
February 17, 2011

What to Do When Life Hurts

Does life sometimes seem thorny?
A little like this tree?

But, if you look closely, you will see a little bird
sitting in her nest ~ safe among the thorns.

Perhaps that is how it is for us?
When life seems to be at its *worst*,
could it be that it is then that we learn
how protected and loved we really are?

Our times are in HIS hands.
HE does all things for our good and HIS glory.
We are sheltered and safe under HIS wings.  In HIS shadow.
We have nothing to fear.

Do we REALLY believe this?
Is it only true when all is going well?
No sickness.  No sorrow.  No trials.

Is our foundation shaken when things don’t go well?
When there is sickness, sorrow and suffering?  Thorns?

Fear and worry choke out joy ~ rob us of our peace.
How precious God’s Word is.
That is where we find TRUTH.

Not in our feelings.
Not in our experiences.  In HIM.
That is where truth and trust and life are found.
Only in HIM.

I must fortify myself in HIS truth.
In HIM I rest.  In HIM I trust.
This HE calls me to.  This HE enables me to do.
By HIS grace alone.

All is to be found in HIM.

If this is not your testimony,
I implore you to run to the Saviour today.
HE is the only One Who is able to set your heart right.
HE is the only Way.

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
~ John 14:6 ~

In the same book of the Bible,
the Lord Jesus also spoke the following words ~
"All that the Father giveth me shall come to me;
and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."
~ John 6:37 ~

Feel free to email me if you wish to discuss these things further,
or if you would like us to pray for you.
The LORD is good and gracious.  HE does all things well.
Yes, even when life hurts!

May all of you, kind friends,
know the peace that passes all understanding
as you put your faith in the only ONE worthy of it ~
The LORD Jesus Christ.

In His Love,


  1. Beautiful post Camille. How true that we do not understand God's plan for us sometimes but in time all will be revealed. We can hold onto His promises. Bless you. Pippa

  2. "I am the way, the truth, and the life:" ~I love those words~

    His words are so healing, freeing and wonderful!! Thank you for sharing~


  3. Hi Camille, So true... My dad and I remind each other of this all the time...and truth is found in HIM and our identities are found in HIM :) :) My father and I are both unemployed, so it's been a real season of trusting God. We do that anyway...but I'll tell you what, inspite of current circumstances, we are very joyful :) :) God continues to provide for us, encourage us etc. Spending daily time in His Word is crucial, too :) :) Anyways, I really liked your post ) :) :) Extra love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  4. Dear Pippa ~ Welcome! :) Isn't it an amazing thing to contemplate the Sovereignty of our Great God? What a wonderful thing to REST in HIM!

    Dear Cinnamon ~ God's Word truly is a comfort to our souls isn't it? May HE give you extra grace at this time my friend. :)

    Dear Heather in Oregon ~ What a lovely testimony of the goodness of the LORD in your life! How precious HE is!! Hang onto HIM at this time of wonderful that HE is providing for your every need. :)

    Many blessings,

  5. Oh, I love this. What a beautiful analogy, Camille. I think I'm going to send this to a friend.

    BTW, do you really have leaves already or are these older photos?

  6. Dear Heather in Canada ~ Thank you for your encouraging words...what a blessing it is to know the LORD is in complete control, isn't it? And no, we haven't quite got spring here yet...although it is trying to break through...I think I saw the beginnings of buds on a flowering plum tree just the other day!! The photos in this post were taken on a trip to California last May. :)

    In His Love,

  7. I will hold the picture of the nest in the thorns in my heart throughout this day. This was JUST the "Word" that I needed today.

  8. I enjoyed reading your devotional thoughs. And, the pictures about "Throny" go so well with it.

    I am always reminded that GOd is in complete control. Such a wonderful thing!

    Thanks for letting me peak in to your day.

