
November 27, 2011

Does the Wind Blow Fierce?

Life throws you a curve ball.

God is Good.
All the time.

In the midst of life's trials
and struggles and difficulties

There is Hope.
There is Peace.
There is Comfort.

And it is all found in
the LORD Jesus Christ.

"...My grace is sufficient for thee:
for my strength is made perfect in weakness.
Most gladly therefore will I rather
glory in my infirmities,
that the power of Christ
may rest upon me."
~ II Corinthians 12:9 ~

Even when we feel like this little leaf...
Just hanging on while the winds blow fierce ~
HE holds us!

What a thought!

We are not actually in control of

Are the winds blowing furiously
in your neck of the woods?

Are you facing something
that seems to be insurmountable?

Be assured of this my friend ~
We do not hold on to the LORD.
If we belong to HIM...


Doesn't that just make things
seem a little bit brighter??

"Behold, I have refined thee,
but not with silver;
I have chosen thee in the
furnace of affliction."
~ Isaiah 48:10 ~

May HE help us all to
fix our eyes on HIM.

And to know beyond a
shadow of a doubt that
All is Well.

Many Blessings,


  1. We really aren't in control, are we?! I think we often forget that (at least I do!)

    This was encouraging today, thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  2. Praying for you, my friend! {{{{hugs}}}} I know He is the same, storm or no, but just so you know, I'm here praying. : )

  3. Good thoughts to share. We talked about that today at church. God makes us humble sometimes so we can rely on him. He takes us through times where we struggle. Scripture was Deuteronomy 8. A lesson God taught the Israelites through Moses' dissertation, as Pastor Lyle called it. He gave them food and didn't let their clothes wear out nor their feet swell. When we prosper, we need to remember who gave us the ability to was God. Have a good week and thanks for stopping by my blog!

  4. Such timely reminders. He is holding tight, we can rest in him. Praying for you and your family

  5. That He hold us, that it is He holding us (not us holding Him), is what makes our journey safe through trials until we get to Heaven.

    Blessings to your home this Advent season, Camille!

  6. Dear Lisa ~ How wonderful the thought! The LORD is in complete and Sovereign control of ALL things!! How blessed we are! :)

    Dear Susan ~ You are a sweet and encouraging friend! Thank you so much for means a lot to me!! :)

    Dear Grandma Becky ~ How true it is! God is the ONE Who does it all and is so gracious to WONDERFUL! :)

    Dear Maryann ~ Thank you my friend! What a blessing to know that it is HIS hold on us and not ours on Him! :)

    Dear Becky ~ Yes! HIS hold on me is MUCH more comforting a thought than my hold on Him! May the LORD bless you and your family this Advent Season too! :)

    Many blessings,

  7. Amen and amen, Camille! I'm praying for you!

  8. Your post brings to mind Psalm 91, where the psalmist talks of God being our refuge and fortress. He is our protection!

  9. So wonderful to be reminded of! Thank you, dear friend.

  10. Great post Camille! Thank you!

    Thank you also for your kind and helpful words on my blog. I am very interested in natural remedies so I will be looking back over your posts you suggested.

    Have a wonderful week!!


  11. Dear Trisha ~ How lovely the thought! Thank you my sweet friend! :)

    Dear Jenn ~ We LOVE that Psalm!! How wonderful that the LORD is indeed our Refuge! :)

    Dear Jennifer ~ Yes, indeed...we all need that reminder! :)

    Dear Jill ~ I'm glad it was of help to you. I trust that you will get relief from your troubles soon! :)

    Many Blessings,

  12. I am SO thankful I am not in control, aren't you Camille?!? I surly would mess things up with my plans!

    God is ever so gracious to hold us, to love us in our worst and weak moments, to forgive us with those sinful thoughts...

    yet grow us in Him...refining us to be more like Christ.

    God is ever so AWESOME!!!

    Praying for your trial...


  13. Wonderful post Camille! A reminder I needed. When going through trials I often think "I need to cling to Him" never realizing that HE is clinging to me. Wow, thanks so much for sharing that Camille :)

    Love you!

  14. Dear Christine ~ How LOVELY that you stopped by! I know how busy life can get and I am thankful for your continued friendship! Thank you so much for praying for me....the LORD is ALWAYS Good! :)

    Dear Sharon ~ SO good to hear from you my friend! How WONDERFUL our Great Great God truly is! HE holds us!! :)

    Many blessings to you both!
    With Love,

  15. Camille, I read this two nights ago on my iPhone as I lay in bed with the whole family - and the wind WAS blowing fierce out here in NM! A reported 77mph where we live! And yes, I must admit I was nervous as could be. And I thought it such a sweet timing from the Lord to prompt me to visit your blog and get to read this comfort. My thumbs could not have kept up with my thoughts to share with you, but wanted you to know that the Lord blessed me through you with this very post when the winds were literally at that very moment the most fierce I had ever experienced.

    Love you!

  16. Dear Tami ~

    I'm so encouraged that YOU were encouraged! :) How Wonderful our Great God is!!

    Love to you!


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