
February 25, 2011

Of Cheesecake, Scales, Helping Hands & Little Feet

Life is full of moments.
All strung together to make a life.
How are we spending them?
Are we treasuring them up?

The list grows.
The moments are noticed.
And here I number them.
Unrelated and related all at the same time.

This is our life.
As it happens...

1221. The smell of cheesecake baking in the oven

1222. Scales in time with the metronome

1223. Little girl who asks to wash the dishes!

1224. Snuggles on the couch as she and I both read ~
each with our own book and an impromptu kiss on the cheek

1225. Apology from a child ~ humility

1226. Her *love* of reading

1227. Leaving a room the way I want to find it

1228. Finding the room the way I left it...rare!
(One day I always will...I don't even want to think about it!)

1229. Rubber gloves just her size!

1230. Her little shoes at the door ~
a change from all the many boy's shoes around here!

1231. Bacon sizzling in the pan

1232. BLT's for lunch

1233. Two at the piano

1234. Three soaring eagles (?) so high they just looked like specks

1235. Youngest boy entering the world of Henty

1236. Cheesecake at dinner ~ *just because*

1237. Six voices singing hymns ~ children's mingled with parents'

1238. Doctrine from the children's mouths in prayer

1239. Pink sky at night

1240. Getting the job done...thank you Sweetie! :)

It's easy to count.
It begins with noticing the *little* things.
Noticing the moments.
Entering into them and writing them down.
It's as simple as that.

My journal sits on my counter.
I list as events unfold.
Sometimes many all at once,
and other times in a trickle.

Would you like to begin?
Just grab a pen and a journal,
set them out on the counter,
and list out your blessings.
Find the joy in the moments ~
As they arrive.

"Every good gift and every perfect gift
is from above, and cometh down
from the Father of lights,
with whom is no variableness,
neither shadow of turning."
~ James 1:17 ~

May the LORD help us to
take notice of every *little* thing HE
gives us each and every day!
There really are too many to count!

Many blessings,


  1. I love seeing all the kids busy and productive. Such a blessing for you I know :-)

    Guess what we finished The Cost of Passage tonight. It was sooo good. Thank you so much for thinking of us. We are hoping there is a book #2 coming along at some point. Very good reading. Does she have a website? I didn't see one in the book.

    Next we start on the radio drama - I can't wait!


  2. Hello my sweet friend..
    dont you love it when they are young enought to "ask" to do the dishes,,and kinda old enough to do them
    Love the idea of cheesecake for dinner..what time should i be there..llloooollll..
    have a blesse weekend..
    love ya much

  3. Your list is beautiful, Camille!
    (And my room is almost always the way I leave it nowwadays ~ until Gentleman Farmer gets home from work!) :~P
    Have a lovely weekend, my friend!

  4. Oh Camille, this post just blessed my heart as I realized from your words how important it is to not skip over the little blessings and to remind myself of all I've been given. Thank you so much for your words today.

  5. I love reading your list it makes me think about how blessed I am for the little things I take for granted :-) thanks for helping keep me grounded :-)

  6. I'm with you on the little hints of pink thrown in among all the boys things! I'm so thankful for all my children, but I truly am enjoying the girly things!

  7. Hello Camille,
    This was such a heartwarming post. I am going to find a pretty journal book and set it out and write down all my blessings as they flow from the Father above.

    Taking time to notice through out my day.. I love that you do take time to number.

    Have a blessed evening,

  8. Dear Cinnamon ~ I am so glad you enjoyed the book! There was supposed to be a sequel, but the people producing the series stopped it and the second installment was never published. She has done some other books though...I did a post on her children's picture books long ago. Here's the link ~

    Her website is there too. I'm sure you will enjoy the radio theatre...we have! :)

    Dear Karen ~ It was actually for dessert...not dinner! LOL! But, that sounds like a good idea...might have to try that sometime. We try to eat about 5 pm...when are you planning to join us? :)

    Dear Raeann ~ Thank you! Ah yes, the hubby can move things around a bit too, I suppose you are right! That will be a blessing. Have a wonderful weekend too! :)

    Dear Michelle ~ How much we miss when we don't look, don't you think? Thank you for your sweet words. :)

    Dear Lisa ~ Your words blessed my heart...thank you! How precious our Saviour is and how wonderful to notice everything HE gives each and every day! :)

    Dear Justine ~ How easy it is to take things for granted. I have the same tendency! How is your list coming along?? :)

    Dear Jenn ~ Oh yes...the pink! It was a surprise to us to have a was not expected...but it has been a joy! :)

    Dear Virginia ~ How wonderful! You are beginning your own journey of listing your thanks! I am so excited for you! It really has been a blessing to my hear to do it. Thank you for your sweet encouragement. :)

    Many blessings to you each one!
    In His Love,

  9. mmmmm...cheescake...and yours looks soooo good!! I love all your photos and words of gratefulness!

