
September 19, 2011

Until Next Year....

Summer fades.
Autumn arrives.

Seeking to treasure up
the beauties of the season
just past.

1485. Fresh blueberries to freeze.

1486. Crisp watermelon to enjoy ~
And the satisfying crunch as it splits open

1487. Full moon and the wonder of its beauty
(can a photo really capture it?)

1488. The crock pot to cook
for me outdoors on a hot day

1489. A boy who remembers and sheds the
socks before entering the house ~
filthy from outdoor work

1490. Backyard Badminton

1491. That the grass grows back ~ smile!

1492. Little local pool and watching the kids
jump in and jump in...

...and jump in again!

1493. Hot Dog cookout on the beach

1494. Saying *Yes* to Emma
(who will soon grow out of these requests)
and allowing her to bring her stroller to
the grocery store

1495. A generous cousin who loaned
her American girl doll to Emma...
complete with outfits galore! :)

1496. That the wheels can be cleaned ~
Almost as good as new

1497. More memories made

1498. The way that Emma talks to *the girls* ~
her doll and her cousin's

1499. Boys who climb trees and
a Daddy who goes with them!
(This photo is from last Summer ~
the scene this year was similar.
The little white dot at the top is Austin!)

1500. One of this Summer's last loads of
sheets drying on the line ~
I *love* this view!! :)

Welcoming Autumn...
saying goodbye to Summer.
Until next year....

"To everything there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under
the heaven..."
~ Ecclesiastes 3:1 ~

May each of you, kind friends,
celebrate the season the LORD has you in!

Many blessings,


  1. Woohoo....1500!!! Beautiful memories of a lovely summer, Camille. To God be the glory. Love you!

  2. That watermelon actually made my mouth water just looking at it! Your backyard looks like a great place to hang out and I love the view of the sheets on the line too. How special that Emma took her dolls to the grocery store and how wonderful that you said, yes! Fleeting moments for sure. Goodbye, summer. Wish we didn't have to say that but Fall is glorious in Canada, isn't it?
    Love, Heather
    p.s. waiting to post those two thanks before 1000 till next time, lol! you noticed ;)

  3. Wonderful summer blessings! The dirty socks look familiar...Jacob is always running outside in his socks! ;)

    It looks like we will be having some summer-like weather this week...enjoy!


  4. You have blueberries and we have mulberries which explains why I have children with purple faces running around! Have just made jam with them but I am really looking forward to the blueberries - we just planted a little patch. I also have 'sock shedders' and tree climbing children and I'm looking forward to the pool this summer. Already the children have been in our pool and spring has only just arrived! I hope you have a very blessed autumn Camille!

  5. Dear Trisha ~ Yes, God be the Glory!! Thank you for taking note of the details my friend. :)

    Dear Connie ~ Thank you so much for your kind encouragement. :)

    Dear Heather ~ I will look forward to reading those next two items on your thankful list my friend! :) Thank you for noticing all the details of mine...I appreciate you.

    Dear Nadine ~ Sadly, those socks were inside shoes and they still got that dirty!! LOL! Really, more summer weather?? Sounds good. Enjoy it too!! :)

    Dear Ann ~ It's interesting to think of you just beginning your Spring while we leave Summer behind! Enjoy your warm weather as it comes my friend. :)

    Many blessings,

  6. fun to hear the treasures of your summer...and the pictures too...God is so good!

  7. What a lovely list of God's blessings! Have missed perusing around the bloggy world and I see I've missed out on some wonderful encouragement from my friend in Canada. Welcome Autumn...I LOVE the change of seasons...always a beautiful reminder of God's abundant and never-ending provisions in every season. And that tree-climbin' photo takes my breath away! Love to you!

  8. Nooo! I'm not ready for autumn yet. Feels like we just started summer, LOL. Nights are getting cooler though....

  9. Loving the cooler weather and the toasty oven cooking instead of the crock pot. It's all so homey and cozy :-)

    Those blueberries and melon look delicious! I will miss those~


  10. We have a huge white pine tree and our son loved to climb it to the top and finally I got him to stop going quite so far up. Thanks for the memories and we are enjoying our grass we planted a couple months ago finally coming up now almost full force now that the weather is cooler. Not enough to use the lawn mower yet~ha!

  11. You say good-bye....and i get to say HELLO..thank you for kindly sharing summer with us on the other side of the world!

  12. ...oh...I meant to say..I love all your photos, Camille...and I love your list...1500 thankful things...what a blessing! I'm going to start doing that :-)

  13. Sweet memories. I hope your Autumn will be full of sweet memories also.

  14. Love all these summer blessings! The socks...boy! My boys often forget to take theirs off, but I'm so glad they are here to traipse through my house even with dirty socks!

  15. Dear Charis ~ Thank you! Yes, indeed...the LORD is SO Good!! :)

    Dear Tami ~ Oh how Wonderful our Great God is! I *love* the seasons as well. :)

    Dear Jackie ~ I hear you my friend!! I agree...didn't Summer just arrive??!! :)

    Dear Cinnamon ~ I like homey cooking indoors and the candles lit at night too...the seasons are a blessing, don't you think? :)

    Dear Becky ~ How lovely that you have a fresh crop of grass growing in this cooler weather...wonderful! And, yes, a little lower in the tree would be good...I agree! :)

    Dear Julia ~ Yes, you get to welcome Summer as we say *goodbye* to enjoy some sun for me! :) How quickly the *thankful list* grows...I'd enjoy reading yours. Are you going to post it? :)

    Dear Patty ~ Thank you so much my friend! May the LORD bless you this Fall too. :)

    Dear Jenn ~ Thank you for your dose of reality...wonderful! Yes, it is a blessing to have a house-full of young men...might we always embrace these days...dirty socks and all! :)

    Many blessings to you each one!
    In HIS Love,

  16. What wonderful memories. My girl's like to take their American Girls everywhere too. I treasure all these moments, they seem to go so quickly.
    Have a wonderful weekend!


  17. Dear Jill ~ Yes, they surely do grow quickly...too quickly for my liking!!! Have a happy weekend too! Enjoy these fleeting days!! :)

    Many blessings,

  18. Camille.. what a great post.. we are still in summer here in fla..having been here all my life, it is all i know.the one year we lived in Ga was the first real time I ever saw Fall..and I loved it....and i miss it already..
    well it is all a season on time. I know we will find things we love in each season..
    great pictures..great thoughts..
    great post.. xoxoxo

  19. Dear Karen ~ How fun it is to think of you living in Florida and having Summer *year-round*! We have only been to your part of the world will be four years ago this coming was LOVELY!! :)

    Many blessings to you!

  20. Oh I have missed you!

    Your blessings are a blessing to me!

    Those blueberries and the watermelon look scrumptious! I am sure they tasted even better than they looked!

    Ok, your boy in the tree...that could be my son. When he is high...I pray. They would have a ball looking and climbing trees together! The joys and prayers for our sons!!!

    Little things like yo letting your daughter take her baby and stroller to the store probably blesses and excites her more than you realize!

    I love badminton! We should meet one day and husband is pretty try...

    Enjoy the season of Autumn our Lord is bringing your way. May you see much in Him and grow much in this season in your walk with the Lord!

    Again...I have missed you and am glad to be back...


  21. Dear Christine ~ I have missed you too my friend!! :) Let's get together and have a badminton tourney...that would be fun. How wonderful that you let your boys climb trees...they will remember that about their Mama. It's a blessing to have you back...

    Have a wonderful LORD's Day!

    In HIS Love,


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