Do you need the grace of the LORD?
Where do you turn for help in times like these?
Is it to the ONE Who is able to
heal the brokenhearted?
To the ONE Who is able to set all things straight?
To the ONE Who is able to
deliver you from eternal destruction?
May HE guide you to Himself
and give you HIS grace.
All the promises in the Bible are
for YOU if you are HIS!
If you need special prayer,
I would gladly add your request to our
family's Prayer Basket.
Leave a comment here or email me privately ~
we will bring you before our Saviour as a family.
In His Love,
This post contains photos of Austin
as a baby just after his surgery.
(Just in case there are little eyes that may see your screen)
Our first baby was born healthy and strong.
At 8 lbs 13 oz, he was robust.
All was well.
He would thrive.
Or so it appeared.
All was not well.
He did not thrive.
All things were not as they at first appeared.
He did not gain weight.
I was nursing.
Maybe if I fed him more?
Regular visits to the doctor confirmed...
he would not gain.
He was six weeks old.
Yet another doctor's visit.
This time she sent us for chest x-ray as I was
worried about his cry
(he had tracheomalacia),
but she thought it was nothing.
THAT turned out to be the least of our worries.
The x-ray showed a heart abnormality.
Further testing showed he had a very large VSD.
In layman's terms...a hole in the heart.
Practically no septum between the lower two chambers.
He would need open heart surgery.
We sought the LORD in prayer.
We asked for others to pray.
We even called for the elders to pray over
our little boy.
We had faith that he may be healed.
Every hospital visit and tests revealed
that he had not been healed.
BUT...the LORD sustained him.
It was expected that he would require surgery
by the time he was about 3 or 4 months old.
AGAIN...the LORD sustained him.
The surgery was not necessary
until a week after his first birthday.
We had to literally sign his life away.
The forms we signed said things like ~
we would not hold the surgeon accountable for a
brain damage, other complications,
even death.
Oh those days were
BUT...the LORD sustained us!
HE carried us through.
The provisions to us at that time were many.
The prayers of God's people literally carried us through.
How could I hand my baby over to the nurse I did not know?
Watch her carry him through the doors?
Knowing what was to come next?
Our precious son's little chest was to be cut open.
His sternum bone was to be severed.
His little heart was to be stopped so work could be done.
He woul have to be "jump started" when surgery was over.
He was to face all this without us by his side.
But God was with him ~
God was with us.
I cannot exactly explain how.
And we KNEW it!
The strength was there.
The ability to go on was there.
And our boy was made whole.
The LORD used means,
but HE did the knitting together.
HE did the healing.
Do you face a trial that you know you cannot bear alone?
Do you need the grace of the LORD?
Where do you turn for help in times like these?
Is it to the ONE Who is able to
heal the brokenhearted?
To the ONE Who is able to set all things straight?
To the ONE Who is able to
deliver you from eternal destruction?
May HE guide you to Himself
and give you HIS grace.
All the promises in the Bible are
for YOU if you are HIS!
If you need special prayer,
I would gladly add your request to our
family's Prayer Basket.
Leave a comment here or email me privately ~
we will bring you before our Saviour as a family.
In His Love,
What a precious testimony of the grace and mercy of our loving Father! Our own little grandson Alex faces surgery on Tuesday. This will only prolong his sweet life for possibly a very few weeks, but we know the One who holds Alex in the palm of His hand. And that gives us peace thru all of this.
How do others go on without Him?
It always amazes me to read stories like this - the uncertain and terrifying experiences God walks his children through and the grace and beauty they exude because of enduring hardship. What a witness and testimony for the saved and unsaved alike! Thank you for sharing!
(And I always enjoy your comments on my blog! It is so humbling (in a good way) to read comments from such a dear soul I will likely never meet this side of heaven. Blessings to you as well!)
Dear Sweet Camille,
What a testimony to the faithfulness of God to answer our prayers. I can not imagine the heartache you went through with your precious Austin. I have an Austin which brought your story straight to my heart.
I know you thank the Lord every day for answering your prayers for your son.
