Some girls keep fancy journals.
They make them really pretty ~
Creative works of art.
I would *love* to do it that way,
but for now, my style is simple.

Two journals sit on my counter
between the fridge and the stove.
There is a pen there too...for recording things
as they happen or pop into my head.
I have a little joke.
It goes like this ~
*My brain lives on paper/in the drawer.*
Really, I believe it must!
I rely on my calendar in the drawer to
keep track of upcoming events.
I keep a running grocery list on the fridge.
And then, there are these two journals on the counter.
Little checkboxes are inked in for keeping track.

One journal contains my gratitude list.
The other is a running list of things to do.
I used to keep *things to do*
lists on all kinds of papers.
I would consolidate and
rewrite and transfer the items ~
over and over and over again. more!
This list is continual.
The checkboxes help keep me accountable.
And the list does get consolidated,
but within the same book.
I do not tear out pages.
If there are too many pages to keep track of
(my list is long) ~
then I consolidate on the most
recent pages and carry on.
Does that make sense?

It feels like my brain is (mostly)
in one place now!
I *love* it!
*To do list* journal idea
is courtesy of my precious husband.
What a great idea!
Thank you Sweetie! :)
What about you?
Do you keep lists?
Do you have a journal (or two or three)?
How do you keep track of all you have to do?
And of all you would like to remember?
I'd enjoy hearing about the methods you use.

