
November 14, 2010



A way of thinking.
A way of living.
A way of obeying.


For all HE gives.

Continuing to number my thanks ~
A Monday tradition.


931. Grandma's Waffles for dinner

932. "Little House on the Prairie"
boxed sets to enjoy with Emma
(and occasionally a boy or two or three)

933. Little girl falling asleep as I lay beside her singing
"O Little Town of Bethlehem" (yes, in November...)

934. Her heavy arm across my neck while she breathes softly

935. Precious moments

936. Running the dishwasher over and over and over again!

937. Enjoying loading and unloading the dishwasher!

938. The lashing rain and us all snug and cosy inside

939. Heat from the registers

940. Amazing cloud formations ~
Indeed, "The Heavens declare the glory of God"

941. Hopping across the line for gasoline ~
and being able to do it all in very little time...yaay for Nexus!

942. Parking at Nathan's for our beach walk

943. The men and women who gave their lives for the freedoms we enjoy ~
Remembrance Day thoughts

944. The freedom of our land and the liberties we enjoy ~
may we never forget!

945. A devoted Daddy for my children

946. Froot Loops (very occasionally...LOL!)

947. Steel Cut Oats on most mornings ~
to counter balance the above :)

948. Professor B Math! :)

It's easy to count.
It begins with noticing the *little* things.
Noticing the moments.
Entering into them and writing them down.
It's as simple as that.

My journal sits on my counter.
I list as events unfold.
Sometimes many all at once,
and other times in a trickle.

Would you like to begin?
Just grab a pen and a journal,
set them out on the counter,
and list out your blessings.
Find the joy in the moments ~
As they arrive.

Enjoy the journey!

Many Blessings,


  1. Wow, those waffles look delicious! Oh, and we have been into the Christmas music for several weeks now...we want to enjoy them as long as we can! And I am thankful for a blogger friend like you!

    God bless you Camille!

  2. Oh yes, my children love fruit loops...but it only happens once a year and that is at Christmas...I allow them the joy of that much sugar in a cereal LOL.

    I also love waffles for dinner, but my "German" husband does not...he will eat it and never complain...but it's definitely a "breakfast" food for him.


  3. Dear Jackie ~ I am thankful for you too! Thanks for stopping by is lovely to hear from you. "O Little Town of Bethlehem" is her favourite Christmas hymn...but we haven't begun playing our CD's yet. Soon, though! I so enjoy the Christmas atmosphere...sounds like you do too. :)

    Dear Treasures ~ Oh yes, waffles for dinner are a "break" for Mum around here...and my children are always thrilled when it happens. How wonderful that your husband graciously participates when you have them for dinner...what a blessing! I suppose your children are looking forward to their yearly Froot Loops's coming up soon!! :)

    Blessings to you both!
    In His Love,

  4. I love your background!!! I love the kraft paper look for the comments, too.

    So you like Professor B math? I started out with that, but my daughter and I both ended up hating it something awful. But none of us are math lovers...


  5. Haha! The dishwasher thankfulness cracks me up! LOVE that!!! I need to remember to be thankful that I have a working dishwasher to load instead of being frustrated at my dear husband when he can't seem to find it! ;o)

    And #933 - tears. Sweetness. Oh, being a mother is such a gift!

    Love to you, friend!

  6. Dear JD ~ Thank you for your sweet compliments...they are encouraging. One of our children was struggling in math and Professor B was a great blessing in our home. We found that his methods just unlocked the "mystery" for us...yippee!! So sorry that you didn't like wonderful that there are so many choices out there, isn't it? :)

    Dear Tami ~ Ah yes, the dishwasher! It has been so much fun...after six months of not having one it really is a treat! It has helped with perspective. :) And yes...motherhood is such a gift! May the LORD help us this day to really enjoy these precious little quickly the days fly by!

    Blessings to you both!
    In Him,

  7. I am loving #936 & 937! ;) And am so happy to see y'all eat fruit loops every now and then, too! It's not cold enough for steel cut oates in these parts, but come time, I will be LOVING 'em!!!

  8. Dear Jennifer ~ Oh yes, we have our treats every so often! Did I give the wrong impression about us?? LOL! And yes yes yes...the dishwasher...I *know* you understand the joy! Have a wonderful day my friend!

    With Love,

  9. I love all your snap shots. Soo sweet! The waffles = YUMMINESS!!

    Love stopping by for a visit~ Cinnamon

  10. Dear Cinnamon ~ I'm thankful that you stop is a blessing to have your friendship. :)



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