"Take therefore no thought for the morrow:
for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.
Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."
Matthew 6:34

Ah yes ~
How often do I try to solve ALL the coming day's
and even week's problems on this day?
Too often!
I am only called upon by the LORD
to accomplish the tasks of
Just. This. Day.
THIS is the day I am living in, and it is in THIS day that
the LORD promises to give HIS grace!
HE doesn't promise us grace for the worry of the tomorrows.
How often I get trapped into the "what if's" of the days to come.
Worrying is a sin!
We NEVER will be given grace to sin.
The LORD gives grace and strength to take every thought captive.
HE gives the grace and enabling to
Do the Next Thing.
And HE enables us each to
Cast all our cares upon HIM.

May we each have wisdom from the LORD
to know what it is we are to accomplish
in THIS DAY...for HIS glory!
Blessings to you all ~
In His Love,
for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.
Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."
Matthew 6:34
Ah yes ~
How often do I try to solve ALL the coming day's
and even week's problems on this day?
Too often!
I am only called upon by the LORD
to accomplish the tasks of
Just. This. Day.
THIS is the day I am living in, and it is in THIS day that
the LORD promises to give HIS grace!
HE doesn't promise us grace for the worry of the tomorrows.
How often I get trapped into the "what if's" of the days to come.
Worrying is a sin!
We NEVER will be given grace to sin.
The LORD gives grace and strength to take every thought captive.
HE gives the grace and enabling to
Do the Next Thing.
And HE enables us each to
Cast all our cares upon HIM.
May we each have wisdom from the LORD
to know what it is we are to accomplish
in THIS DAY...for HIS glory!
Blessings to you all ~
In His Love,
I'm thinking God wants me to not accomplish a lot this day. Just enjoy my children and husband and catch up on my blogging a little. Love these chilly fall days!
This is the perfect post for me today...thank you!
Have a great weekend.
Hi Camille,
Thanks for the good words :) :) Oh, just c urious about the blooms in the photo...what kind of flowers are those? They're pretty :) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)
Jackie ~ Sounds lovely! I made your marshmallows today...oh yum! Thanks again for sharing. Have a wonderful weekend! :)
Treasures ~ May the LORD give you daily all you need of HIS strength and grace. Blessings to you! :)
Heather of Oregon ~ Lovely to hear from you! The flowers are pink dogwood. The dogwood is the official flower of BC ~ usually they are white and are the blooms of a tree. :)
Blessings to you each one!
In His Love,
Thank you for your comment on my blog awhile ago! Ahhh, what encouraging words for today! He has it all under control.
I like this post. And haven't thought of this before: "HE doesn't promise us grace for the worry of the tomorrows." Great encouragement to live in today and not worry about tomorrow! Good post.
Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own. Puts things into perspective, doesn't it?
Yes, dear friend, how good God is to give us what we need each day. His grace is sufficient, and we know who holds tomorrow. Love you!
This is exactly how I live sometimes, not exactly by choice as I love to plan, prepare and think ahead. But I find that ~thinking ahead~ invloves worrying ahead too :-/ So when life is too full, busy and worry creeps in the Lord allows me to settle into one day at a time and lean on Him.
Thank you for your encouragement~
How very timely to read this on MONDAY morning! Thank you, dear friend, for this reminder and encouragement. Mondays, of all days, I need this!
Susan ~ Welcome! Thank you for stopping by. How WONDERFUL to know that the LORD is in complete control and we can REST in HIM! :)
Warren ~ Thank you for your encouraging words. The LORD truly is good to us, isn't HE? And yes, worry...that is one I struggle with ~ I have to keep reminding myself that it is never of the LORD and just live this day with HIS help. :)
Stacie ~ YES! Absolutely it does!! :)
Trisha ~ Sending love to you too my friend...thank you for your sweet encouragement. :)
Cinnamon ~ Oh yes...I love to "plan, prepare, and think ahead" too, but it does tend to lead me to worry. Thank you for adding your thoughts here...they are wise from experience. :)
Jennifer ~ I *need* this each and every day, but I *do* know what you mean about Monday! May the LORD give you on this day all you need to serve HIM in your home. :)
Blessings to each and every one of you. The LORD is so good...continue to look to HIM!
In His Love,
I am convicted to find even more ways to be thankful. How many things/appliances/stuff do I use everyday without even thinking twice about how grateful I should be to have them? Including my dishwasher.
Thanks for sharing this. Lovely. And enjoy your new dishwasher.
Lisa ~ Thank you for stopping by today...lovely to hear from you! Ah, yes...all those wonderful servants we have in our homes...how blessed we are! :)
Have a wonderful day!
In Him,
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