I also know when we go through trials it is the Lord who is our strength.
Thank you for sharing your heart..
Oh Camille,
I did not know this about your son. What a very difficult time that must have been for you. Before I was born my parents had my brother. He was born with a 3 chamber heart instead of a 4 chamber. Now it may have been corrected but back then they had no answers. The Dr's gave him too much of a wrong medicine when he was having difficulties and he passed away. It's a grief you never lose. There was not good support back then either for the loss of a child. I know today it still has a profound effect on my parents. Thank you for sharing this personal story. You were very blessed. I wish you all the best.
Wow Camille, I cannot imagine what you all went through. Thanks be to the Lord that He brought you through it all and you still have your Austin with you today. What a testimony you have to share with many people of how great our Lord is. He does sustain us indeed!
By the way, thank you for your prayers for our family. I will e-mail you and give you an update soon.
Have a blessed weekend my friend,
Oh, precious friend! You and your dear family have been through much! But God ( I always love the *but God*'s found throughout the Scriptures!)has it all under control! A sweet older friend of mine said to me one day, that we all have some trial to go through ~ that is how God tests us (the response is for our understanding as God already knows how we will handle it). So I guess these tests are a privilage ~ "in everything give thanks"! But so difficult to go through. How do people who don't have the Lord, get through?
Please give Austin a big hug for me, would you please? And here's one for you too! ((BIG HUG))
Be Blessed!
Teary, and moved. Wow. Oh Camille, I am so thankful for the Lord's provision, for His tenderness, for His love. For His sustenance. I am so thankful for sweet Austin. Oh my, I look forward to seeing what the Lord has for this young man's life! Thank you for sharing!
Dear Cindy ~ We prayed for you and your family this night at devotions with the children. We will especially remember you on Tuesday. How precious to belong to the LORD at times such as these...HE will sustain you all and give you the needed grace and strength. We pray that HE will be pleased to heal your precious Alex...HIS will be done here and in eternity.
Dear Cassie ~ Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement! How wonderful to know that truly our times are in HIS hands! HE never gives us more than we can bear and will give the needed grace and strength day by day.
Dear Virginia ~ I often think back to those days and find they are an encouragement to new trials...HE is faithful and always will be! Thank you for your encouraging visit here tonight.
Dear Jill ~ What an incredible story about your brother! How horrible for your parents to have to go through those difficult days! I often think of our Austin and the fact that if he had been born even 50 years earlier there would have been no hope for him. We feel very blessed.
Dear Christa ~ We are so thankful that our Austin is still in our home with us. Things would have been so different had we lived 100 years ago. I will look forward to your email update...we are interested to see what the LORD will do for you!
Dear Raeann ~ Your hugs are received with a full heart...thank you! How blessed we all are to belong to the Living and true God of Heaven! HE carries us all through and never leaves us!
Dear Jennifer ~ I actually got teary over this when reading through the journal of that time...but again, God indeed is great and sustains us! Precious to belong to HIM!
Thank you each one for stopping by and for your sweet comments...it has warmed my heart.
May the LORD bless you all this weekend!
In His Love,
Moving, Thankyou for sharing Camille. Blessings, Renelle
I weep as I read your post....wow, what an incredible post and testimony to God's care for His children.
Thank you for sharing this with "me" as it sure feels like this post was hand designed for my life right now. I'm so weary of everything right now and having a bad cold hasn't helped. But as I sit here and read your post, I know that God is the ONLY one giving all of us strength to proceed each day with gratitude and joy.
Have a blessed weekend.
What a beautiful testimony of God's faithfulness and mercy and grace! Don't you just look back on these times and praise God for them? It is in these storms that He matures our faith and we trust Him all the more. Much love to you, friend, and God bless you for encouraging others to find their strength in Him.
Dear Renelle ~ Thank you for stopping by...it's lovely to hear from you! :)
Dear Treasures ~ Hang in there! The LORD will give all that you need moment by moment! We are praying for your family...HE will be faithful to lead you according to HIS perfect plan. How precious to rest in that thought!
