
September 24, 2011

All That's Required

Sometimes the *extras*
must be abandoned.
Just the *basics*
can be managed.

And that is okay.

How we need wisdom to know
what those *basics* really are!

We all, on occasion,
need to take a step back.
Assess what it is we are doing.

Ask our husband.
Ask our children.
Ask a trusted friend.

Most importantly...
Ask the LORD.

What does HE require of us?
So often I have found it is
not the same as what
I have required of me!

Maybe it's time to
let those *extra* things GO!

How Gracious and Loving and Kind
our Precious Saviour is!

HE is to be praised!
To be glorified.
To be honoured.
To be followed.

Try to get a time alone.
In the quiet.
Early in the morning is best.
Night-time will work too.

When the house is silent.
When the children sleep.

"Be still, and know that I am God..."
~ Psalm 46:10 ~

Ask Him.

It might help to have pen and paper handy.
Jot down things that you believe
MUST be accomplished on a daily basis.

Pray over that list.

Who is requiring
these things of you?

Is it a command from
HIS Word?

If so, obey.

If not, take stock.

Prayerfully consider what
is best for your family at this time.

"If any of you lack wisdom,
let him ask of God,
that giveth to all men liberally,
and upbraideth not;
and it shall be given him."
~ James 1:5 ~

Last year's model may not be a fit.
It may be time to...


And really Live!

All for HIM!
And for HIS Glory!

"And whatsoever ye do in word or deed,
do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God and the Father by him."
~ Colossians 3:17 ~

May the LORD bless you
as you seek to follow HIM
with all your heart.

In HIS Love,

**All photos in this post
courtesy of Calvin ~ Thanks so much! xo


  1. Oh Camille...this post was so beautiful...actually brought peace to my spirit just reading it.

    You are absolutely right...and the Lord's Day is a really great day to read this....resting in Him


  2. This is wonderful advice. I like the idea of a list and of asking someone to help you see clearly. (my husband is my filter) There are many "good" things to be done in any given day but we need the Lords direction in knowing how to best spend the time he has given us.

  3. Beautiful pictures--and thoughts. Praying over my "to-be-accomplished list" would probably reveal more of my own purposes than the Lord's for me. I needed this reminder to return to the basics of His requirements of me.

  4. Wonderful post Camille. I too have been asking myself some of these same questions…that is why I have blogged so sporadically lately. Trying to make sure my first love is truly first! Great words of wisdom my friend.

  5. oh yes! Your post has me on my knees Camille...this is exactly what the Lord keeps whispering to me. Life gets so busy..sometimes we "miss" just being still and knowing God.

    love you,

    PS. Fab pics, Calvin :-) Isn't the Lord God, our creator AMAZING!

  6. Camille, I think this is my favourite post of yours. It's so comforting to read--and freeing! Oh to DO this more than just read and agree with it! I've asked the Lord this very question and sometimes don't always obey the answer, only to find myself in a muddle.
    I think the wonderful photos contribute to the "feel" as well :)
    Beautiful, Calvin!

  7. Wise words, friend! And oh how easily it is to weigh the important things if we really do that...if we truly ask God to guide that "to do" list! YES! Release and really live for the Lord! Good words to ponder a while longer...

    Love from NM -

  8. Dear Connie ~ How wonderful to think that this was a blessing to your heart. How Good our Wonderful LORD is to us, don't you think? :)

    Dear Maryann ~ Thank you for your sweet encouragement! What a blessing that you have your husband to *filter* things for you! :)

    Dear Lisa ~ Sometimes it's so difficult to do, isn't it? May the LORD help us all to really get back to the basics and serve HIM in all of life. How gracious and loving HE is to us! :)

    Dear Jackie ~ Such sweet words of encouragement my friend! Thank you. May the LORD help us all to keep things in their proper place...what a blessing it is to read that HE is teaching you some of the same things that HE is teaching me. :)

    Dear Julia ~ Thank you for encouraging Calvin in his photography....he enjoys taking photos...all the time! And yes, God's creation IS amazing!! May HE give you daily all you need as you seek to follow Him my friend. :)

    Dear Heather ~ What a sweet encouraging friend you are...thank you! May the LORD be glorified in all we do!! And yes, may we all DO these HIS grace!! Let's keep pointing one another to HIM. :)

    Dear Tami ~ Thank you my friend. Yes, indeed...we so need the LORD and HIS grace day by day. :)

    Blessings to you each one!
    In HIS Love,

  9. How I have missed you, friend! I have been trying to let go of "extras" which has taken me away from my computer a lot more. Thank you for this beautiful post! I'd love to catch up sometime! I think of you often!

  10. Dear Terri ~ I have been thinking of you too! I am so glad the LORD is leading you to let go of the *extras* too my is such a blessing to do just that! May HE give us all wisdom to know how to implement these things for HIS glory. :)

    Much Love,


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