  10. Hi Camille, I have a real hard time setting time aside to write my list, I have started meditating and doing yoga so maybe I can make that a prelude to that practice to help open my mind up to good instead of the busy hectic everyday. Thanks for being and inspiration!

  11. Camille,
    Such a wonderful list and precious reminders to enjoy the NOW...I don't want to think about the day when the rooms will always look the way I left them, either. :)

    The cheesecake is beautiful!! My oldest son has been after me to make one. Just how long did it take you to create this masterpiece? And, if I've never made a cheesecake before, should I expect my first one to be a flop? C'mon friend, I want some guarantees, here. :)

    You are so blessed, Camille. And I'm blessed to praise God with you!

    Love and hugs!

  12. Amen – capturing the moments – and you are past 1000 – I find myself coveting :)

    My favorite one: 1239. Pink sky at night – because it means “sailors delight” – smoot waters, clear skies – love those – and of course the cheesecake above didn’t hurt. :)

    These words made me smile.

    God Bless you and all of yours

  13. Julia ~ It's lovely to hear from you...thank you for your sweet encouragement! :)

    Justine ~ Maybe set a journal on your counter and just number as it the kitchen perhaps? On another note...I am troubled in my heart by the fact that you are getting involved in meditation and yoga...I fear for you! (Please see Colossians 2:8). These avenues are not the answer...they will lead you away from the real Answer (John 14:6). True and lasting peace can only come from the LORD Jesus Christ...HE is the ONLY ONE Who can fill the void in your life (John 3:16). Emptying our minds is not what we are called to do...filling them with Truth is! I will try to privately email you with some further thoughts. Please know it is because I care! :)

    Trisha ~ Masterpiece?? LOL! I do think you can do it!! If you do, be prepared to be smitten. Thank you, as always, for your sweet friendship! :)

    Craig ~ The numbers don't matter as much as the counting...enjoy the journey! Thank you for stopping by. :)

    Many blessings,

  14. Love your thankfulness post, as always. I'm thankful for the beauty of snow in creation that wasn't on the road while driving to WA to visit my sister on Sat. It was so chilly but roads were dry and the beautiful winter wonderland was just breathtaking in places. I drove and so I couldn't take photos, except in my mind! Grateful for safety and a fun time with my sister, celebrating our birthdays. Have a great week in the Lord, my dear.

  15. Camille,
    Love all the pictures of your daily life. And that cheesecake looks so delicious! Why do you have to live so far away? It is always a blessing to read your thanks to the Lord.

  16. Dear Becky ~ Happy belated birthday! I'm so glad you had that special time with your wonderful! What a blessing that the roads were safe to travel too. :)

    Dear Jackie ~ It would be lovely if you lived closer...thank you for always being such a sweet are a blessing to me. :)

    Many blessings,

  17. Great post!! That cheesecake looks so delicious! :-)

    Have a wonderful evening!


  18. Camille, As always a beautiful list and winsome encouragement to keep counting!

    I just loved the one's about your children playing piano. It took me back to so many wonderful memories from my childhood. (I took lessons for 11 years.) There is something so soothing about playing, metronome added and all!

  19. Love cheesecake and the sounds of music being practiced in the background. Your blog is a peaceful resting spot - congrats :)

  20. What a beautiful life God has given you, thanks for the reminder to see the small things God is doing in our lives:)

  21. What precious, sweet pictures of everyday life in your home. I love it!

  22. Dear Jill ~ Thank you for your sweet encouragement! Have a lovely evening too! :)

    Dear Heather @ Cultivated Lives ~ Thank you for encouraging me to keep on going! Oh the piano!! I is a soothing thing to do...I remember the days. Eleven years? You must play beautifully. :)

    Dear Noel ~ Welcome! It's lovely that you stopped by...thank you for your kind words. :)

    Dear Toyin ~ How blessed we are to belong to HIM! Everything is a gift from HIS hands. Thank you for visiting with me. :)

    Dear Jackie ~ Thank you my friend! Ah, yes...the everyday...isn't that where most treasures are found? :)

    Many blessings,

  23. Oh this is just sweet! Zoe does #1223 too! #1228 made me giggle and cheesecake is my all time favorite dessert! Your thanks alone makes me glad to know you. To God be all the glory for these blessings! And to you, love from Texas!

  24. Dear Tami ~ You are a sweet, encouraging friend...thank YOU! When is it that you are coming by for cheesecake? I'm looking forward to it. :)

    With Love,


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