Dear Trisha ~ It is certainly true that these are the things that do mature us in our faith...absolutely! How wonderful that HE does not leave us to ourselves and promises to give the grace and strength in the midst of the storms of life. I know you know what you are speaking of here...from personal experience. How precious our dear Saviour is to lead us each so gently along in the life HE calls us to...where would we be without HIM?
Blessings to each of you!
In His Love,
What a testimony of trusting God during a parent's worst nightmare. To be faced with losing your child. I shudder. I thank God that has not been required of me (yet). I pray for all those parents that have had this cross to bear.
Oh Camille,
What a trial the Lord entrusted you with!! I'm sure this is one reason why the Lord's light shines so through you today!At those times it takes faith to say that His will is "good, acceptable and perfect," and yet it's there that He writes a record of His faithfulness on our life story. Here's a hug for you today! Thanks for sharing.
Dear Stacie ~ I could not imagine losing a child either, but God IS faithful and ALWAYS meets us in our need if we are HIS! How precious to know that if we belong to HIM, HE will care for us perfectly as our loving Heavenly Father.
Dear Teresa ~ Thank you for your hug...it's a blessing to receive! May the LORD indeed be glorified through our lives...HE is the ONE that enables us to walk with HIM throughout the ups and downs of life. I cannot imagine living without HIM! And yes, it is through the trials that HE draws us nearer to Himself...how precious that truth is!
Blessings to you both!
In His Love,
Dear Camille, thanks for sharing a rough passage in your lives with us. I cannot imagine what you went through but so glad that you were trusting God. We do not know his plans, we just go on with him. We walk hand in hand with him. Thank you for your kind comments on my posts. I appreciate your prayers. Hugs to you, my friend and sister in Christ. Loving Sundial Dreams again. I can't play it real loud this time cuz hubby is reading on the couch! :0)
Dear Becky ~ Thank you for your sweet encouragement! How blessed we are that the LORD walks with us through these trials...and how wonderful to know that HE will never give us more than we can bear with HIM! I am glad you are enjoying the music. :)
In His Love,
Camille, isn't it amazing how our Lord lifts us up and strengthens us in such trying and uncertain times. Thank you so much for sharing this with us today!
Oh yes, Jenn ~ it is WONDERFUL how the LORD indeed does lift us up and carry us through...HE is so gracious and loving to us, isn't HE? Have a lovely week!
In His Love,
Hey Camille.. what a touching post..i dont know how you did..ops yes i do.. Gods Grace.. but I know it must of been hard.. but thank the lord for his mercy and provision..
Trials are tough.. we are going through some as we speak,but nothing compaired to that..
But when those times come,, thank God that we can turn to him..
My computer is still freaking out from time to time..and I no longer have sound,,and I miss hearing your song on here.. I am not a fan of music on blogs,,but yours I could listen to all day..it is so comforting and relaxing..
Have a blessed night.
God is amazing. Why? We don't always know how or why but like you said He is there. His strength is there. He provides. That is so much of how I feel now with John gone. Thank you for sharing~
Dear Karen ~ So sorry to hear you are in the midst of a trying time right now. How wonderful to know that the LORD is in complete control and will give all the necessary grace and strength. Continue to look to HIM my friend! Jeremiah 29:11-14a
Dear Cinnamon ~ We are praying for you at this time my friend...what a blessing to have the LORD to look to for all you need. HE is faithful and is with you day by day. Continue to look to HIM moment by moment...HE will carry you through. Isaiah 41:10
In His Love,
Your testimony brought tears to my eyes. God is sooo good!!!
Dear Jackie ~ YES!! God is good...ALL the time! How wonderful to belong to HIM!
With Love,
Hello Camille,
I can not sleep tonight in preparing for my long flight with a very active 4 year old. This post of your son came to my mind.
"When the Unexpected Happens"
I am going to get down on my knees and pray and read my Bible.
You are a blessing to me..Thank you..
Dear Virginia ~ It's so encouraging to read that you are seeking the LORD for the help you need. I will pray for you tonight. Blessings to you my friend!
In His Love,
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