
November 7, 2010

Becoming a Joy Finder

There are many ways you can give thanks.
There are many "methods" to use.
Some keep fabulous journals!

I haven't begun mine yet ~ Maybe one day?

Others are using this entire month to give thanks ~
Each and every day!
In detail.
It's lovely.

Some keep their journal online ~ like me.
Each Monday.
In a community.
It's beautiful learning to become a *joy finder*.

I would love it if you would join in!
Create a list in your own special way.
Private journal or online ~
I'm sure you will find either choice to be a blessing.
However you choose to do it ~
Please remember the SOURCE of it all!

Remember to WHOM we give the thanks!

"By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice
of praise to God continually, that is,
the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name."
Hebrews 13:15

911. A weekly note (left quietly on my desk)
from a boy seeking to encourage in the LORD! ~
How precious!

912. That the children take it all in good fun when
Mummy insists on doing "the challenge" each fall

913. And they wear winter hats and wrap up in blankets
because of "the challenge" to see how far into October we
can go without turning on the heat!

914. We made it past half way this year.

915. The furnace worked when I did go to use it! ~
I think it's the original.

916. And it's still working! :)

917. The last of the Dahlias (in October)
from my Mum-in-Love ~ So lovely!

918. Oregano Oil to help ward off illness

919. Sleep!!

920. A new day

921. Getting better

922. Vick's Vapo-rub

923. Ricola cough drops

924. A wonderful visit with friends who are dear ~
Thank you so much for making the trek over to see us H and R! :)

925. The autumn time change ~ I *love* to "fall back"

926. Licorice Spice tea ~ yum!

927. Candlelight

928. Giant three wick candle from my Dad ~
Given *just because* my old one (from Dad) is getting used up!
Thank you Dad. :)

929. Cosy nights in

930. The chatter of voices and the bustle of activity ~
I do desire to cherish these quickly passing days!


  1. So much to be thankful for. Having a hard evening, wonderful to be reminded to count my blessings. You're blog is always like a fresh breath of air. Hugs, Jackie

  2. Hi Camille, I think its wonderful that you found my blog because that has allowed me to find yours. I am interested in reading more about your faith and I also find it interested that your blog was opened up to me lately because I have been thinking about deepening my faith which as become almost non existant lately. So you see I think you and your blog are a sign and I am very grateful for this post because it has inspired to me flip through the bible today, thank you again,

  3. Beautiful list today, Camille. Thank you for the connection to the other blogs, as well! I love it when a writer I trust, leads me to new ones :)
    Glad you like that licorice spice tea... it made me laugh because when I was trying out different brands, that was the one I didn't like :) I'm still drinking mine daily. Mmmmm.
    Have a wonderful week!

  4. Great idea. So many ways to find joy...and so often we miss them. Thanks for the reminder.

    Have a blessed day.

  5. My sister has a challenge of leaving her bedroom window open til Oct. There were a couple nights she said it was quite cold but still it was open a wee bit. She lives in WA. I have heat on in the a.m. and maybe a bit in the evening, but not much. I usually have a blanket over my legs when sitting in recliner in the evenings when it's cool. Then I don't want to get up! Hugs!

  6. 911 brings tears to my eyes, dear friend! I hope everyone is feeling better. So thankful for those gifts that make colds more bearable.

    We haven't been under the weather here, yet, and I'm praying God will keep us healthy this winter. Three hospitalizations this year is seems enough to me, but I'm thankful God always gives us what is best. How wonderful to know He is working all things together for good.

    Your children are precious, Camille!

  7. LOVE that y'all take that challenge!!! What a great idea! We just turned ours on on Friday - but it's a bit warmer here. :)

    I bought some "mandarin tea" and am going to give it a shot. Branching out...I'm going to have to google the proper way to make tea! :)

  8. I agree that it's wonderful to become a "joy finder". I think it helps keep things in perspective.

    I love "fall back" also. It just is more in tune with my body clock!


