
February 23, 2011

Apple Tart ~ Yum!

It was Christmas.

I was doing a little baking with my
once-a-year cookbook.

It's one of my favourite Christmas
home inspiration books.

When I tested this recipe,
it was decided that once a year just wouldn't be enough.
So, I copied it out to keep in my recipe box
for easy year-round access.

I also began by baking this tart in a pie dish.
Not too bad, but the tart pan is a
better choice when making tarts.
Just sayin' ~ Who knew? ;-)

So...I went to HomeSense and found the
requisite pans for a good price.
And, yes...pans ~ I bought two!
One of these is just not enough.

Trust me. :)

~ French Apple Tart ~
Adapted from Mary Englebreit's
"Let the Merrymaking Begin ~
Christmas Volume One

Dough for a single crust pie,
rolled out and chilled in the pan.

3 Large Granny Smith Apples ~
peeled, cut in half, cored and sliced thinly.

** Friendly WARNING **
You can use another variety of baking apple ~
BUT...ONLY baking apples will do!
You will have a soggy tart if you don't obey this one simple rule ~
just ask me how I know! :)

1/2 cup Granulated Sugar
1/2 cup Heavy (Whipping) cream, unwhipped
1 Large Egg
1 tsp Vanilla

Icing Sugar ~
for sprinkling just prior to serving...
after it's baked.

Preheat oven to 375* F

Roll dough to fit 9 inch tart pan with removeable bottom.
Place dough in pan and flute the edges.
Chill dough in pan for 30 minutes.

Arrange apple slices in tart in concentric circles,
beginning at the outside and working toward the centre.

Bake tart at this stage for 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, whip together
sugar, cream, vanilla and egg with wire whisk.
Pour mixture over the apples and bake 25 or 30 minutes longer
until custard is set.

~ This photo by was his piece! ~

Cool 10 minutes on a wire rack.
Remove sides of pan.
Sprinkle with icing sugar prior to serving.

Serve warm or cooled to 8
(or less) very fortunate people!



  1. Yummy! Another great recipe and I just love her books!


  2. mmm...that looks would go well with my cup of tea that I am enjoying right now! :)
    Thank you for your well wishes my friend...they mean a lot to me!


  3. Enjoying Calvin's photography...and his enjoyment in capturing the moments...God's gifts to him. :-)

    The tart looks SO wonderful. The recipe sounds delicious. I'll need to find a tart pan, though. I do not own one.

    Thanks for sharing, Camille.

  4. That looks really really good! My husband is an apple dessert lover, so I might just have to try this one! Thanks for sharing it.

  5. Oh, that apple tart looks really, really good!!! I'd love to enjoy a slice. Well, a visit to Canada is still on my list. So maybe one day? That does look good...and the photo of the single slice looks really inviting, too!

    I love Mary Engelbreit. Her artwork is so fun. I used to purchase her magazine, too!! It's not being published anymore :( However, she still has her website/blog and other things :) :)

    Have a good day, Camille. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  6. The tart looks so delish! I may have to give it a try, though I am not good with baking pies. :~{
    I'm thinkin' Calvin has found his occupation! He takes wonderful pictures! He reminds me of another blogger's son. He has made it a profession. If you care to check it out, visit

  7. Oh dear me, Camille. How do you keep your figure? That looks delicious!

    Thank you for your prayers for us. I so appreciate you! Praying for you and yours, too.

    With Love!

  8. I love french apple tart. What a great recipe. Thanks for sharing!

  9. I am a big ME fan too! Your tart looks lovely. Oh, how I wish you lived close to me...I think I could find all kinds of excuse to drop by with those wonderful smells coming from your home! Blessings to you my friend, Jackie

  10. You are making me hungry! Apple pie and tarts are my favorite dessert!

    So what is the best baking apple?

  11. Yum! That looks scrumptious!!! I will have to try this as a special treat!!!
    Calvin, your pictures are great! Your mom is blessed to have her own personal photographer!!!

  12. Dear Jill ~ It really is yummy! Aren't her books a delight? :)

    Dear Nadine ~ I trust you are feeling better today...keep warm! :)

    Dear Dianna ~ I used a pie pan for it the first time I made could try it that way. I hope you like it! :)

    Dear Lisa ~ There is something kind of comforting about an apple dessert, isn't there? Enjoy! :)

    Dear Heather in Oregon ~ Isn't her artwork just so cheery?? You must visit really isn't too far away! :)

    Dear Raeann ~ Thank you for your sweet encouragement to Calvin! I visited your friend...her blog is lovely. What a blessing that her boy can use his talent for a profession...wonderful! And this is not really a pie...I'm sure you could do it! No top crust to deal with...easier than a two crust pie. I use the same recipe for the crust as I did for the Chicken Pot Pie...super easy. Do let me know how if you give it a go. :)

    Dear Jenn ~'s not going too well right now in the figure dept...but being nearly six feet tall helps! ;-) Thank you for your is such a blessing to be able to pray for one another, isn't it? God is good. All the time.

    Dear Suzy Q ~ It's lovely that you stopped by! Welcome! I hope you enjoy this recipe...easy and can you miss? :)

    Dear Jackie ~ Maybe you will be closer someday...that would be fun!

    Dear Stacie ~ Granny Smith, Red Rome (only available for a short time each year)...those are the best. I hope you enjoy it! :)

    Dear Christine ~ You are a sweet encouragement...thank you! I am thankful that he enjoys photography so is a blessing! I do hope you enjoy this apple tart as much as we do. :)

    Many blessings to you each one!
    In His Love,

  13. Oh that looks so good - there is no way I could do it - no way - but my mouth watered just by the pictures - maybe one day I'll be brave - but not today - but can you mail me some next time you make it?

    I really enjoyed this today.

    God Bless you and all of yours

  14. Thank you Sue ~ It's sweet of you to encourage...may the LORD be glorified in everything that is done...HE alone is worthy. :)

    Thank you for your kind words Craig ~ I wouldn't like to see what would happen to it if it was sent through the mail! LOL! Maybe you will try it day. It really isn't difficult. :)

    Many blessings,

  15. yummo... I shouldnt look at your blog on a empty

    thanks for sharing...

  16. Dear Justine ~ It's lovely to hear from you...thanks for stopping by! Are you going to give it a try? I hope so! :)

    Dear Karen ~ LOL! You made me smile. :)

    Many blessings,

  17. That does look yummy! Perhaps I'll have to try it out. I need to get me one of these cookbooks, if for no other reason than I love Mary E! :-)


  18. Dear Cinnamon ~ Yes, do try it out...but wait awhile my friend! Let yourself REST first!! Mary E's artwork is delightful, isn't it? I *love* pulling this book out at Christmas-time. :)

    Many blessings,


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