
April 10, 2011

And Life Speeds Along...

Numbering the thanks.

And Life Speeds Along...

We do not control how much time we have.
We are not in control of our destiny.

We rest in HIM.
And serve HIM.
And follow HIM.

Through the *everyday*.
Through the *extra-ordinary*.
Through the sorrows and the joys.

Numbering is my way of
documenting the gifts HE gives.

Day in.
Day out.

Joy comes when we obey.

"In every thing give thanks:
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus
concerning you."
~ I Thessalonians 5:18 ~

The numbering continues from
the last installment...

1292. "Little Pilgrim's Progress" to
read and read and read again.

1293. When they ask ~
"Please, just one more chapter!"

1294. Progress on the neighbour's renovation ~
knowing what a blessing those things are!

1295. Quick afternoon date with Howie ~
Planning the calendar together...what a blessing!

1296. Compliant nature of a child ~
God's provision

1297. "Morning and Evening"
March 3rd reading in the morning...
at just the *right* time!

1298. A note in the mail from Emma to me ~

1299. The dishwasher has recovered! :)

1300. When the youngest uses words such as
*collapsing* and *suspected* in context...too funny!
I am standing here chuckling to myself.

1301. Hearing the first of the spring song birds...
what a lovely sound!

1302. A little warmth in the wind

1303. Dinner out ~ A Treat!

1304. Bike ride with the family ~
the first of the season!

1305. Flat on my bike repaired by my Sweetie...
thank you Howie! :)

1306. Uno with the two youngest

1307. Overnight adventure for the two oldest

1308. *FREE* desk for Emma found
at the side of the road at just the right moment.
(Solid pine ~ and it appears to have been made
by the same people that made our boys' desks...
WONDERFUL provision!)

1309. Shopping for groceries
and finding many of the things on my list
*happen* to be on sale!
I do not believe in *chance*...
this is the Loving Hand of our Heavenly Father!

1310. Reading more "Little Pilgrim's Progress"
and it blessing me over again!

1311. Hand-me-downs from a niece to me!
A new to me spring jacket! :)

1312. Renewed energy

1313. Another portfolio visit completed

1314. The sounds of geese honking
as they return home from their winter away.

1315. My MASSIVE (16 Quart) pot in which
I can cook quadruple the amount of
a recipe in order to have leftovers! :)

1316. Leftovers

1317. Birthday Balloons...a tradition

1318. A little girl that *dresses up*...

...Just look at those shoes and the BLACK tights! LOL!

1319. Creative pursuits of the children ~
this is a board game that was thought up by Austin...
it's fun to play! :)

1320. Quiet moments of drawing to enjoy

It's easy to count.
It begins with noticing the *little* things.
Noticing the moments.
Entering into them and writing them down.
It's as simple as that.

My journal sits on my counter.
I list as events unfold.
Sometimes many all at once,
and other times in a trickle.

Would you like to begin?
Just grab a pen and a journal,
set them out on the counter,
and list out your blessings.
Find the joy in the moments ~
As they arrive.

Enjoy the journey!

Many Blessings,


  1. Love the board game and drawings your boys did. Very clever!

  2. Lovely list today, Camille. I also love the black tights with white shoes. Oh, if you could see my Emily right now! It won't last long though... she'll change a few more times today, LOL!

    I'm enjoying birdsong too!
    I need to get a bigger cooking pot--thanks ;)

    Have a wonderful day!
    Love, Heather

  3. Once again, a wonderful list!

    I too love those words, "Just one more chapter!"

  4. Camille:

    Your beautiful package arrived from its long journey today!! Thank you - thank you so very much!
    I cannot wait to begin reading the book you sent, TRUSTING GOD by Jerry Bridges, as God has brought me to a new level of trusting Him like never before and I know there are still deeper levels of trust that will keep being offered!

    Thank you for the baby book for my new grandaughter too! I'm going to read it to myself before I pass it on to Jossara because God speaks volumes to me through children's books, especially when it comes by way of surprise!!

    You have been such a faithful and praying blogger friend - all because we share the love of Jesus Christ! Thanks again for all the goodies - can't wait to sit down with that special tea after lunch!

    Choosing JOY in this season,

  5. Wonderful blessings Camille. Your children are very talented artists!
    We are also enjoying those books that you blessed our family with. Jacob always requests an extra chapter too!
    Have a lovely day my friend & God Bless!


  6. Oh, I just loved this post. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Dear Julia ~ Thank you so much! We enjoy seeing what they come up with. All praise must go to the LORD for HIS gifts...the children know that any ability they may have comes from HIS Loving hand. May we all use what HE gives for HIS glory alone. :)

    Dear Becky ~ Yes, the LORD indeed is the ONE from Whom all blessings flow! May HE bless you today! :)

    Dear Heather ~ Oh must get a BIG pot!! Makes cooking for the family so much more efficient. different girls are from the boys...they never changed this much!! LOL! :)

    Dear Lisa ~ Thank you for your sweet encouragement. Oh yes...wonderful words, aren't they? :)

    Dear Stephanie ~ I'm so pleased you got it so quickly! May the LORD bless the book to your heart and use it to be an encouragement to you. It's a blessing to know you...and yes, it's the LORD that unites us in HIM! How wonderful! :)

    Dear Nadine ~ Thank you my friend! May the LORD use all we have for HIS glory. And...I am so glad you are enjoying the books too! How wonderfully encouraging they are. :)

    Dear Connie ~ Thank you for your sweet encouragement! May the LORD bless you this week. :)

    Many blessings to you each one!
    In His Love,

  8. Hello Camille~ I love all those pencils scattered all over. Thriving artists must live there :-)

    I really like your idea of journaling and having your notebook on the counter. I am thinking of doing that when John gets home so I can remember his homecoming with lots of detail:-)

    Love the black tights!


  9. Between the black tights/white sandals and how you spell "neighbour," I love your whole list! Time is sneaking by me's been good to stop by here again, friend! Much love to you in Canada and may God continue to drop the prices at the grocery store for you! What a TREAT!

    Much love,

  10. Dear Cinnamon ~ What a wonderful idea to have a special *welcome home* journal for your husband's home-coming! It's not too long now!! Hang in there my friend. :)

    Dear Tami ~ LOL! I was taught well the Canadian (which actually is the British) spelling of words such as neighbour. I know it must seem odd to see our spellings in my posts...but I cannot bring myself to change. How much you have on your plate lately! Don't worry about visiting and commenting...I understand! :) (Having said that...I do *love* to hear from you)!

    Blessings to you both!
    In His Love,

  11. Dear Jill ~ Thank you! Have a wonderful week! :)

    Many blessings to you!

  12. How fun for your son to be able to drive! I have a son in the same position. We always have a volunteer to drive us anywhere we need to go.
    Your son seems so nice and I am happy for him.
    God bless you friend,

  13. Dear Donna ~ So lovely to hear from you! How exciting this is for our quickly they grow up! Enjoy your chauffeur! :)

    Many blessings,

  14. I love reading these gratitude lists of my online friends. Not only recognizing more and more of the small blessings in my own life, but seeing a glimpse into the author's life as well.

    Awesome panning photo. Very well done!

  15. Welcome Jess! Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement! I enjoy reading gratitude lists as well...there's something special about getting a glimpse into another's heart. The LORD is so good to us, isn't HE? :)

    Many blessings,


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