May the LORD bless each of you
as you seek to keep your homes for
HIS glory!
Enjoy the journey.
Many blessings,
They make them really pretty ~
Creative works of art.
I would *love* to do it that way,
but for now, my style is simple.
Two journals sit on my counter
between the fridge and the stove.
There is a pen there too...for recording things
as they happen or pop into my head.
I have a little joke.
It goes like this ~
*My brain lives on paper/in the drawer.*
Really, I believe it must!
I rely on my calendar in the drawer to
keep track of upcoming events.
I keep a running grocery list on the fridge.
And then, there are these two journals on the counter.
Little checkboxes are inked in for keeping track.
One journal contains my gratitude list.
The other is a running list of things to do.
I used to keep *things to do*
lists on all kinds of papers.
I would consolidate and
rewrite and transfer the items ~
over and over and over again. more!
This list is continual.
The checkboxes help keep me accountable.
And the list does get consolidated,
but within the same book.
I do not tear out pages.
If there are too many pages to keep track of
(my list is long) ~
then I consolidate on the most
recent pages and carry on.
Does that make sense?
It feels like my brain is (mostly)
in one place now!
I *love* it!
*To do list* journal idea
is courtesy of my precious husband.
What a great idea!
Thank you Sweetie! :)
What about you?
Do you keep lists?
Do you have a journal (or two or three)?
How do you keep track of all you have to do?
And of all you would like to remember?
I'd enjoy hearing about the methods you use.
May the LORD bless each of you
as you seek to keep your homes for
HIS glory!
Enjoy the journey.
Many blessings,
Hey Camille!
I am a list maker! Without a list, nothing would get done. Grocery lists are my favorite! I keep the Costco list on the fridge, as I don't get there but maybe 2X's a month. There is also a "to do" list. I usually have up to about 3 days worth, so I know what I have to do tomorrow, the next day, and the next. The calender is on the fridge. Without that I would never make a Dr. appt., or remember birthdays. Lists keep my brains from exploding....
Hmmm…let's see. I have a great homeschool planner that I write a lot of stuff in as far as plans, to-do lists and such. I really don't keep a journal except for blog posts. I have a great shopping list app. on my phone that I use.
Greeting Camille,
Oh yes, I do love my simple marble journal books. I find much joy and peace of mind with keeping my journals. It sounds like you do also. God bless.
In Christ,
ha... lol. I'm a list girl too. I like the idea of yours in actual books - mine, I make a list and then most times I have to rewrite the list a different day ( or add a second to-do list to manage and knock off of the original list) - just so that I can keep track of what I've been thinking.
What a beautiful place you have! I am visiting from A Multitude of Mercies.
I love my journals too, and I have a general journal where I write notes from my Bible reading, quotes, prayers, and mostly everything. We have a family gratitude journal that some weeks seems to be under all the books from school and some other weeks we keep out and write and write and write. I also have a little Moleskine with me in my purse to count blessings, write quotes, prayers and "o do lists"..
Thank you for sharing your journals.
I hope to be back soon, if time permits.
Under Hi sun and by His grace,
Oh, I'm a pen and paper girl too. You've given me some great ideas this morning. Have a great day.
I just love this post... I keep a journal for each girl. I also have journals, daily lists, and planners everywhere. It really keeps me organized and accountable.
I do better with those because they are in front of me instead of having things stored in the computer with less access.
Good to know I'm not the only one still doing the traditional way! LOL
Have a great day!
Dear Cindy ~ LOL! Yes, I can relate to the "brains exploding" comment! You make me smile my friend. :)
Dear Lisa ~ I have never heard of a grocery list on the! I am so a *pen and paper* girl...interesting how we all have a variety of methods to get the job done. :)
Dear Virginia ~ It's wonderful to hear from you are well? Journals really are a lovely thing to look back on, don't you think? I'm sure your children will be glad you wrote them over the years. :)
Dear Bevy ~ I can so relate to your paper *to do* lists...I always did it that way too. And...I had LOTS of little papers at varying stages of completion in various places. Stressful!! My sweet husband had the idea of the journal for *to do* lists...I *love* it! :)
Dear Becky ~ Welcome here! I'm glad you stopped by. I like your idea of a "family gratitude journal"...lovely! My journals sometimes get buried happens so fast sometimes! Your Devotional journal sounds wonderful...what a heritage for your children. :)
Dear Jackie ~ It's lovely to hear from you...thanks for stopping by! I'm glad to know that I'm not the only *pen and paper* girl left out there. LOL! :)
Dear Jill ~ What a wonderful treasure you are leaving for your girls in their journals to them!! They will so appreciate that as they grow older! I know what you mean about things being *lost* on the computer too...the *traditional* way sometimes is best, don't you think? ;-)
Thank you to each of you for sharing the things you do with us's lovely to learn a little more about you. :)
Many blessings to you each one!
In His Love,
Camille, what a lovely idea to journal your thoughts of gratitude. It must bring back such joy when you read over all you have written. Hope you have a blessed day.
Love this! You know, I think we've all been duped into believing that computers really save time. I don't think they do! Yes, I think I'll always want my computer, especially for my photos and family blog. And now that I have me a few gals who are dear to me (you being one), I love to keep in touch this way. But getting back to basics, like paper and pen, is beautifully simple and satisfying. Love the way you do your "to do" list! So simple and easy! Thank you for sharing this, Camille!
May God bless your day!
Dear Patty ~ I think it will...probably a few tears too! :) It's lovely that you have been stopping by...thank you for visiting. Have a wonderful day!
Dear Tami ~ Oh yes...computers! I wasn't *online* prior to homeschool...not even email! It imtimidated me...funny how things change. But, I am still a paper and pen girl for many things. :) You are a blessing to me...thank you for your sweet friendship!
Many blessings to you both!
In His Love,
I've always been a "schedule maker." Now, I'm not so much of a scheduler so I've moved on to lists! :)
A few months back I bought a notebook to journal in...I call it my control journal. I write down books I want to read, things to do, quotes, my thoughts, my gratitude list...etc. But what I found today (and yesterday) as I was reading a book...I really wanted to jot some things down. My journal was in another room...and I'm too big and lazy right now to go get it. :) I tell myself before I take the book back to the library I'll be sure to go back and jot those things down. I should buy one for my nightstand since I do most of my reading in bed.
I love journals. I still have my journals from when I was in the 4th grade!
Dear Michelle ~ How wonderful that you still have those journals from when you were a little girl...what treasures! What a legacy you are building for your young ones with your current journals! Keep it up! :)
Many blessings,
I'm a list girl too! I have my notebook for memorizing the book of Colossians this year and have been using the opposite page to write down my gratitude list. That has been more handy recently since the notebook goes with me everywhere. We also have a grocery store little notebook that I pin coupons into and put in separate columns my grocery list for each store that I need to go to.
I scratch out my to do on separate sheets of paper. I sort of like a new one each day so I can see progress that I've made THAT day. Progress usually encourages me to get more done. But I do like the idea of a book to keep it in... hmmmmm...
I also have a spiritual journal where I write my thoughts and prayers. It is always a blessing to go back and read old journals...
Dear Heather ~ I agree with you...old journals of what the LORD has done are very encouraging! I used to be a *new list each day* kind of girl too...but then my life got splintered onto many papers and it was stressful. I like the *all in one place* list in the book for now...feels more under control. Do whatever works best for you! :)
Many blessings,
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