
November 9, 2010

Dressing Up the Lentils

I have never been excited about lentils.
They have never been interesting to me.
Never, that is...
until now.

A trusted source for recipes is a wonderful thing.
I am fortunate enough to have a few.
This came from one of them ~
I have not been disappointed with her recipes yet.

I was prepared to be disappointed this time ~
After all, we are talking about lentils!

BUT I wasn't.
None of us were.
We all liked them ~

One thing to mention ~
We had them the first time with brown rice and
a lovely green salad on the side.
You could go back and forth between the flavours.
The meal was a HIT!
Everyone had seconds.
As it should be...
the sign of success.

The second time around, a HUGE pile of rice and lentils
was dished out to each guest around the table ~
without the salad on the side for balance.
The salad had been enjoyed as the first course.

The second course completely lost its shine ~
as you might imagine.
These lentils
sparkle brightest as a side dish.
In that supporting role,
you will find it difficult to resist a second serving.
Really, it's true!

Lesson learned *the hard way* ~
Do NOT serve these lentils in a HUGE mound unaccompanied.
BUT DO serve won't be sorry you did!

I do hope you try them out...
with a lovely green salad on the side! ;-)

Sweet and Sour Lentils ~

Click on the name above,
and you will find the post with the recipe in it.
Entertainment awaits...she always entertains while talking about food.
Read through, or just skip right to the bottom of the post,
and there you will find what it is you are looking for.
I think you will agree...they are worth the hunt! :)

I made them exactly as stated, but for the following few adjustments ~
I soaked the lentils prior to cooking,
I used dehydrated cane juice instead of brown sugar,
and I also used organic apple juice.

The recipe, as is,
would feed about four *normally*...maybe more?
I made double.

Any questions?
They really are super easy...and delish!


  1. Another lentil convert---yay!

    I'm soooo glad to hear you like them. I'm always a bit nervous when I hear people are trying my recipes since tastes are so subjective... Maybe we share similar taste buds?

  2. Mmmmmm! You always have such good "stuff" on here, Camille. I have stayed away from lentils in the past, except for a little in soup. This looks delicious!
    Have a wonderful day.

    Love, Heather

  3. Mmmm...will have to try, especially as it's getting so much cooler here! -Have a saucer atop my mug right now! really enjoying the tangerine zinger. :)

  4. Camille,
    We've never eaten lentils in our home. Ok, now you can pick your jaw up off the floor and forget you ever thought I was a good mother. It's ok. :)

    I will give this one a try. What mother doesn't want her child to eat lentils? Thank you for spurring me on to try new things.

    Love you, dear friend!

  5. Jennifer Jo ~ LOL! Similar taste buds...maybe we do? ;-)

    Heather ~ Thank you for your sweet compliments...I do hope you give these a try...they are yummy! (With a salad on the side). ;-)

    Jennifer ~ Oh the possibilities of tea!! Enjoy! And these lentils...I do hope you like them! Just be sure you begin with a small serving. :)

    Trisha ~ LOL!! You ARE a good mother...why would I think otherwise?? I don't feed my family liver...or a pile of green peas...does that make you think any worse of me? ;-) I do hope your family enjoys their first taste of lentils. :)

    Blessings to you all!
    In His Love,

  6. I don't even know what a lentil is! LOL! I printed it off, and will put it on my shopping list. Thanks for the recipe! I am always trying to find side dishes that are healthy and yummy.

    Thank you so much for all your encouragement that you have left on my blog. I am so blessed to know you!

  7. Stacie ~ That is too funny! I am glad you are game to give them a try though! :) As for the are an encouragement to me...thank you for your friendship! It is a blessing to my heart.

    In His Love,

  8. This sounds yummy! My african children love anything "beans or lentils", so I think this will be a hit as well.

  9. Treasures ~ How much fun you must have in your home with the variety of cultures and tastes...wonderful! I do hope your family enjoys these lentils...they really are yummy. :)

    Blessings to you!

  10. I love lentils, always cooked with them, and I will try your recipe! Whenever I hear financial gurus say something like, "It's time for a beans and rice diet," I get all huffy. What's wrong with beans and rice???? In fact, several years ago we were studying the Jewish culture of the lintel (sp?) over the door of their home. My then 6 year old daughter asked incredulously why they had lentils on their door. Oh, the humble and nourishing legume.

  11. Oh Camille... I have sound back on my i can come to your site and little to this precious soft music while i read your is so funny,,everyone elses music i turn it off except for yours.. I just love it....

    thanks for the great lentil recipe..i will give it a try..
    love ya girl..have a blessed weekend..

  12. Hi Camille,
    Happy Friday!
    Lentils are so healthy and I love lentil soup!
    Enjoy your day.
    Blessings and hugs

  13. Lois ~ What a cute story of the lentil mix-up with your girl...sweet! :) I agree...what's wrong with beans and rice? They are part of a healthy and balanced diet with the bonus of being it! I hope you enjoy this recipe.

    Karen ~ I'm so glad you enjoy the music...that warms my heart! As for the recipe...I do hope you like the lentils as much as we do! :)

    Linda ~ Thank you for your sweet greetings! You make me smile. :)

    May the LORD bless each of you this weekend! I appreciate you each one...thank you for taking the time to stop by!

    In His Love,

  14. I really like lentils...we made Sambar (indian dish) last weekend while visiting my brother and s-i-l. My daughter and I loved to convince my boys! :)

    I will have to try the recipe you listed. I will be visiting the link.


  15. Jenn ~ Yum! I like the sounds of that Indian dish you made...will you share the recipe? I hope your boys enjoy this was a success with mine. :)



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