  9. Jackie ~ SO sorry to read that your evening was difficult! I trust you woke today with a "new song on your lips" and a fresh perspective. May the LORD give you HIS grace each day my friend! :)

    Justine ~ I am so encouraged that you picked up your Bible today! May the LORD use it mightily in your heart and life...HE is a wonderful can put your faith in HIM!! Feel free to email me (find the link near the top of the sidebar of this blog) if you want to discuss anything...I will be praying for you!

    Heather ~ LOL! I'm drinking the one you didn't like! I find that funny! BUT...I couldn't find your brand when I looked...I am so determined to find it now...what exactly is the brand?? Better yet, why don't I just pop over and you can make me a cup of your supply! :)

    Treasures ~ So true! There are SO many places to find joy...we just have to look! May the LORD help us each to find HIS gifts...they are abundant! :)

    Becky ~ You are doing well with being frugal about the heat! Well done! We are in the temperate Pacific Northwest, so waiting too long is not always an option...our home was 62 degrees when I caved in. Brrr....a little chilly. :)

    Trisha ~ I cannot imagine how it must be at your home when the cold/flu makes its way must take soooo long to be done! :( I'm glad to hear you have all been well...that's a true blessing. Thank you for your sweet is always a blessing to me! :)

    Kathleen ~ LOL...oops!! Thank you for the correct spelling!! I changed it. Thank you for your's lovely that you stopped by. :)

    Jennifer ~ Yaay for indoor heat! It was down to 62 degrees when I caved in. :) And Yaay that you are going to give tea another try. I didn't mean to be elusive about the tea making thing...maybe I should do a post on it? It's really not difficult. Make sure the water is freshly boiled. Make sure you steep the tea long enough. AND enjoy! Wouldn't it be fun if you lived near enough to come enjoy a "spot of tea" with me? :)

    Manuela ~ Lovely to hear from you! Thank you for stopping by. Ah yes, perspective...I need so much of it! AND yaay for "falling back" agrees with me too! :)

    Blessings to you each one!
    In Him,

  10. Loved reading your list . . . and will be adding Vick's Vapo Rub to my list next week! A good reminder! :)

  11. Camille,

    I cannot tell you how wonderful it has been to read all your thankful posts! You are definitely inspiring me to keep some kind of record with my family! I don't know what form yet, but I know that doesn't matter with God. It is all about the heart. Thank you for your constant encouragement.

    In Christ,

  12. Yes to 3-wick candles which are thought, by some, to actually be campfires. (laughing)

    Yes to fall-back time. Having missed last year, this mama said something like, "Never again." She didn't, either.

    Yes, too, to notes from boys, a grace which money cannot buy.

    And yes to sleep and friends and furnaces that work!

    You have a relaxing "living room" here, Camille.

  13. Welcome Loni ~ It's lovely to "meet" you! Thank you for taking the time to visit and for leaving an encouraging note. :)

    Jackie ~ Oh how exciting! Yes!! Yes!! Do some can be in a basic journal just numbered and written out line after will be a blessing to your heart and will bring Glory to the LORD!! Let me know how it goes. :)

    Rhonda ~ Your thoughtful comment today warms my heart...thank you!! LOL...the three wick candle being a campfire is too cute. And I'm so glad you remembered to take advantage of the "fall back" this year...isn't it wonderful?? :)

    Blessings to you each one!
    In Him,

  14. Wonderful! I always enjoy reading your thankfulness journal!

  15. Thank you so much Jenn! You are an encouragement to me. Have a lovely evening! :)


  16. Hi Canille,
    How I wish I had faithfully kept a journal. I journal for ahwile and then it gets so behind! I love your post and your encouragement and inspiration blesses my heart.
    I have so very much to be thankful for! God bless you Camille

  17. Linda ~ Oh it's not too late!! And it doesn't have to be every join in! I know you have much to be thankful's lovely. The LORD bless you this day my friend!

    In Him,


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