  9. Dear Rebecca ~ I am glad it ministered to your heart! How precious the LORD is and HIS Word! Many blessings to you this day. :)

    Dear Carmen ~ Oh what a wonderful Truth it is...the Sovereignty of God and HIS care over us. Such a blessing! Thank you for visiting. :)

    Many blessings,

  10. Camille,
    "I must fortify myself in His truth." I love those words!! As we have a sickness spreading through the house, I keep reminding myself of His truths and I keep praying so that I won't grow weary OR be unkind or impatient. The house may look like a tornado wrecked it, but I'd love for my heart to be quiet before Him, worshipping in the midst of it all. God's grace is sufficient! Love and hugs to you!!

  11. Dear Trisha ~ I am praying for you this day! What a blessing to continue to keep the LORD first in our thoughts at such times...hang in there! HE is with you through it all.

    In His Love,

  12. Wonderful post, Camille! It is so true that we need to lean on God and not lose sight of Him during the good times. We need to always practice our trust in Him so that when trials come we won't slip into fear and anxiety so easily.

  13. So true, Camille! Even though I can say without a doubt that my foundation has not been shaken, there have been several things set out lately to cause me to waiver a bit in my faith, believe false emotions and FEAR.

    It's always a good thing to remember that God has our best interest at heart, always. We are made to glorify all things. If I'd just not lose that focus when things go awry. Thank you for the reminder, friend!

    Love to you from TX!

  14. Dear Jenn ~ Thank you for your kind words! Oh yes...we need to lean on the LORD always...even in the *good* times...maybe especially then. :)

    Dear Tami ~ So sorry you have been facing some challenges lately...I will pray for you tonight. HE is ever faithful and does all things well...might we never lose sight of that Truth! Hugs back to you! :)

    Many blessings to you both!
    In His Love,

  15. Camille,

    Thanks for this post. This part encouraged my heart tonight "When life seems to be at its *worst*,
    could it be that it is then that we learn how protected and loved we really are?" SO TRUE, and such a reassurance. We can live at peace amidst much trial:)
    Life is not at its worst for me at the moment, but weighing on my mind tonight is the fact that I have to get up in the morning and take our school work out of the home for 2 weeks. We are helping with schooling for the children of missionary candidates while they are here getting training at the home office. Abby will do her school work at the mission while I also teach a 7-year-old boy. It's a privilege, but also a sacrifice. Pray that I can focus on the things to be thankful for and that I'll be a blessing.

    I hope you're feeling better now, and I hope Emma's doing okay as well. Spring is coming soon! It has been in the 70's today here.

    With His care,

  16. Hi Camille
    What a beautiful post - a wonderful message that I really needed to hear today!
    Thank you

  17. Dear Teresa ~ What a blessing you will be to that family as you help them over the next two weeks! I can testify to the fact that the LORD's Grace will be there exactly when you need it...NOT for the *worry* of what lies ahead. How wonderful it is to rest in HIM and just take things moment by moment. HE is faithful! I will pray for you tonight. Thank you for asking after Emma and me...we are both doing well. What a blessing our health is! :)

    Dear Renata ~ I'm so glad it was an encouragement to you! How precious God's Word is! Might we always fortify ourselves in it and hide it in our hearts. :)

    Many blessings to you both!
    In Him,

  18. What a beautiful reminder of His faithfulness and protection in the midst of life's thorns.

    p.s. I left an award for you:

  19. Dear Heather@Cultivated Lives ~ How wonderful our Precious Saviour IS!! Thank you so much for your sweet is a blessing. :)

    Many blessings,

  20. Amen.

    May God help me today to be fortified in HIS truth!

    As I meditate upon His Word all day, as I grow in the discipline of memorizing the Scriptures, I see more clearly how it is HIS truth the only anchor that can hold my life in the midst of all the storms; it is HIS Word alone that can fortify my soul whenever I feel weary.

    Have a most blessed day,

  21. Dear Becky ~ Welcome! It's lovely to *meet* you! Thank you for taking the time to visit here. :) Oh how WONDERFUL God's Word is!! How would we survive without it?? It's encouraging to read about your love for our Precious Saviour and HIS precious Word! :)

    Many blessings,


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